, �F�t�.A�.� ��� -. ,�.1..[ro 'L_ _�'�53:^_.s`"� �CS! _
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<br /> � A f .,j.,' ♦ � �L�-i:.�a - `.aJ�.L _ It Lt 4 . _'_-'__ _=> .i
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<br />-. . '�,...0 _`"- '.�,' ' ''>';` ':+. � �.._.G � z �� ¢. d� ��j+'�y s .s�s ��`f�.�a. i .�f,'�—�
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<br /> F . . . ::t:-.
<br />..H �e'e:. `, 't� .
<br />. `'�.�c�6*��'..!E' �f��V���
<br /> �F-.`.t;. • '4�`•`��, pdnc�t emaiutt of tfts Utdabtedness secuced by�t�ts Oesd of Trust.rto!indutlIng simta a6vanced ta.PtateatQ��,i��ihts Deed af `'�:��":
<br /> ... �; T[ust exoead Me arigfnal principai emaurtt stsied Rarein.or$�,.noa_oo .wh:chavat is gre�tes � ` ::�:
<br /> � ,<< ���c.� .�� 18.84Ia�eIIarteotta P�raavisloms. ;.•-
<br /> (a j 6 o�r�I a t E�a s�L E�s i on ot the ttmme tar p a y m a r n ar�nodflr�tton ot amot�zatlan ot ttr3 suc��saarerJ bY Ws F .�
<br /> k 3 Oeati at Truat grante�by L.ender to arry suocessor tn ini�rest of 6orrower stia!!not operata to�elease.tn a�m3�ner.tB�e Q�bID-
<br /> � n
<br /> .;":�`,� �►of the odglnal Borrovrer aM 8oiro�rar's svmessars in tnte�+est.Lendar shall not�a�quired to�cum.�P��Bg :
<br /> "'s�,��" � against s�suocessor or reAise to e�er�d Wne tar paym�eM or a�c�wise modfy amorti�ation of tt�suae+c�sBamed Oy tus _°._,
<br />` � , v. Oeed at T�ust by rea�n af sery demanda made by tha artginal Barrower and 8orrawefs suoaessots in I� `
<br /> , , S
<br /> '�.`�- ' :. < ''.:.- : (b)I�tl�'s�ua�s.WiGtaut sff�ing the Uab�7dy ot ang ottter p3r5on Uabie tar Me pA�ment o!a�y o�"ug^'�rn heretn rt�en- �
<br /> < • tionad�and V�out aftecUng tl►e Gen er cAarga of th�Oeed of Tnut uyon any paAicn o�the Property n�o thA�i or Ut2r8totot8
<br /> �. reteas¢d as securt'ty tor tho full amatud of eU unpatd aWi�tiOns,lende►may.i�m tUne to tlme ar�d�a� +(2�leas@ �
<br /> . �i ei►Y Oerson so liabte.(f�exiend th�matuti4�►or aiisr arry of ttia terms of any sw�obSigs6ane,(ii�Sra�t a�ra k!i��.(�r)
<br /> ,�..:�,; rsS�aase ar oonvey.or cause to be reteasa+i or�omfeysd at any tjme et t endePs optian an}►v��o�r 89�tt�
<br /> PraDerty.(v)ra€ae or retease any►oUteror add�ona!secun'tY or[econvayed at arry t6na at Lendefs op'���art Ot�ael,gor6on or .
<br /> ,- ��� ` all o!the Pr+oAerty.(w'j�s or reteasa enY otAer or addUonal seaa►ty tor arry obGgatIon he�etn me�tiote�d.as(�ma�Ce wmpo-
<br /> ` ' J sttions of other arrangemenfs vidb debtors tn relaSon thereto. .-
<br /> reto.
