h t l
<br /> � ! ri r. � � n. . �� 1, )S{,-:�---
<br /> __. _j�f'i�Y'Y1.1` �'Z �'j'J�. � d:4._l.,�,....�..A ^ �xi �..�......wv..�iwW: �/i -fi .
<br /> Virr����AI
<br /> applic�ble I�w m�y specity for rcinstntcmem)bcforc sile of�he Propeny pununnt to ony power of sak coNained In this
<br /> Seturity Ir,s�romrni;or(b)sm�y of�}i�dgmtnl entacJng this Saur(ty Ins�runxni. 'thou mmlltlons uc thet Bonowtr (a)
<br /> pays I.cndet a11 smns �vhic6 tikn x�outd be due under�Ids Saurity Insimmem nnd ihc Notc as IF no nttciemtiotl had
<br /> occumd;(b)wresanydefauitof�nyahcrrnvemmsoragrcenxnts;(c)paYsallcxpenscslncumcdtncnforcinytldsSxudiy ._
<br /> insuunxn6 including,but not limhcd to,rcason�blc anorncys'hes;and(d) inkcs sud� aqion as Lendcr may rcnsonably
<br /> nquirc to usuro dmt�ha Iien of�his Sccudty Insimmcm,I.enderY N�h�s In tho Propetty nnd RorcawetB ohllgaiion to pny tlie
<br /> sums ueurcJ by tliis Sccadty tnstrumem shill conqnue unchangcd. Upon rcins�n�emem by Rorrowcr, this SeeuB�y
<br /> insimmrnt m�d�tie obllgatlons seeurcd hercby shall rcmain fvlly efhcilva es if no nccclention had acurccd. Howover,thls . _ ._ __
<br /> dghqorcfnsl+�toshnlinolnppiyin�hecaseofxcclendonundcrpamgmph 17. -
<br /> 19. S�k ot Nole�Gunqe ot Loan Srrrkan Tho No:o or a paninl intercst in tho Nmc(toge�hcr wl�h thls Secud�y ,
<br /> lnstn�mem)m�y ix solA ono or morc�inxs w0hom pdor naice to Aorcower. A saic may resull in a chango tn tho entily
<br /> (known as tlk"I.oan Servlcer")t6ni eoticds momhly paymems duo under tlm Nae srA dats Securiiy Insirumem. '(t�cro also
<br /> may be one or moro cl�mges of ihe 6oan Scrvicer unrclntcd to a salo oi ihe Naa Ef�hQCe is a cGa.ngo of tho Loan Srnicer,
<br /> I3orcawer wlll be given wriUCn notice ot the chu�ga In accordancn wi�h paragraph[4 above ar.rk appLcabl�law. 71to nollco
<br /> will s�ate�he nnme and�,�dtus of t�r.:w Lwn Servicer and�ho address�o x�(sh payments slwu[C 6e made.Tho nu�ico wUE .
<br /> olw conmfn any other tnfomiat[on nqutred by applieaCtc law.
<br /> 20. limudaxs SuOc,ta�xn^,. Bairox�er shatt na cause ar prrmi�the prcsr.rse,use,d'aposal,sloraga or nrtleaso of any
<br /> IfazaMous SubsWr.ces on w irt tF.e P[o�erty. Borrovrcr shall aoe do,nor altoLV utyar:o dse lo do,anythfng a(fceting d�e
<br /> Ptopeny thal is tn vtotaUon of aay Environment�l Law. ihe pa�ding Iwo ssncences shail nol appiy lo the prcsence,use,a
<br /> s�orage on�ho Propany of smail quantiUes of Hazardous Substanors that ue gescerally rccognlud Io M appropflam Io nomiel
<br /> rcsidcmial uses and to malncenance of t6o Ropeny. _:
<br /> 8orrower shill pmmpUy give Lender wriuen naice o!any im•es�iga�io�,claim,demand,lawsuit or oiher xtion by any -�--
<br /> goremmemal or rcgula[ory agency or private pany involving�iie 1'mperly and nny Nuardous Subslancc or CnvirontlteNal V.-.-
<br /> Law of which Oorco�ver hu actua! knowiedga If Rortower iwms,or is naiRed by any goremmenlal or regutatory cty"ttt.`t„ .
<br /> aathority,t6a�nny rcmoval or ah;r n:rnedia�ion of uny Hazardous Subvance nffec�ing the Ropcny is neccssary,IIarcower ;�_�3„�y _�;.-_
<br /> shall promptly I�ke alI r.ecessary rcme:4ia1 aclions in accordance wi�h Cnvironmemal law. p.����,$ u-.
<br /> As used(n tNsµirogmph 20,'14aurdous Subs�ances"arc�Irose subslances defined ns�oxic or tuzarJous subslances by {;;�„„� .
<br /> P.nvlronmemal lan and�Le following su6seances: gasoline.kerosene,other ilammab!e or toxic petroieam producls,toxic . �-.-�_-
<br /> pesileides and I�e�bicides,volaiile solvenu,materials comaining aslxsws or formaldehyde,and mdioacdve macedals. As �==-.
