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I1GLBZ <br />1 <br />D <br />1 <br />c onfi rmed. <br />The Court further finds ftom the proof on file in this cause that due and legal notice by <br />publication as by law and the orders of this Court required has been given; to all persons having <br />claims against said estate,pf the time witriinand place where said claims should'be filed and <br />4 <br />that said time has fully expired,and that all claims filed against said estate, indluding the <br />costs of administration,have been fully paid,and that all other claims or debts,if any exist,, <br />are forever barred and precluded.. <br />The Court further finds that said Thomas B.Robb died testate at his home in Appanoose County, <br />Iowa,on September 25,,1918, and while a resident of said county,leaving a last will and testament <br />which will wa.s,on or about the 12th day of October,1,918, duly filed in the District Court, of <br />Appanoose County, I- owa,said Court having jurisdiction of said estate and matter,und that said wil. <br />was,on January 7,1919,under the decree and order of said District Court of Appanoose County, <br />Iowa,duly proven,allowed, and admitted to probate and recorded in said District Court,as the <br />last will and testament of said deceased,as by the laws of Iowa provided-That no Executor was <br />named or nominated in said will and that letters of administration with the will annexed were <br />duly issued to said Thomas A.Rcbb.That on Tune 21,1919,said Thomas A.Robb,Administrator with the <br />will annexed,filed in this Court a certified copy of said last will and testament of said Thomas <br />B. Robb, deceased, together with a copy of the due proof,allowance,and admission to probate thereof <br />in said District Court of Appanoose County,Iowa,all duly and legally authenticated under the <br />seal of said Court and duly attested by the presiding Judge thereof,all as by law required,and <br />with said certified will filed u petition praying that said will be allowed,admitted,and re- <br />cor&d,and probated in this Court as a foRkeign will,as by law in such cases provided.. <br />The Court further finds that due notice by publication for three weeks as by law and the <br />orders of this Court required was given to all persons interested in said estate of the time and <br />place for hearing upon said petition,and that the consent in writfng of all of the ^persons in- <br />terested in said estate was also filed herein asking that said will be admitted,and there being <br />no objections made thereto.,the said duly authenticated copy of said foreign will was by this <br />Court so duly admitted to probate,proven,and allowed in this Court on July 19,1919, by <br />Statute provided. <br />The Court further finds that said deceased died seized of and the owner in fee of the foll <br />ing described real estate situated in Hall County, Nebraska, upon which said will operated and <br />which was devised by said will,viz. , The East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Number <br />Eight (8),4nd the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Number Seventeen (17),all in <br />Township Nine (9),North Range Nine (9) Westin Hall County,Nebraska,and that under the provi- <br />sions of said will of said deceased, real estate was devised by the said Thomas B.Robb,de- <br />ceased,in the following shares to the following named devisees and legatees,viz.,, <br />To Hattie M.Robb,widow, a 2 /10"gart thereof,To Alice Proctor, daughter, a 2 /lepart thereof,To <br />Thomas A.Robb,a son, a 2 /18ths part thereof,To Joseph Theodore Robb,a. song: 2 /18thsp,,6rt thereof, <br />To Pearl Harrod,a. daughter,a 2 /18ths part thereof,To Ora Otis Robb, a soma 2 /18ths part thereof, <br />To Frank Robb, a son a 2 /18thspart thereof,To Effie Li.hrbagast,a daughter, a 1 /18ths part thereo�, <br />To Doane Robb,a grandson," 1 /18thspart thereof,To Harry Robb, a son, a 1 /18ths part thereof, To <br />William C.Bivin, a stepson a 1/18 the part thereof and that said real estate is so awarded unde3 <br />the provisions of said will to the said above named devisees in said shares. <br />The Court further finds that all of the said above named devisees and legatees named in the <br />will of said deceased, including the said Frank Robb,son of said deceased,are more than twenty <br />-one years of age. <br />The Court further finds that after the payment of all of the debts of said estate and the <br />costs of administration, there remained in the hands of the said Administrator. with the will <br />