<br /> � �' (c)Fotbearattoa fsy L�der Pi�i e Weiver My farbeara�sco by Lender in exerds3n9{�y dght or re�dy�ha�uider.or oth� "',� '
<br /> < ���;��•`�.:?, enivise affarQed Dy appffcatils tar.w.sha!!not he a+uanres of ot predud3 f�s exerdse at ssy sudf rogM oa r�s",ms pratai� ,.�:.�
<br /> . man!otinsurar[ca m the paymern of taxqs or atl�er itens ur d�ges by�r shap not be a eraives or L�and2�'s�t�t�eocefer-
<br /> - '<'::. ° Y� �`, a�ffie ma�riry ot 1he indehtedness secwred bYtl�.s Oeed aiTn�st '` °�:�
<br /> , ,�... ;.�
<br /> . (�Sux�e��d Asstgns Bam�d�eM Sevace!LtetsIDty:��.The e�ranants and�tae7efi can- ,.::•r�:
<br />" ta3ned shaU 6htd.a�d ttte e�he�eunder s�S1 U�ure t0.the caspa��rs and assi�oi t��r:�tt1 Tn�stcr.M ... ,
<br /> � omrenanls and ag�eemec�ES ot Tcusaor shafl be joW and seve�al.The cap�s and hesd�ngs ot tts,s paQa��f ihLs Oeed of �;
<br /> - Trust ere for comreniance mnf�s�rcEara noi Lo 6e used to interyret or dei'ma tles provLsinns 4�e�oi. : �.::";-;
<br /> - • � (e)Reqt�3tYor KoticeS•'i�L t a N e s R e t e b y�equ e s l t h a ta capy o f a t t�r rt o ti c e o f d e T a n t t h e r e w�d e r a�a�y o f a t�y n o t G;e .;.;�:
<br /> ` .'��` �. .�� af sate hereunder be ma�ed tb eactt party to fhis Deed of Tnist ai tha�set totift a6ove in tha m�.^�tir pr�ed by
<br /> • ���f:� applicabia tativ.Exs�t for airy c�s�r notioe requUed under appllcab�e Iamr tn he ghren in another msinnsT.anY n7.�voe Dcavtdad tor Y'
<br /> � '.•'�.:.• f n t h i s�e e d o f T n t s t s h a D b e g i v e n b y m a i l i n g s u c h n o t t o e b y o e r ti Q e d rt m 1 a d d r e s s e d W Me ottr�r p�aisttta sddtess set ^'
<br /> ,• f�M above.Arry natiee provide�!tor in thi.s Ilead ot Trust.ha0 be efiective upon mai�51g in tlte mar�nar d�ttarein tf �`�.:
<br /> - °. .: _ - T tsmorathan�apessotr•n�aserd�theaddre��t�oRhaboveshaU�aott�a.tottllsr�hpet�7tn.::, �==�.
<br /> ,. ,�,,,.�...�,� �_.,�� �tns�.Lender may m�ke pr cause to be mad�e�enab'e erdrtes u�on and insqec�ons ef Bra Pe�d�.p�ded '�`�.'
<br />;.��.. � ; t�hyat}�Le..rEwde�r�s�h�ya11{�g�ive TruStct natice prtor to arry sach inspechos►�eatytn9 reasonabfe Causa theraior re',�8d 9�L�e's In�r- �==--
<br />. '. 1r ��,_ .-r./i..�• W{�1�410r�Y�101ay� �. :. �,�c(�
<br />` ` (��nveyanee.Upon payment of a11 sums secvred by titis'r�d Yn�s1.Lendei�ahaf!�qu�Tnaa�to recanv�y the `�
<br /> ,�:.:,;:`1�= Peoperty art�D shail sunender tfiis Oeed of Tast eied aft�.c�si��c+g indebteMess secured try tti��eed of Tntst tu �°•
<br /> .._ � � Tnistee.Trustee shaD tewmiey tha Propetty.witho�wart^�,�r,a�,*.�..,vs�1 d�arge to thb peraon Ie�j ec�fGi��[��sreta Trtisiar �=�:
<br /> ��'-,r:.• :,'�: shaD Pay aU o�ss cr recordatton,it any. . '• ` �"`T_'
<br /> sh —
<br /> . '�� ':" • (b�Persona!Property►;3eciuity Agreemen�As adrBE��seaac���r fha paymont of fhs NCte.Tn�as hereby grants -
<br /> . ;, .`� •...,; Lsn�ar underthe Nebraska UnKorm Commecrdsl Cadg aseau�yr�r�im eU 4lxmres.�a4ujPmeriL erzdatinsrpersonal Drapsrh► .�--�,
<br /> used in eonnection wdtl�the teai estate or imPiovemeMS tocated thacecn.�u!not othenvis8 dedered�dc�ed to de a paR ot
<br /> � ,•;.��`:�` . • the real estade sscured hereby.This ir�strumern shafi be ocnsWed as a Securityf Agreement under sais��6c��.ar�d ths Lendsr —_--
<br />� -', •':�� shaD have aD the dgfi�and teme�es of a secured paR�c�der satd Code in adt�on:to the rF�aond r�n�s t�er Ws °�-`
<br /> : .:� ga�graph shall Da cumuiativve wi�h.and in no way a G�an.Lertdsfs d�hts an0 reme�tes�us�er arry d�l�r seexteif�►agres- �,>�:�u
<br /> � , .. �.i rr,r-�st slgned by Bortower or TcuStar. • _
<br /> •: ,. .. • (�LEens sttd Ettr.umbra4t�.Ttustot tiereby wartanLS attd represer�that thete is no det2uit�t g►H�rovisfons ot atly
<br />- :, y- � Ruprtgage.deed o1 Wst,fsase or purchese oontract desaibing aJt or a�{r�t at tha P►apeRy.or a�c.aaQ+{tes�instrumenl or ..°°..
