<br />547_
<br />FINAL DECR E: -VN11
<br />In the matter of the estate
<br />(
<br />of ( FINAL DECREE.
<br />(
<br />Lewis Rickard,Deceased.
<br />Now on this 13th day of July,1912,this cause came on for heartad
<br />upon the final report of T.O.C.Harrison,Administrator of the estate of Lewis Rickard,deceased,
<br />and it appearing th4t due notice has been given to all persons interested as required by law and!
<br />the order of court dated July 1,1912,and there being no objection or protest on file,the court
<br />proceeded to examine said report.After a full examination thereof the court finds that said re-
<br />port is correct in all respects and ought to be approved and allowedZthat the administrator has
<br />accounted for all of the estate which came to his possession or notice of the time limited and
<br />place appointed for filing claims against the estate of Lewis Rickard,deceased,was given as req_':
<br />did pass and descend at his death in the manner following: 1/9 part whereof to Martha Bates ;119
<br />part thereof to Melissa Knox;1/9 part to Kate Bates;1/9 part to Olive G.Compton;1/9 part to
<br />Mabel Wiles;l /9 part thereof to Tennant L.Rickard;1/9 part to Abraham L.Rickard;l /' part to
<br />Leonard K.Rickard,and 1/9 part in equal shares to Lewis Rickard,Vtay Biltoft,Grace ,,Tills,Owen
<br />Rickard and Jesse Rickard,children of Edward Richard,deceased.It is therfdre considered and
<br />adjudged by the Court that the S.E.J of Section 20,the N.T.J of the N.E.4 of Section 29,and the
<br />North a of the N.W.1 of Section 27,all in Hall Count „y,Nebraska,did pass and descend under the
<br />I
<br />provisions of the law of Nebraska,as follows:To Martha Bates,Melissa Knox,Kate Bates,Olive G.
<br />Compton,Mabel Wiles,Tennant L.Rickard,Abraiam L.Rickard,Leonard K.Rickard,an undivided one - ninth;
<br />part to each in absolute title,and To Lewis Rickard,May Biltoft,Grace Mills,Owen Rickard and
<br />i
<br />Jesse Rickard,onewninth part of the above described real estate in equal shares.
<br />uired by law and the order of court ;that the time allowed for filing claims has fully expired;
<br />that all claims filed and allowed have been paid and satisfied except the claims of T.L.Rickard
<br />and the Bowen Drug Company and that the administrator holy the money to pay said claims;-that al *1i,
<br />claims outstanding against said estate and not filed for payment,if any such there be,are there -`,,
<br />fore forever barred and excluded.It is therefore Ordered And Adjudged by the Cout.t that the re-
<br />port of T.O.C.Harrison,Administrator,be and the same hereby is approved and allowed as and for
<br />his final account.It is further Considered and Adjudged that all persons are forever barred from
<br />filing or setting up any claims against the estate of Lewis Rickard,deceased.It is found by the
<br />court that the administrator httis in his hands for distribution the sum of 4931.58.The Court fins
<br />i
<br />that the said Lewis Rickard departed this life on the 26th day of December,1910,intestate,and j
<br />that he left surviving him as his heirs at law,and his only heirs at law,the following named
<br />persons:24artha Bates,Melissa Knox,Kate Bates,Olive G.Compton,Mabel Wiles,his daughters,Tennant j
<br />L.Rickard,Abraham L.Rickard and Leonard K.Rickard,his sons and Lewis Rickard,May Biltof•t`,Grace
<br />I
<br />Mills,Owen Rickard and Jesse Rickard,children of Edward Rickard,a deceased son of said Lewis
<br />i
<br />Rickard.It is found by the court that the balance in the hands of the administrators,$931.58,
<br />should be distributed among said heirs as follows :To Tennant L.Rickard 475.18;to each of the
<br />other children of the deceased,4107.05,and to the children of Edward Rickard,deceased,4107.05
<br />in equal shares,and the administrator is ordered to make distribution and to file the receipts
<br />of the said heirs in this office,and it is considered that upon his filing said receipts,as welly
<br />as the receipts of the Bowen Dr-dg Company and T.L.Rickard for sums due them,he ,stand discharged)
<br />of his trust.The Court finds that the said Lewis Rickard was at the time of his death the owner;
<br />of the following described real estate situate in the County of Hall and State of llebraska,to-
<br />wit:The South East Quarter of Section Twenty (20), The North West Quarter of the North East Qua3}
<br />ter of Section 29,and The North half of tine North West Quarter of Section 27,all in Township llj
<br />in Range ll,and that under the law of descent of the State of Nebraska,all of said real estate
<br />did pass and descend at his death in the manner following: 1/9 part whereof to Martha Bates ;119
<br />part thereof to Melissa Knox;1/9 part to Kate Bates;1/9 part to Olive G.Compton;1/9 part to
<br />Mabel Wiles;l /9 part thereof to Tennant L.Rickard;1/9 part to Abraham L.Rickard;l /' part to
<br />Leonard K.Rickard,and 1/9 part in equal shares to Lewis Rickard,Vtay Biltoft,Grace ,,Tills,Owen
<br />Rickard and Jesse Rickard,children of Edward Richard,deceased.It is therfdre considered and
<br />adjudged by the Court that the S.E.J of Section 20,the N.T.J of the N.E.4 of Section 29,and the
<br />North a of the N.W.1 of Section 27,all in Hall Count „y,Nebraska,did pass and descend under the
<br />I
<br />provisions of the law of Nebraska,as follows:To Martha Bates,Melissa Knox,Kate Bates,Olive G.
<br />Compton,Mabel Wiles,Tennant L.Rickard,Abraiam L.Rickard,Leonard K.Rickard,an undivided one - ninth;
<br />part to each in absolute title,and To Lewis Rickard,May Biltoft,Grace Mills,Owen Rickard and
<br />i
<br />Jesse Rickard,onewninth part of the above described real estate in equal shares.
<br />