<br />1
<br />1
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<br />49. 9 A
<br />vided, and that more than five years have elapsed since said deed was duly issued and recorded,
<br />and that no proceedings have been had or token by any of the said defendants, or anyone claim-
<br />ing any interest in.said premises, to redeem same therefrom, or to set aside, cancel, and annul
<br />same, or to recover said premises so conveyed thereunder, and that sums and the said deed is in
<br />full force and effect, and that none of said defendants or persons interested in said premises,
<br />or wny persons claiming any interest of uny kind in said real estate, or any part thereof,,were,'
<br />Lit the time said tax deed was executed, or now are, minors, insane persons;, or copvicts in the
<br />penitentiary, and that said tax deed and the proceedings which resulted therein are by the Court
<br />found in all things to be regular and as 'by law in such cases provided, and are duly affirmed
<br />and confirmed, and that said plaintiff, through mesne conveyances, has secured all interest of
<br />the said Arthur C.Ma.yer in 4nd to said premises and plaintiff is now the owner thereof and en-
<br />titled to a decrse in this Court quieting and affirming the title thereto as in said petition
<br />prayed.
<br />IT IS T11�'REFORF BY THE COURT COMIDETURD, AD.TUDGED, AND DECREED that the title: and possession
<br />of the swid plaintiff in said premises, to -wit, Lot Number 8, in is16ck 134, , of Union Pv*cific
<br />Railway Company's Second Addition to Grand Island, Nebraska, , be and hereby is quieted and con-
<br />firmed in said plaintiff, u.nd in his heirs and assigns forever, and the said defdndants and all.
<br />of them and all persons claiming under or through them, or any of them, and all persons claiming
<br />any interest of any kind in said real estate, or wny )skirt thereof, are hereby forever enjoined,
<br />4
<br />precluded, and estapped,, from asserting, claiming, or demanding any interest, right, title, elk
<br />or demand or estate in and to said real estate, or any part thereof, adverse to the title of p
<br />tiff, or from interrupting his use and enjoyment of same.
<br />That plaintiff pay the costs of this action, taxed in the sum of $
<br />Bayard H. Paine
<br />Judge.
<br />State of Nebraska.)
<br />) ss.
<br />County of Hall. )
<br />I. Walter H.Rauert Clerk of the District Court within and for said Coun
<br />and State, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the DECREE, in the case
<br />of Bert Phillips vs. .Emerit E. Baker, et cls rendered and filed by said Court of the 6th day of
<br />in
<br />January,,A.D.,1920, with the original filed in my office and that the same is a correct transcript
<br />thereof, and of the whole of said original.
<br />I:v TFSTIhT014Y.'W1IFRFOF, I have hereunto set my hand -nd caused to be affixed the official seal
<br />of said Court, at the City of Grand Island, this 8th day of Janu4ry,A.D.,J920
<br />( BRAT, )
<br />of the District Court.
<br />Filed for record this 8 day of January 1920, at 2:20 o'clock P -M.
<br />Register of Deeds
<br />- G- C- 0- 0- G- G- O- 0- G- 0- 0- Q- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- G- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- U- 0- 0- 0- Q- 0- U- U- 0- 0- 0- 0- G- 0- G- 0- 0- Q- C -C� -C-
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