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<br />FINAL DECREE: =�
<br />In the matter of the estate )
<br />of ) FINAL DECREE.
<br />)
<br />Now on this lOtn day of April, 1915, thi=s
<br />cause came
<br />on for near-
<br />ing upon the final report of Henry J. Ocnsner, administrator of the estate
<br />of Johanna
<br />Ochsner,
<br />deceased, the files of this court snowing that all persons interested in the estate of
<br />said de-
<br />ceased have been notified and have entered their voluntary appearance herein and that
<br />they ask
<br />for the allowance of the administrators account.
<br />After a full examination of said report the court finds that the same
<br />is correct
<br />in all re-
<br />spects and ought to be approved; that the said administrator has accounted
<br />for al of
<br />the estate
<br />which came into his hands.
<br />The court finds that notice has been given to all creditors of the said deceased as to the
<br />time allowed and place appointed for filing claims against said estate; that the time allowed for
<br />filing claims has fully expired; that all claims filed and allowed against said estate have been
<br />fully settled and paid; that all claims outstanding against said Johanna Ocnsner, deceased, not
<br />so filed, if any such there be, are therefore forever barred and excluded.
<br />It is therefore considered and adjudged by the court that the report of Henry J. Ochsner, ad-
<br />ministrator, be and the same hereby is approved and allowed as and for his final account and. he is
<br />discharged of his trust.
<br />It is further considered and adjudged by the court that all persons are forever barred from
<br />filing or setting up any claims or demands against the estate of Johanna Ochsner, deceased, and
<br />that said estate is fully settled and closed.
<br />The court finds that the said Johanna Ochsner departed this life, intestate, on the 15th day
<br />of July, 1914, being at the time of her decease a resident of Hall County, Nebraska, and that she
<br />left surviving her as her sole heir at law Henry J. Ochsner, her husband.
<br />The court finds that the said Johanna Ocnsner was at the time of her death the owner of the
<br />following described real estate situate in the State of Nebraska, to -wit:
<br />Commencing sixteen (16) rods West of the Nortn -east (NE) corner of Lot No. Three (3) of said
<br />Section No. Three (3), thence West Eight (8) rods, thence South Twenty (20) rods, thence East
<br />Eight(g) rods and thence North Twenty (20) rods to place of beginning, subject to a road one rod
<br />wide on West side of the land conveyed, being part of the North -east Quarter (NE +) of the
<br />North -west Quarter (N.W.+) of Section Three (3), Township Twenty -four (24), Range Forty -eight (4g ),
<br />West of the 6th P.m. in Box Butte County, Nebraska.
<br />The Northerly one-half of the Southerly one -half of Lot No. one (1) and the Northerly one-
<br />half of the Southerly one -half of the Easterly one -half and the Westerly Thirteen feet of the
<br />Southerly one- fourtn of the Easterly one -half of Lot No. Two (2) all in Block No. Thirty Six (36)'
<br />of the Original town, now City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The Court finds that the said Johanna Ochsner left no issue, no father, no mother, no brother,
<br />no sister and no cnild of a deceased brother or sister surviving her, and that under the laws of
<br />descent of the State of Nebraska, all of said real estate did Mass and descend at her death to'hersaid
<br />husband, Henry J.tchsner, in absolute title.
<br />It is therefore considered and adjudged by the court that all of the above mentioned and des-
<br />cribed real estate did descend at the death of Johanna ochsner, intestate, to Henry J. Ochsner,
<br />sole heir, to nave and to hold to hunt and his heirs and assigns forever.
<br />J. H. Mullin
<br />County Judge.
<br />