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240 <br />ITT 4" 29#"L_UJr? %GX�4441..__ <br />EEC R1,101111111i i��i <br />WILL & DECREE: <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />'In the matter of the Estate of) <br />F I N A L D E C R E E. <br />Jacob M. Hildebrand, deceased.) <br />Now, on this 17th day of 10ay, 1918, this cause came on for hearing upon the final report of <br />Carroll D. Hildebrand, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Jacob M. Hildebrand, deceased, <br />it satisfactorily appearing to the Court that Mary F. Hildebrand, the widow of said deceased, Car- <br />roll D. Hildebrand and Willard N. Hildebrand, his sons, are the only heirs at law of said deceased <br />and are the only persons interested in his estate, that they have waived time and notice of final <br />Settlement of said estate and have requested the Court to approve and allow the Execptor's final <br />account, and it further appearing that all claims filed and allowed against the estate of said <br />Jacob M. Hildebrand, have been fully paid, satisfied, and discharged. <br />After full examination of said report the Court finds that the same is correct in all respect <br />and ought to be allowed; that the Executor has accounted for all of the moneys and other property <br />belonging to the estate which came to his possession, has paid the funeral expenses, the expense o <br />the last sickness, the costs of settlement of the estate of said deceased, and has paid over to t <br />legatee under the will the balance of all money coming unto his hands snd: that there remains no <br />money or other property belonging to the estate now in his hands. <br />IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED BY THE COURT that the report of the Executor of the last will and <br />testament of Jacob M. Hildebrand, deceased, be, and the same hereby is, approved and allowed, as ai d <br />for,his final account. <br />The Court finds that the said Jacob M. Hildebrand departed this life on the 12th day of Novem <br />be r, 1917, being at the time of his death a resident of Hall County, Nebraska, and that he left a <br />.last will and testament which instrument was proved, allowed, and admitted to probate in this <br />Court, on the 17th day of December, 1917, and the same was recorded in this office. <br />The Court finds that the said Jacob M. Hildebrand died seized in fee of the following des - <br />i <br />cribed real estate situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to -wit: j <br />The South West Quarter (SWI) of Sd ction Twenty (20) in Township Nine (9) in Range Nine (9) <br />West of the 6th P.M. <br />The Court finds that under the provisions of said last will and testament, all of the above; <br />rr;entioned and described real estate did pass and descend at the death of the testator to his widow <br />Fury F. Hildebrand, for her use, occupation and control, during the terry, of her natural life, and <br />that subject to the life estate of the said Yary F. Hildebrand, in and to said real estate, all ofil <br />the above mentioned and described real property passes and descends in equal shares to Carroll D. <br />Hildebrand and Willard N. Hildebrand, sons of the testator, Jacob M. Hildebrand, and to their f <br />heirs and assigns forever. <br />IT IS THEREFORE, CONSIDERED BY THE COURT that all of the right, title and interest of Jacob M <br />Hildebrand, in and to the Southwest Quarter (SW-J) of Section Twenty (20) in Township Nine (9) in <br />Range Nine (9) in Hall County, Nebraska, did pass and descend at his death to Nary F. Hildebrand, <br />his widow, for and during the term of her natural life, and that at her death, all of said above I <br />described real estate. passes to and becomes the property of Carroll D. Hildebrand and Willard N. iE <br />Hildebrand, sons of the testator, in equal shares, and in absolute title. <br />The Court finds that the estate of Jacob M. Hildebrand, deceased, is not subject to Inheritance <br />Tax, nor is that part of the estate going, under the terms of the will, to Mary F. Hildebrand, sub <br />Ject to Inheritance Tax. <br />The Court finds that creditors were, by order of Court, allowed three months from the 13th <br />of January, 1918, in which to file their claims in the office of the County Judge of Hall County, <br />Nebraska; that notice was published as required by law, of the time allowed and place appointed f <br />'filing claims; that the time so allowed for' filing claims has fully expired, that all claims filed <br />1 <br />1 <br />C <br />1 <br />