<br />YU UP HOME RE90NDO Mo. f'.
<br />I hereby dertify that on the 14th day of February A.D.1913, the foregcing instrument of
<br />writing was duly rrobated and allowed as the last will and testament of the said Charles H.;
<br />Horth, deceased, and the came was duly filed and entered upon the probate records of said
<br />county.
<br />Witness my hand and official seal this 14th day of February, A.D.1913.
<br />(SEAL) F.M.Hallowell
<br />o unt y Judge. _
<br />In the County Court of Buffalo County, Nebraska.
<br />In the rsatter of the estate of (
<br />: Final Decree.
<br />Charles H.Horth, deceased.
<br />Now on this 11th day of September, A.D.1913, this cause came on to be heard on the
<br />final report of Ralph R.Horth, executor of the estate and last will and testament of Charles
<br />H.Horth, deceased heretofore filed herein, and the Court being fully advised in the premises
<br />finds from the proofs on file that due and legal notice has been given to all persons interested
<br />in said estate of the time and place fixed for the hearing upon said report.
<br />And the Court having examined said report and the vouchers on file finds that the said
<br />Ralph R.Horth, as such executor, has fully accounted for all of said estate coming into his
<br />hands as such; that the casts of administration, the inheritance tax due to Buffalo County
<br />and Hall County upon said estate and the legacies due to Hadley S.Horth and Eva Horth have
<br />been fully paid; that the said Ralph R.Horth, as such executor, has paid to Esther Horth, sur-
<br />viving widow of the said Charles H.Horth, deceased, the Two Thousand Dollars legacy in her
<br />favor provided for in the last will and testament of the said Charles H.Horth, deceased, and in
<br />the ante-nuptial agreement between the said Charles H.Horth and the said Esther Horth, fatmerly
<br />Esther Maloney and that the said Ralph R. Horth, as such
<br />executor., has paid to Fred C.Horth and Ralph R.Horth, residuary legatees under said will, the
<br />balance of the funds belonging to said estate; that said report is true and correct in all
<br />things and ought to be allowed and approved as and for the final report of the said Ralph R.
<br />Horth, as such executor.
<br />.The Court further finds that prior to the marriage of the said
<br />Charles H.Horth and the said Esther Horth, his surviving widow, they entered into a valid ante -
<br />nuptial agreement, duly executed and acknowledged in the manner provided by law, and by the
<br />terms of which the said Esther Horth was to receive from the estate of the said Charles H.
<br />Horth, in the event she survived him in full satisfaction of all her rights in and to the
<br />property, both real and *personal, of which the said Charles H.Horth should die the owner and
<br />in lieu of all dower or other statutory rights, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars in money, the
<br />home of the said Charles H.Horth in the Village of nhelton, Buffalo County, Nebraska, and being
<br />Lot Cne (1), in Block Seven (7) and Lots Cne (1) and Four (4), in Block Eight (8), in the town
<br />of Shelton, and all household goods belonging to the said Charles H.Horth at the time of his
<br />death, and that for the rurpose of carr3ting said ante - nuptial agreement into effect the same
<br />provisions were made in favor of the said Esther Horth in a codicil to the last will and test-
<br />ament of the said Charles H.Horth, deceased, and the Court further finds from the proofs on
<br />file teat the said Esther Horth has ratified and confirmed said ante - nuptial agreement and has
<br />duly and legally elected to accept the provisions of the last till and testament of the said
<br />Charles H.Horth, deceased in her behalf in lieu of any and all other rights she might otherwise
<br />have in and to said estate under the laws of the State of Nebraska.
<br />The Court further finds w
<br />that due and legal notice has been given of the time and place fixed for the filing of claims
<br />against said estate and that the time so fixed has fully expired and that all claims presented
<br />against said estate have been fully paid.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Charles H.
<br />Horth died seized as the owner in fee simple of the followir_g described real estate situated
<br />in the County of Ruffalo and State of Nebraska, to -wit:
<br />1
<br />1
<br />1
<br />1
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