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457 <br />421.4— KLOPP6 B11KTL[TT CO., PRINTING, LITHOGRFPHING ,LTgT1ONERY;OMklslo -- <br />It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that the interest of the said Laura Alice Wilson <br />Tuell, deceased, in and to the real estate hereinbefore described did, upon her death ,pass <br />and descend by operation of law, to the said Winfield Scott Tuell , Grace W.Tuell and Neva <br />Harrison, share and share alike. <br />J.H.14ullin <br />JUDGE. <br />Mate of Nebraska <br />:ss <br />Hall County. ( In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />I J.H.i"u11in, County Judge of Hall County, T ebraska, do hereby certify that I have compared; <br />the foregoing cony of the Final Decree in the mater of the estate of Laura Alice Wilson Tuell, <br />deceased, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a <br />correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said Court is a <br />Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk <br />authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal <br />and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law. <br />IN TIIE::TI11GNY WHEREOF I have hereunto set mit hand and affixed the seal of the <br />County Court, at Grand Island, this seventh 'lay of August 1913. <br />(SEAL) <br />J.H.�Mullin <br />County Judge <br />Filed far retard August 16, 19.13 at -L.30 o'clock P.10. <br />Register of cads <br />Final Decree and <br />I T TIP j IL CUTT?'TTY C0TTRT CAF L1 1':ICN CGTT QTY, 11 L11 A -1 1.. <br />in the i!atter c�f the estate of <br />( Final Decree. <br />Johann 'T_ inrich teinbeck, Deceased( <br />J <br />l "ov can this 2nd day of August, 19`1.3, this cause came on for hearing upon the report of <br />Kulda titein,�ec'�, Lxecutrix of the Last V.-ill and Testar_ent of Johan: ?-einrich SteiniCeck, deceased, <br />and it satisfactorily air) earing to the "ourt t :at all rersons 1_,_ave been duly notified of the <br />filing and h�'aring upon the sa r..e, and it further appearing that said report is correct in all <br />therefore T ,? . n 1- 17 n I <br />respects and ought to be allayed, it is ��1,lerefore, Cr,TEl.LD, A�.7T'Ir��D A..D DES : I;D t:°�:at the re1�art <br />c,f Hulda Steir;^eck, L.;ecutrix, be and the same is hereby approved and allowed as and for her <br />final account and she is discharged of 1,er trust. <br />The Court finds that notice vras given x.11 <br />Persons in the canner provided by law of tl:e time alloti:red and slate ap ;ointed for filing claims <br />against thy; estate of Johann �- _eins.ich ,teinbeck, d: _ceased; that the time so alloi,; -ed for filing <br />clairis ex.- -sired on the lst day of July A.D.1913, and t1 at no claims of any nature were filed <br />i <br />against said estate; that all claims outstanding against said estate, if any there be, are th e <br />efore forever barred and excluded. <br />It is therefore ANJI) CC "` -- IDL"LD by the Court th at all <br />i <br />I�ersons are forever barred from filing any claims or demands against the estate of Johann <br />Heinrich �Iteinbeck, deceased, t.r�d t, :at said estate is fully settled arcs closed. <br />T*_ a Court finds that the said Johann T- eirrich `'tGira :ech left surviving him as his heirs at law <br />and his c my heirs at law, the following naiiied - ersons, to -wit: Hulda Steinbeck, his widow) <br />Henrich teir_beck and Fritz ''teinbeck, his sons and t.nna, ,Nary, Ida, ` artha, Julia and T'leresa <br />Steir,1� ck, his daughters, all of e;hcm ai:e of full a e es ^eptir_g T= _eresa, a mirror sixteen (1 6) <br />i <br />;real s old. <br />T'he "curt finds t -_at the said Johann ,eir-rich Lein Deck eat at 'he ti:ae of fie {nth <br />a _esiaent of .2ounty of and ,.yap;, of _ :e��.��� -.��a, ard that ne v :c,..s __e owner of A:e <br />fc.11owi^g jest-- i"_ed real estate situated in t _e County of Nall end "fate cf ?Tebrack2, to -,h it: <br />The Torth -wrest Quarter of Pection 6 , Township 11, Fange 11, hest of the oth P.'!. and `?arth <br />