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i,: > < � �}'��'52� ��., _. � <br /> rzr <br /> - '�� t..�������_ � � '�fi��Mu.w:�� Sibl7iiYtahiiF7G11ii�Y,tdr`..._.--___..J......�..t_.�._-----_.-_- . - — <br /> ��^rt�.A� -- <br /> TOo6THBR WITt[all�hv impro�nmcros naw or fierca�er t�xic+i on tho propcny,anA all caxmcois,app;mcnanccs. _ <br />� an3lix�art�s no•r. a hercaRer a p?n oh�propr.n9. All rcpixcmenis nnd ndAl�ions shall,iso l�c rnvcr.d by�hls Sttudty ���'.. .. <br /> - instrument Allohhefwcgoinglsrckmdtolnlhis5ecnd�ylustmnxmnsiho'Tropeny." ---� _ <br /> BORROWGR COVL'NAN75�ha�Ifottow�cr is lawfuliy sclscd of�hc eslatc hcrcby convoycd.nJ haa�hc dght to SroN (?"�f,n�:. <br /> and mnvcy iht Propeny and�hat the Ropeny Is unencumhrcd,exnpt for cncambr,inces of nroni. U�xrm��cr w,mms anA W '�_.�-- <br /> �....-::�:. <br /> wlll defend genaralty tlw tiile tu the Ptoprty against alt cl9ms vid d�mai�ds,snbJecl�n any encumbr,nces ot rcrnrJ. �?c t f;,'-_ <br /> Tf11S SL•CURITY INS7RUMCNf mm6lnes unlfonn coven�ms fnr naAon�l uu and non•uniform w��enams whh ��.--- <br />- Ilmlttdvariatio�sbyjudsdiuion�omivafmicaanifomisca:ri�yinswnxntcovcdngroalpro�nY• �%=•�r <br /> UM('-0RhiCOV[iNANTS. Bortox•crandl.cndcrtorenantandagrcaasfollows: � <br /> 1, Pay�meat otFrincipal nnd Tnleresh Prspxyment�nd I.�Ie Chuga. Fforcowe�shall pmmpily pay whcn due ihc �,,, <br /> princiPal of and intercst on the debt evldrnced by the Note and any pmpaymem and Iate charges duo under the Nma &.--�— <br /> 2. ELndsforTMxesandlnsnranrs. Su6jano.pplicablclawortonwducnwaircr6yl.cndcr.Dorco�vcrshallp�yw _ <br /> on the day momldy paymcNS nrc Anc andcr Ihe No:q until tho Note is paid in PoII,a aum CFunds")tor.(a)��pity -- <br /> wxes and assessmems which may attain pdodty over Il�is Secudty Instmmenl.s a Iien on the Properly:@)ycariy leav:hold ____ <br /> paymc�n�s or groimd rcnts a� Se fl[op:ny, If any: (c) yexdy 6arard or propeny insurance prcmiums, (d) yea+ty Raad _____ <br /> tnwrs�ce premiams,if any;(e)yearly mongage inau:uiec premiums, if any: and(Q any sums payablo Dy Hortower ro <br /> Lra�;.K,In accofdance with the provisionc af paragraph Iteu of the paymeN of ma�gage insurame premwnu. 'Et:ese <br /> ivenu are cailat"Exmw Items' l.ead�r anY time•aolleN and hold Mnds in an amonnt r.oE to exceed ehe muimum <br /> a:nnnzt a lender for a fedzraliy rclated mongage lairt may rcqutrc for Qattower4 escrow aceount under[he fedemE Real <br /> IC•stue 5cltlemcnl Procedures Aq of I914 as amended fmm time w Gme,12 0.5.C.§2601 et sey.('RFSPA"),untess anolhcr <br /> Gss rinv applles to the P�mds se�s�ksxr amount. If so.Lender may,at.ny time,eallect and hold FLndz ia an amount r.ot to <br /> e�eiws-Ihe Iesser amonm. l.ct�d::r nuy estima�c the ur.a:nt of I�nds due on the bacis of cumnt data and [tasonable <br /> esii�aa:es of expendiwres of fu�a:c�'cmw[xms or ahemise in attrontance witS applicaSte law• -- -- <br /> 'fhc f�nds shall be hcld in an ins�iuiuoa .