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YU UP HERNE NERUNDD &i1 <br />426:14- -KLOPP &BARTLETTCO_ PRINTING, LITHOGRAPH LVG,STATIONERY:OMAKA <br />Final Decree and dill and Certificate of Probate. <br />In the County Court of Hall County, Ne;raska. <br />In the matter of the estate of <br />Final Decree. <br />Robert C.Gilchrist, deceased. <br />Now on this 28th day of July, A.D. 7.0131 this cause came on for hearing upon the final <br />report of Harriet Gilchrist, executrix of the last will and testament of Robert C.Gilchrist, <br />deceased, and it appearing to the Court from the proofs on file that due and legal notice 2. as <br />been given to all persons in the manner provided by law and as required by the order of the <br />Court heretofore entered herein of the filing of said report and of the time and place fixed <br />for the hearing thereon and the Court having exar:ined said report and being fully advised in <br />the premises finds that the said Harriet Gilchrist, as such e.Xecuttrix, has duly accounted in <br />said report of all the property belonging to said estate and that said report ought to be <br />allowed and approved as and nor the final report of the said Harriet Gilchrist, as executrix <br />of trio estate of the said Robert C.Gilchrist, deceased, said estate closed, and said executrix <br />discharged. <br />The _%1,=t further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons <br />of the t irr e and place fixed for the filing of claims against said estate; that the time so <br />fixed has fully expired and that all claims against said estate, if any there be, not filed <br />and presented to the Co=t are fully barred and excluded. <br />The Court further finds that the <br />said Harriet Gilchrist ;as received moneys belonging to said estate, in her capacity as such <br />executrix, the Burr. of �, 6$4.58; that she has paid out it due course of a�).r°:inistration the <br />sum of 4 1, 172 .25, leaving a balance belonging to said estate of the sun: of .1, 512.33 and for <br />which said sum the said Harriet Gilchrist has receipted for in her individual Wapacity. <br />The Court further finds t--at all debts against said estate, funeral exr_onses and cclsts <br />of administration have seen fully paid. <br />The Court further finds that under the terms and --rov <br />isions of the last will and testament of the said Robert C.Gilchrist., deceased, the 1, 512.33 <br />in money remaining in said estate and any other personal pro' erty belonging to said estate did <br />pass and descend to the plaid Harriet Gilchrist, surviving widow of the said Robert ",.Gilchrist <br />deceased, for her use and benef -t during her natural life, and that any sums remaining upon <br />the death of the said Harriet Gilchrist will pass and descend to Hattie B.Gilchrist, Lillian <br />G.Wright, and Plettie .Failey, share and share alike, as provided by the resid�a.ry clause of <br />the lust will and testament of the said Robert C.Gilchrist, deceased, the said Harriet Gil -,heist <br />surviving widow of tiie said Robert C.rilchrist, deceased, having duly elected to accept the <br />provisions of the last will and testarri?ent of Robert C.Gilchrist, deceased in her favor, in <br />lieu of her rights under the, law. <br />Th,_ Court further finds that the said Robert C.Gilchrist, <br />died ^eized as the oti,,ner in fee simple of the following described -real estate situated in the <br />County of Hall and :Tate of Nebraska, to -wit <br />The Northeast quarter of Section Number Eleven <br />(il), in Towr_2'hip Number Ten (10) Forth, Range Number Eleven (11) test of the 6th P.11. <br />The Nest half of the Southwest quarter of Section Number One (1), in Township Number Ten (10) <br />North, Range Number Eleven (11) Vest of the 6th P.M. <br />The T ortheast quarter of "ection T'tlirber <br />Thirty Six (36), in Township Niziber Eleven (11) North, Range Number Eleven (11) 'Vest of the 6th <br />The T? <br />