<br />257
<br />;Z
<br />and seventy-five hundredths (631.75) feet and the West thirty-three (33) feet of the South one
<br />hundred and twenty-nine (129) feet thereof; according to the plat of same recorded in the Recorder
<br />.e
<br />Office of Cook County. Illinois, on November 2nd, 1681. in Book 16 of Plats, Page 49.
<br />Lot seventy-four (74) in Block one (1) of West Chicago Land Company's subdivision of the South hatr
<br />of Section ten (10). Township thirty-nine (39) North, Range thirteen (13), East of the Third Prin-
<br />cipal Meridian in Cook County, Illinois.
<br />The West one-half of the Northeast quarter and the East one-half of the Northwest quarter of See-
<br />tion eight (8), Township nine (9), North, Range twelve (12), 'Vest of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
<br />situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska.
<br />be and the same is hereby vested in said Edward I-Bucklin, trustee, subject, however, to the dower
<br />interest of Jennie V.Porter Cooke, widow of said Irving A.Porter, deceased; that the title of said
<br />trustee to The West one-half of the Northeast quarter and the East one-half (J) of the Northwest
<br />quarter of Section eight (a), Township nine (9) North, Range twelve (12) , Crest of the Sixth Prin-
<br />cipal Meridian, situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska; shall be and is subject to
<br />the rights of Thomas H.McTilliains, his heirs, administrators, and assigns, under the contarct of
<br />sale dated March 27th, 1917; that it shall be the duty of said Edward I.Bucklin, as trustee, and
<br />he is hereby authorized to receive all moneys under said contract, and to execute a proper deed
<br />to the purchaser of said real estate when said purchaser ell-all be entitled thereto, and to do
<br />all other things necessary to carry out the terms of said contract the same as said Charles M.Port-
<br />er, trustee, could do if living.
<br />It is further OR3FRHD, ADJUDGED A14D DECREED that said trustee be and he is hereby authorized to
<br />sell, convey and dispose of all and any of real estate as per the terms of said Will, sublect,,.
<br />however, to the approval of this Court, and to lease the same, and collect the rents, issues and
<br />profits from said real estate or any part thereof and to distribute the same after deducting his
<br />proper charges and expenses according to the terms of said Will, and take possession of the pro-
<br />ceeds of the sale of real estate sold by said Charles Y.Porter, trustee, and of all rents, cash
<br />on hand or in bank, papers, contracts, deeds, abstracts and other evidences of title and all of
<br />said trust estate formerly in the hands, custody or charge of said Charles U.Porter, trustee, and
<br />now in the charge and custody of the Oak Park Trust & Savings Bank or the executors of the last
<br />Will and Testament of said Charles 1A.Porter, deceased, or any other person wherever said trust
<br />estate may be found.
<br />It is further ORDERED, A.D.TUDGED AI�M DFCREID that it is not and shall not be necessary for the pur-
<br />chasers of said real estate or any part thereof from said trustee to look to the application of
<br />the proceeds of any such dealing or to follow the purchase price thereof to its final distribution
<br />by said trustee.
<br />It is further ORDEPRED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that said trustee shall, before assuming the duties
<br />of his office, give a bond in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000-00) with good and sufficiebt
<br />surety, to be approved by the Court, conditioned on the faithfuly performance of his duties as
<br />such trustee; that said trustee shall within ninety days from the date hereof file in this Cout
<br />an inventory of all the in to
<br />assets said estate which shall come his hands, possession or know-
<br />ledge, and shall at the expiration of one year from the time of his appointment, and at least once
<br />every year thereafter and at such other times as the Court may require, file an account herein
<br />showing his receipts and disburserfierits,and the condition of said estate, and shall mail a copy of
<br />same to each of the heirs.
<br />It is further ORDFPFD, ADJUDGED AND DRCTTTD that in the event of a sale, by said trustee, of any
<br />of the real estate described herein, in which the sales price exceeds the sum of Five Thousand
<br />Dollars ($5000.00), said trustee shall, before making such sale, furnish additional bond in a sum
<br />equal to such sales price, with sureties to be approved by this Court.
<br />AK.
<br />