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<br />I. Wilhelm Stelck of Hall County, Nebraska, make and publish this my last will and hereby re-
<br />v oke all former wills executed by me.
<br />Item.
<br />I appoint ry son, Detief Stelck, executor of this my last will.
<br />Item.
<br />I give, devise and bequeath to my wife, Meta Stelck, all of my household goods and personal
<br />effects and t he use of and income from the following described real estate, for and during; the
<br />term of her natural life:
<br />All of my real estate in Sections Fourteen (14) and Twenty -three (23), Township Eleven (11)
<br />Nort�l, Range Dine (9) West. Hall County, Nebraska, and the North West quarter (NWJ) of Section T
<br />(2), Township Ten (10) North, Range Eight (8) West, in Hamilton County, Nebraska. It is my wish
<br />` that my said wife accept the above in lieu and in. place of her statutory right in and to my estat
<br />Item.
<br />I give and bequeath to my daughter, Marie Stelck, Two Thousand (42000.00) Dollars in cash, t
<br />be paid to her by the executor of my will, within six months from the date of my decease.
<br />Item.
<br />I give, devise and bequeath to my sons, William D. Stelck, Detlef Stelck and Otto Stelck,
<br />to my daughters Anna Denker and Marie Stelck, all the rest and residue of my estate, share and
<br />share alike.
<br />Item.
<br />It is my will, that upon the death of my wife, should she survive me, and if not, then upon
<br />.my death,
<br />my son. Petlef
<br />Stelck be
<br />and hereby is given the right to purchase the following descri
<br />`property
<br />belonging to my
<br />estate,
<br />to -wit:
<br />Lot One (1) on the Vain Land, and the Southwest Quarter (Swl) of the Southwest Quarter (SW +)
<br />of Sect on Fourteen (14), and Lot One (1), on the Vain Land and the West One -Half (Wj) of the
<br />ForthWest Quarter (NYC-+) in Section Twenty -three (23), all in Township Eleven (11) North, of Range
<br />Nine (9) West, in Hall County, Nebraska, at the rate of One ITundred Fifteen ($115.00) Dollars per
<br />acre. He must exercise this right within six months from the date of my death, or the death of my
<br />wife and the termination of her life estate.
<br />Item.
<br />It is my will that my son Ottc Stelck, be given the right, upon the death of my wife, should
<br />she survive me, and if not, upon my death, to purchase all the rest of the land belonging to my
<br />estate, not covered by the preceding item_, in Section Twenty -three (23) Township Eleven (11) Nort
<br />of Range Nine (9) West, in Hall County, Nebraska, for Seventy-five (V175.00) Dollars per acre. He
<br />Shall exercise said right and purchase said property within six months from the date of my death
<br />or from the termination of the life estate of my wife, should she survive me.
<br />I t er..
<br />It is cry will that my daughter Anna Decker, be given the right, upon the death of my wife,
<br />should she survive me, and if not, upon my death, to purchase the following described land belong-
<br />; ing to my. estate, to -wit:
<br />The Northwest Quarter (NW+) of Section Two (2), in Township Ten (10) North, Range Fight (8)
<br />@'Jest, in Hamilton County, Nebraska, for One Hundred Twenty (.4,,'120.00) Dollars per acre. She shall
<br />exercise said right and purchase said property within six months from the date of my death or
<br />within six months from the termination of the life estate of my wife, should she survive me.
<br />Item.
<br />If my said children, Detlef Stelck, Otto Stelck and Anna Denker, exercise the right to pur-
<br />chase real estate given them in this will, then'the money received from each of them, shall be
<br />paid to my executor and shall be divided in the samie manner that the balance of my estate is divi-
<br />dedm that is equally amorE, my five children.
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