��F.ose ckposits arc insurcd by a fedenl agency,inswmentality,ot entity <br /> (in:luAing L.cnder,ii Lendcr is sa.h an institutioa)or in any('rderal Home l.wn Oank. Lendcr shall app[y the Funds to pay <br /> tlx&sttow Items. Lender mxy nut charge Bonower for Mlding anA .w,Qlyin��he Fundc,annually analyzing the escrow . <br /> aaoan6 or vcdfying Ihc GsaoH f;cnu, unlcu Lcndcr{u�s Bortowcr iatzrest on �he FunJs a�id applicablc law prmii�s . <br />�- I.ender to make such a charge. E7owc��cr, Lendcr mny m�aire IIoaow.r�o pay a or.c-ria�r ehargc for an indepcnd�z ttal <br />-= esta[e tax reponing urvice uxAby l.ender in caa�ection��iih lhis loan,e�nte:c nppli.nbie(a�provlAes oih;rwlse. U.%kss ao <br /> agrcemeN is made or applicable law requires in�rrcsi to Ix paid,Lender sFaEt noi bz ru�uired io pay Isncnn�er any iir.:risf or <br /> eamings on the Iimds. I7orcowcr and Lcnd.�rtkiy agrw in aTiting,hmaxe.r,�hai in�cres�shall bc{acd oa.ahe Fund:+. t.enler <br /> ,tixll give to Dorrower,wlihom chuge,on.�m�al nccountine�uf Ihc Fiinds,shnwing credits and debits m tito Fuuds mzA Ihe <br />- puc?ose for wUieh each d:bit to a''�fiu:ds wns made. The�;�ndg arz phdged as edAiimnal securi�y for ail sums zecuced by <br />-- ihis Sccurity Instrument. <br />��- • ir�n� r�n.���w�� hv l.en1er rueed etk :vnoun�s pennitted �o be 5e11 by appticable la�v, Lender shall nccount lo <br />- Oottower for Rie ecttxs funds in acco:dance v.i�h Ihe requimmenls of np��cabie law. 11 tiie amoum oi ihe Fun�hcld by - �� <br />-=. Lcndu ul any�ime is nm uiffi:iem��pay 1he Pscrow Items when Lue,l.cndcr may so notify 6onower in wming,and,in <br />= such ca<e Borra���er sha((pay m�.erder �he amount nmessary �o make up �he deflcienry. Dortower shall make up �he _Y____ <br /> JrCe::enq•in no mote thnacwe4z aiomhly paymeNS,n�Lender's wle discre�lon. •� <br /> Upon paymen�In fnll of�dl sums securcd by�his Saurity Insvumen6 Lender sha?[prompily rcfund to 6ortower nny ��'�,_� <br />- � Ponds held by Lender. If,undtr parograph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Ropeny.Lender,prior�o�he acquisl�lon or �.� _ <br /> sale of the Propetty,sl�all appl/ nny limds hcld by Lender nt the�ime of acquisi�ion or sale as a crcdlt against�he sums �� �„ - <br /> secuted by�his Securiiy Inswment. � <br /> 3. Appllcatlon ot 1'ayments. Unless applicable law prmides othenvise, all paymen�s rcceived by Lender under ��<,a, <br />. pa:eeraphs I and 2 shall be any�rcp:rymem charges duc undcr the Nae;second,ta nmoums payabic under �, Ly�� <br />- µ�regraph 2;Ihird,to intemsi due:founh.�o princ pal duc;and las6�o any la�e chuges dut under thc Ivoic. .e <br />- 4. Charges: Llens. DoROwer shall pay all taxes,assessmems,charges, fines and impositions mlribnlaFS: m �hc "��;sqj+ �- <br /> Prope�ty a•hich may aualn priori�y over�his Securiiy Inswment,and Icasehold paymems or ground tents.If any, ilottower ;r;.'k.f `• : <br />- shall pay thesc obligations tn ihc manner provided in par�gmph 2.or if not paid in tl�at manner,�orra•xyr shaU(ny them on ,�;.