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<br />.. — RIDPT'✓f 6itRTL4TT Gb. MtttOTINA. t1TMLQ1kAPit1968TATiONEP9 ;OMAFeR - . - ..
<br />Cne -third (1/3) interest in and to all of the real estate belonging to said estate.
<br />14. That the said Alice J.R.Fatty submitted her a000vnt and vouchers and no one appearing to
<br />object thereto or contest the came, the Court finds that said account is just and true and should,
<br />I
<br />I
<br />be ar:d ordered recorded as her final account.
<br />15. The Court further finds that the said Alice J.R.Fatty, Admiristratrix as aforesaid, has
<br />i
<br />fully accounted for all property coming into her possession or. 1:nowledge belonging to said, es -_
<br />I
<br />tate and has faithfully and impartially administered her t ust in ae ^ordance to law and the
<br />i
<br />orders of the Court and that she should be discharged absolved and wholly acquitted from any
<br />i
<br />and all liability on account of-said trust.
<br />IT IS. TH REF'CRE CONSIDERED, ADJUMED AND ORDERED by the Court that said account of Alice J.R.
<br />j
<br />i
<br />Fatty, Aaministratrix as aforesaid, be and the same is hereby approved, oonfirmed, allowed and
<br />ordered reoorded as her final-acoount and that the said Alice J.R.Batty be and she hereby is
<br />I
<br />discharged,,absolved and wholly acquitted from any and all liability on acoount of said trust,
<br />her Letters of Alministration are hereby cancelled and annulled and her bond released from all
<br />i.
<br />future liability.
<br />IT IS FURTHER CCNSIDERED, ADJtTDr,ED AND CRDERED by the Court that all the household goods
<br />wearing apparel, jewelry, ornaments and law library Lelonging to the said Robert A.Patty,de-
<br />ceased, be and the same are hereby assigned to Alice J.R.Fatty, widow.
<br />r
<br />IT IS FURTHER CCNSIP.ERED, ADJUDGED AND CRDERED by the Court that one certain rote and
<br />mortgage for P1150.00 given 1_y A.J.7anEvery, also Twenty ( ^0) shares of stock in the Hastings
<br />i
<br />Independent Telephone Company, Two (2) shares of stock in the Nenesaw Telephone Company and any
<br />i
<br />and all other personal property that may exist belonging to said estate of Robert A.Batty, de-
<br />ceased, be and the same is hereby assigned to Alice J.R.Patty, Alice M.Patty and Elizabeth Fatty
<br />-:hare and share alike.
<br />i
<br />I
<br />IT IS FURTHER CONSIDERED, ADJUDr,'ED AND CRDERED by the Court that the following described I
<br />real estate, to -wit:-
<br />Lots Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten (10) in Block Seventeen (17) Criginal Town of Hastings
<br />Adamd County ,Nebraska; Lots six (6), Sever. (7),Eight (8) and Nine (9) on the Island in Section
<br />°eventeen (17), Lot 4 ix (o) on the Island in Section Lighteen (18), Lots Cre (1), and Seven (7)
<br />on the Island in Pection Nineteen (19); Lots Cne (1), Two (2) and Three (3) on the Island in
<br />Seotion Twenty (20); tie North East Quarter (ICE.µ) of the North East Quarter (1 ?.E.4) of Section
<br />Nineteen. (19); and the South Half {r.t} of the South West ^uarter (r.71.µ) of Section Twenty
<br />all in Tcwnship dine (9), North RarE;e Eleven (11), West of the Sixth P.M. in Hall County, Nab -
<br />raska. Lot Cne (1) on the arainland in Section Twenty Five (625); and the South East Quarter
<br />I
<br />j
<br />(S.E.µ) of, the North East Quarter (1%E.µ) of Section Twenty Five ('5) in Township Nine (9),North
<br />Range Twelve (12) West of the Sixth P.N. in Hall County, Tebraska.
<br />Also an undivided Cne- Tvrelfth ( 1/12) interest in the south East Quarter (`'.E.µ) of Feotion
<br />.ighteen (18), Township Five (5), North Range Tix-elve (12), West of the Sixth P.T':.� in Adams County,
<br />1
<br />?e+„raska; and any and all other real estate belonging to said estate, if any, be and t,,,.E °ame
<br />is hereby assigned in fee simple title, share and share alike to Alice T.R.Batty, Alice ":.Fatty
<br />and Elizabeth Fatty, and to them and their heirs and grantees forever.
<br />IN WITNESS, ,F,'L ECF, I have hereunto set r:y hand and caused the seal of
<br />(SLAL)
<br />our said Court to be affixed at Hastings, this 13th day of February, 1912.
<br />William F.Eutton
<br />Judge of the County Court.
<br />i
<br />Filed for record January 16, 1914 at 2 o'clock P.M.
<br />1'8 ist er of Dee
<br />i
<br />i
<br />I
<br />