<br />preceeding the same, and was at that time a bona fide resident of this County of Hall, and that
<br />the parties hereto were married at Aurora, Nebraska on the 12t11 day of December, 1903 as in said
<br />petition set forth.
<br />The Court further finds that the issue of the said marriage are three children to —wit:—
<br />Mary Halstead age 11 years, Obie Halstead age 3.years and Fern Halstead age 6 years,and that the
<br />plaintiff is entitled to their care and custody as prayed for.
<br />The Court further finds that the plaintiff is the owner of Lot three (3) in Block Fourteen
<br />(14) in Packer & Barris Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and that the
<br />same should be quieted in her.
<br />The Court further finds upon th ?evidence adduced that the defendant disregarding his marital
<br />duties has been guilty of great and extreme cruelty towards the said plaintiff in that he, the
<br />said defendant, has and is now indulging in the excessive use of intoxicating liquors for the
<br />past five years and has for the past five years last past cruelly abused and mistreated the plain-
<br />tiff; that although being a man of sufficient ability so to do, has grossly, want only and cruelly
<br />refused, neglected and refused to support this plaintiff and their said children, all as alleged
<br />In the plaintiff's petition and that by reason thereof she is entitled to a divorce as prayed for.
<br />It is, therefore, ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the marriage contract here-
<br />tofore existing between the said Myrtle Halstead and Cicero Halstead, be, and the same hereby is
<br />dissolved and both parties are wholly released from the obligations of the same, said decree to
<br />take effect and to be in force six months from this date, to —wit:— December 11,1915 unless set
<br />aside or appealed from.
<br />It is further ordered and adjudged by the Court that the care, custody, control and educa-
<br />tion of the said Mary Halstead, Obie Halstead and Fern Halstead, children of the parties hereto,
<br />be confided to the said plaintiff exclusively, and the said defendant is hereby enjoined from in
<br />any manner interfering with the said children or with the plaintiff in her custody and control of
<br />them until the further order of the Court.
<br />It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the title to Lot three (3) in
<br />Block Fourteen (14) in Packer & Barr's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebras-
<br />ka.
<br />be and the same hereby is quieted in the plaintiff, Myrtle Halstead, and the said defendant,
<br />Cicero Halstead, and his heirs and assigns are foreiaer enjoined from having or claiming to have
<br />any right, title, or interest in or to thoame, or any part thereof., and from in any manner in-
<br />terfering with the plaintiff or the said children or with her quiet and peaceable enjoyment of
<br />her aforesaid property.
<br />It is further considered by the Court that the plaintiff pay the costs of this action taxed
<br />in the sum of
<br />T - - --
<br />James R.
<br />Tiled Hanna Judge.
<br />unell- /'15
<br />FrB4C. Lprt(ma n
<br />Clerk o T7istncf CouiT
<br />)ss. I, Fred C. Langman Clerk of the District Court within and for said
<br />County and State, do hereby certify that I havo ompared the fore-
<br />going copy of the Decree in the case of Myrtle Halstead vs. Cicero Halstead filed by said Court
<br />of the 11th day of June A.D.1915 with the original filed in my office and that the same is a cor-
<br />rect transcript thereof, and of the whole of said original.
<br />IN TESTI!VTONY WHERROF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the official seal
<br />of said Court, at the City of Grand Island, this 11th day of June A.D.1915.
<br />—x.10 (SEAL) Fred C. Langman
<br />Clerk of the District Court
<br />I.R.
<br />.Stamp )
<br />cancelled)
<br />Filed for record the 11th day of June, 1915 at 4 o'clock P.M.
<br />Register of eeds.
<br />M
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