} <br /> - qmc directiy�o thc pcaon owed p�ymem. Dorrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender all no�ims of an:onmz�o Lc�3n�uMer ai1 f��.__� <br /> thfs paragr�ph. If Uortuu�er mzkes�hcsc paymems Jircaiy,6orto���cr shall promp�ly fumish to LenJer rcceip�s evid,ndng ;_-.; ' <br /> ��4fi �;: <br />.. �hepaymenis. t:::;- <br /> � �^, . <br />_ �orto�ver shatl promptly discharge nny lien which haz priorityover this Security Insvumem unless Uovo�cer.�a�agrces i�Q;y�-„_. <br />�• in wriiing�o�he paynMnt uf�he obliga�ion saumd by the lien in a manner acceptabie�o Lender,ib)comesie in goai inith ihe ffjf. „-, <br /> lien by,or defends againsi entorcemem of�he lien in,legal procecdings which in ihe LenJerk opininn opera:r to piecem the - .±jC���� <br />- enforeement of�he licn:or(U ctcurcs from�he ho'Aer of�h:licn zn agrcemen�satisfactory to Lender suburAina�ing ihe lien �t'.h f.:_: <br />- lo fiis Stturily Inswment. li 1-ender de�emiines�ha�ar.y p.�n of the Property is�ubject�o a lien which may ae�ain prionly {S«r- <br />� ovc��his Sauri�y InsimmenL Lender may gire 6ortower a�rotiec idcmifying�hc licn. Oortower shall satisfy thc licn or Iakc ,<rx�,;L�__-,� <br />- one or more of ihe aaions set(unh abore wi�hin 10 days ofthe giring of nmice. i���s,U;: -. <br /> 5. Iiamrd or Properly insurance. 6onua�cr xhall kccp�he impiovemems nmv exis�ing or herca�cr crccted on the :^;n?)..;---: <br />-- Propeny insured againsl loss M1y fire,hamrds included�riihin the�emi"extended cureragc'and any o�her hai�rds,i�xloding �';'+.,i^.-"_ <br /> � Ooods or Ma:ing, fur��kid� L.tndcr rcyuims inwmna. Thix inmrancc xhall bc mainlained in Ihc amounls ar.d fnr thc py.�t,,...: <br /> �iye< - <br /> \:.i: .. <br /> rarmwx v.vo ��,r�:,-r-rv..•. 'Y���;.-. <br /> . =�"t'- <br />, ' `:: <br /> ! G <br /> �v�,e._...� �t p. i ' ' 'n'r. . .. . . :i �'i�Q �I=' -1-. �.v.Z:an•t.' .Y�T39i.YT 4'��t' r,.,• <br /> . --�t.Ft �:^`xa i,.. _�.}t. ,�ii::!.}� , `fl .:v�.. J'P - '�Y .'� � i <br />.. _ .-. ..� .<. , . . <br /> �_; <br /> i . i�. - ' - re - . � : (" <br />. r��.''y.� - ,)�.� . � . - . . . � .. . <br /> l { .K <br /> ,c ,:'n.:•.: P- r:!,- _ <br /> `�i>i',. ='s . :;'�. . ' - �. .. ' . <br /> <<t;:4�a,: i =._.'!�' -- ' . <br /> _ "'1�'"' 'f�f:'- .. <br /> - �✓�- .. �` , . _ . <br /> _ .rs ' _ ; _ - _ , -. . . <br /> �:}_.4,- . - .-'i..x . . . ._ '_ <br /> r` <br /> ��cj - ' , ' _ -. ' _ , - � <br /> 5 _'�l�{5}� � � ��1 . ' i a..s _ly <br /> a� }�i � , . , s� _ -: � �y - � .. -�- <br /> t " <br /> y �Rt ;_ ,• �r�;� ,, <br /> 3F . _ ; <br /> _ - . � i ) . � t ' .s'>.. . - <br /> � : . _ . t� -'lli .YfJ'. �. : " _ . .. <br /> :.ii. � ..,._ .. _._..._. <br /> .. _ . .. . 1 _ __ <br />