<br /> � � - ` `�c+eemern constfMing a Uen or enf�mbrasice against atl or any paR of iha ProPsM(qolfecHvesy,`t,Ee�r"!';e�ting as o!th� . .
<br /> n
<br /> '� . �; dBL�of tfifs Oeed of Tntst,snd thffi Stry snd ell�ng UBns temEUn anmod�ied exceDt i►s dtsClosOd t0 f.2c��b3�iusssnb va�n- r-��_:-
<br /> 8L�
<br /> • � • t$n.disctosure of liet+s and encumbranzes provtded tor herein.T�ustor shal!Umely,perform ait o9 Tni�ln�s obtigattons. �
<br /> . oovenams.represe�lons and wartanttes under any and e11 exis�ng and fuw�Uens.sitaU pmm�'Jy tam�stl t�Lender ccptss °---
<br /> . � �• � of etl natioes ot defa�dt sertt in ootu�eCKon vdtA arry and a1t exfatUtg or tuttue Uens.and$hafl eat wittD�'.tJ i,nmdafs prfmr v�riKen �--�°�
<br /> . � � �:% oo�sent tn airy manr�er modify the provistons of or altow erry fuAue edvanoes undsr anyr eaisdng orn�Uua�ma —
<br /> : ..: (n�PDQt�Wns o!Pey�e�.Untess othenrdsa rsquUed by tavi.sums pffid to�endAr hece�and�t»�tt�wfUeaut hnita-
<br /> � �..�{{�t�,� :. � � ��of prin�pal and t�erest.insurance pcoceeds.oondemnatlan prooesds and rs�and pr�f�+�Sl ba e+DD�dY --
<br /> �f�� r to tAe amau�rts dus and owing from Tn�stor and Dru�awar in such oNer as t+�cider ln its so��n deem�dasi� -
<br /> . r
<br /> 6i�f,f�..
<br /> ,�`:}�a�' .�. . tf,�Sover�fqty.if arry prrovi.sion of tNs Deed at Trwt om�licts witA app�ts faw er ts de�r�ried"a��f+or o�arwise unara ,�.::,:
<br /> . ` ,. '��� ' taroeabte.e�ta oanflict or invaItd�y s�aU rrot aNeq the other pravlstans of tNs Qeed ot Tcust or the,41dc��►7�can ba gtuan _.. -
<br /> . eftect wNMut the oor�ting Proviston.end to ihi�end the provisions of t�is OeeO ot Tnist and tt►e Nat1r�ra.�d�dared to Oe sew �-
<br /> '•�.:'• . �'�i4te. �-
<br /> s�s� . , {�Tem�.�e terms'TnrsroP and`BorraweP shall induda baUi stn�dar and ptural.and rfien ti►�Trt�r and Barro+rrer ere �
<br /> ,���„��;., .,' t{!rs aame pe�san(aj.those terms as used in Wa Daed ot Tnut shall be inierr�angeabt� � �_
<br /> r
<br /> � . c : . •�m)Q a v c m i n 0 Lc�r.Yhls Dsed ut Trust st�a11 be g a vemad b y the ta�rrs ot fhe Sta4e�aff i!IG�ras�t. �--:
<br /> • U
<br />= - i: 'r: ; � ;`=_
<br /> ��
<br /> z f � i�;
<br /> , t``;����� . , �_�,
<br /> _ , ;� . . _
<br />_ '. � . . ,,::>
<br /> ',;f,�1,_ � 'u:
<br /> . . Trt�t itm3 eYe�sd Ws Qeed af Titisi as o1 ths dffie M�ritten�v+�
<br /> L 8 K Seal Est�,� , -
<br /> A e �s '
<br /> . ,,. . . . .
<br />-- . � � . . � ( oy e, Ge eral Pastner) Tn�stor Tnuror
<br /> ., � ����wt����a"r"..�_ `.
<br />. (Revin Hnlse, A General Partaer) Trustor Tnista�
<br />-- • .. � Y: �
<br /> : " . . � .� 'c�
<br /> : --•--= �-----__ -.
<br /> . '. . ., ; '� � .
<br /> . , .. .
<br /> . .
<br /> .f, .. ... .
<br /> . .
<br /> ,.� � , ..�. __ - - - _-
<br /> . . .
<br /> , . . , . . . . ,:. . . . . .. . .--.. _.. �_..__� _.. -- -- . _ -
<br /> .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. _ ...��..___
<br />