<br /> used(n Uils paragraph 20."Cnv(ronmemal Lew"means(�denl laws and laws oflhe Jurisdiction where Ihe Propeny Is loca�ed
<br /> that rciate to heaith,safety or cnvlronmemal protcnion.
<br /> NON•UNI!'OR\t COVCNANTS. I)onower and Lendcr Rmhermrcnant and agrce as follows:
<br /> 21. Accelerattuec;Remedies. Lender shall gire noilce lo Borroxer pdor ro acnleratlan fdloxing Borroxror's
<br /> 6rexh ot eny mscm:r.t or agrccment In Ihls Sceurity Instrument @ut not pdnr lo atteleratbn under paragraph 17 �
<br /> unless appllca6le law provides otherwise). The notice shell specify: (a)Ihe defauil:(b)�he aclion requlred to cure Ihe
<br /> detautt;(c)a da1e,not icss lhan 30 days from t6c date Ihc noNtt is gtren to Borro�ser,6y xhkh ihe default mosl e�e = _ -- - -
<br />� cure�l;:r.n�7(d)lhalfnflurcfocnretJiedefaullonorbeforeiTrQcHespecllic�elinihenotleemayraultinaccelrrntinnat ��fy,} .
<br />� U�c sums srwred by thk 6ecuril,r insinfnieN and sate oT 1he Property. Tlie uotice shall tairlher InTorm Dorroxer uI _ . "
<br /> i Ihe righf�o reins�a�e nt�er acceieratlon an�i aRe c�t tt to bring a murl nclion 10 nsseri�he non•exL�".c�ax•a8 a defuuit or �t j';�,�"'�
<br />; any other dstense uf Durrow�er to acccleraR�r.,t:u3 snie. !f 1he defnult I.s not cured on or before fhe Ax:s specifled In ,.. -.�:�?===`
<br /> � rr.'.."---_:
<br /> thenotlec,Lenderntttsoplionmal�requirelmmediafepaymenlinfullotallsumssecurcd0�ythlsSecurityinslrument ���t,,�;,;g.��==.�
<br /> wllhout turlher demand and mx�� lm�oke tl�e poxer of sate and nny ather remcdiec permiued by epplicabte i�w. k r'y' i F �^ -�
<br />, Lender shall Ue enUllcd to cotler� ail expenses Incurred in pur.sutng Ihc remedies pro�ided in this paragraph 21, �tq,�t'�` ��'�__::
<br />. Induding,but not Il:n�:ed to,rensonnbie nllor�aevs'fees end cosls of�ftle evidence. ;f=�.��vS�r'' y"�._�-
<br />- If the�o�ra et'sate is invaked,7tusfee sfir:7i record a notice of ddai�l�in cac6 county In which any parl of�he a , 4g�f �`� j_ --�
<br />� Pro rt�Is loeafed a:,3 shafl mall ca ics of smh cutice In Ihe mnnner rescri6ed h a IlceUte law lo OorroN�er and lo t4�.�=� .
<br /> P2 S P P Y PP y e.r.:�r``t�x�'-;- �
<br /> Ihe other persons preuribed b.•xpplicuble la�e dfler Ihe lhne rcquireU by applkable ia�."6ustee shall gh'e pu611c �c���;yh,y�,�ts�;.}'.:
<br />- nmtce atsate to Ihe persons mvl in ahe manner pnsedbeA b7.pplicnble In�e. 1Yusmr.��i�.,uu1 demund an 6orraur. 4 ,,, [���.__---
<br />- shnll sc'R Ihe Proper[y af publlc+motlon to tAe Q�ighest bidbxv Aa ehe Iime xnd place n�rr3 m�OCr Ihe lernu dwlgna".¢�t dn . -r���r�� -=_-.
<br /> the nofite of snle In one or tnove parceis nnQ ir.::nx arUrr 7}ustec dekrndnes. 7Fusfce may Poslpone snle otnit or uny � �4�'�f{f;�3`i:��:':..
<br /> arcel oi the 3'ca iera b uUlic mntouncemem ai ihe Ilme nnd Iace oi an re��lousl scheduled sa1e. l.tnder or iu " y"��,���'�i.'. :..
<br />- p F ! Y P P S P Y ' �',��`���� ,. , -.., ;
<br />- deslgnee mar purchn�.Ihe Properly nt nny sa1e. 7'�n,;t¢r},1� - := �
<br />- L'�n recelpt ot payment of a9ie price bid,75vstee shall delher lo the purchaser 9Yuxlce's decd conreyir.g the !�tr�� ixk y�yc;- �
<br /> ProperJc. The rccilnis In 16c Tru.tae's decJ xhall bc prima fnde cddencc of thc IrnEt oNhe xtalemenfs made Ibeaeim �Q'���1 � yn" L-�
<br /> 7tustee shall npply the procccds ol7firsnic in Ihc follotiring ordcr: lal lo nll cmis an�':exp�mtics of exerctcing Ihc pn��er - =���^' �-^."�
<br /> �� t+'".'
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