<br />YEL U] ciEG M GiEGioi3U ma. L
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<br />471
<br />492654— KLOPPA BANTLETTCO., PHI Nil NG, LITHOG {tAPHI VG. 8TATIONERY;OM4.tita - _ - -- -- - - - --
<br />The South half (Sz) of Section Twenty Teo (22). in Township Ter. (10) North, Rarge.Fourteen (14)
<br />West; The Northeast quarter (NE 4) of Section Thirty (30), in Township Twelve (12) North, Range I
<br />i
<br />Thirteen (13) Test; and Lot One (1), in Flock Seven (7) an Lots One (1) and Four (4), in Flock
<br />might, in the Town of ^helton. Also, the following described real estate situated in the
<br />County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to -, =it:
<br />The Southeast quarter (SE µ) of Section Six (6),
<br />and the North half (N:) of the Northeast quarter -(NE µ) of Section Seven (7), all in Tov =nship
<br />Ten (10) ?jorth, Range Tz,elve (12) West of the 6th P.M.
<br />1
<br />I
<br />It is, therefore, ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that said report of the f
<br />said Ralph R.Horth, as such executor, be and -the same hereby is approved and accepted as and for
<br />I
<br />the final report of said Ralph R.Horth, as such executor; he is discharged as such executor and
<br />said estate is closed.
<br />It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that all persons having
<br />i
<br />claims against said estate, if any such there be and not filed as provided by law are forever
<br />barred, excluded and enjoined from presenting or asserting any claim against said estate.
<br />It is further ordered, adjudged and dc.creed that, under the terms and provisions of the last �
<br />will and testament of the said Charles H.Horth, deceased and of said ante - nuptial agreement,
<br />I
<br />the title to Lot One (1), in Block Seven (7) and Lots One (1) and Your (4), in Block Eight (8),
<br />of the Town of Shelton, Nebraska, did, upon the death of the said Charles H.Horth, pass and j
<br />descend by absolute title to the said Esther Horth, Surviving widow of the said ^harles f7.Korth
<br />deceased, and the said Esther Korth having been paid the Two Thousand Dollars and received the
<br />household goods, that the said Esther Horth has no further interest of i.•-hatsoever nature in and
<br />i
<br />to the estate of the said Charles H.Horth,deceased.
<br />It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed
<br />i
<br />that, under the terms and provisions of the last will and testament of the said Charles H.Horth
<br />deceased the title to the Southeast - quarter of Section Six (6) and the North half of the North-
<br />east quarter of Section Seven (7), in Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12) West, in Hall
<br />Courty, Nebraska, aid, upon the death of the said Charles H.Horth, pass and descend to Fred..C.
<br />i
<br />Horth during his_ naturdl life and after the death of the said Fred C.Horth to Charles 111.Horth by
<br />I
<br />absolute title, provided, however, that in the event of the death of the said Charles 111.Horth
<br />i
<br />without issue living at the time of his death , and before the death of the said Fred C.Horth,
<br />I
<br />then to Fred C.Horth by' absolute title.
<br />It is further orde ed, adjudged and decreed that under �
<br />the terms and provisions of the last will and testament of the said Charles H.Horth, deceased,
<br />I
<br />the title to the South half of Section Twenty Two (22), in Township Ten (10) North, Range Fourteen
<br />i
<br />I
<br />(14) Wiest in Buffalo County, Nebraska, did, upon the death of the said Charles H.Horth, pass and
<br />descend by absolute title to Ralph R.Horth•.
<br />It is further ordered, adj u lged and decreed by the
<br />Court that, under the terms and rrovisions of the last will and testament of the said Charles
<br />H.Horth, deceased upon the death of the said Charles H.Horth, the legal title to the Northeast
<br />quarter of Section Thirty (30), in Township Tyelve (12) North, Range Thirteen (13) 'Vest, in
<br />Buffalo County, Nebraska, did pass and descend to Fred C.Horth and Ralph R.Horth, trustees, in
<br />i
<br />trust, and to the survivor of them in trust and u ion the uses and trusts and for the purposes i
<br />expressed and contained in the sixth paragraph of the last will and testament of the said Charles
<br />H.Horth, deceased.
<br />J. E.14orr ison .
<br />• C c unt y Judge.
<br />Certificate to Copies.
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />• ss County Court.
<br />Buffalo County
<br />I, J.E.Morrison, Sole Judge of the County Court, within and for said lounty,
<br />and as such Judge , by Law, the sole custodian of the seal and all the records, books, papers and
<br />