<br />L
<br />In the matter of the estate of
<br />DECREE.
<br />Wallace Leslie Adams, }
<br />Deceased.. )
<br />Now, on t1lis 22nd day of December,1919, this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of
<br />Myrtle E.Cole, formerly Myrtle E- Adams, surviving mother and heir at law of said Wallace Leslie
<br />Adams, deceased, praying for a settlement of the estate of said deceased, a determination of his
<br />heirs, and the right of descent to his real estate, and the degree of kinship of said heiz'r'at law
<br />and it appearing from the proof on file herein that due and legal notice by publication for three
<br />successive weeks as b law and the orders of this Court required, has been given to all �
<br />y q g persons.I
<br />creditors, .heirs at law, and others interested in said estate, , of the filing of said petition, and
<br />the time and place fixed for the hearing thereon, which time was more than thirty days and less
<br />of
<br />than sixty days after the filing of said petition, and there being no objections thereto, said ca#,se
<br />was duly submitted to the Court upon said petition and the evidence in support thereof, and the
<br />Court, being fully advised in the premises, finds that the allegations contained in said petition
<br />are true, and that the said Wallace Leslie Adams died intestate at his home in Linwood ,Californi *,
<br />on the 24th day of June,1917, . and that at the time of � hi s death he was an infant aged six years,
<br />seven months, and ten days, and that at the time of his death he was a resident and inhabitant of
<br />Linwood,.in the state of California, and that he died seized of an estate of inheritance located
<br />the state of Nebraska, hereafter described, and that more than two years have elapsed since his
<br />death, and that no application has been made in the state of Nebraska, for the appointment of an
<br />administrator of his estate, and no petitionetherefor, and no administration has been had on his
<br />.n
<br />estate in the state of Nebraska.
<br />s!
<br />The Court further finds that Frank L.Adams, the father of said Wallace Leslie Adams, deceased,r.,:
<br />died prior to the dime of the death of the said Wallace Leslie Adams, and that said Wallace Lesli#
<br />Adams, deceased, left surviving him as his heir at law and his only heir at law, Myrtle B.Cole,
<br />formerly Myrtle E- Adams, his surviving mother, who resides at Linwood, in the state of California.
<br />and that she is still the owner of the Real Estate hereAnafter described and is a proper person l
<br />to maintain this proceeding
<br />The Court further finds that said deceased died seized as the owner in fee simple of an undivi ed
<br />one ,,4thi rd of all of Fractional Lot 8, in Block 13, in Rollins' Addition, and Fractional hot 8, in t
<br />Block 4., in Arnold & Abbott's Addition, all to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, excepting the
<br />westerly 13 feet 2 inches thereof, and an undivided one- th-41rd of Lots 3,4,5, and 8, in Block 14,
<br />in Rollins' Addition to the City of Grand Island, all of the above described real estate being ink;
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, subject, however, to a homestead estate therein of the said Myrtle B.Coleo,
<br />The Court further finds that no petition or application has been filed in the state of Nebrask�
<br />fI
<br />for the appointment of an administrator of the estate of said deceased, and that no administration;
<br />E
<br />has ever been had upon the estate of said Wallace Leslie Adams, deceased, in the state of Nebrask ,
<br />and that more than two years have passed since the death of the said Wallace Leslie Adams; that hi
<br />died intestate, was under the age of seven years at the time of his death; that his funeral expennes
<br />have been fully pai;d,, and that all debts of said deceased, and of his estate, if any such existed
<br />are forever oarred and precluded, and that the costs 4f these proceedings have been fully paid.
<br />IT IS THEREFORE ORrERFD,.ADJUDGFD, AND 1ZCREFD BY THE COURT that the said Wallace Leslie Adams
<br />died intestate at his home in Linwood, California, on the 24th day of June,1917, and more than
<br />two years prior to the filing of the petition in this cause; that no application for the appointmo
<br />of an administrator of his estate has ever been made in the state of Nebraska, nor has there been
<br />any administration upon his estate in the state of Nebraska; that he died seized as the owner in
<br />tnt
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