<br />�',-- RL6FPA d ARTLETTGO.,PRIIVTING, LITFIOGRRPNIVG ,STATIONERT�OP9RhA__- _ _ -- - -_ —_ -- _ - -- - -- - - --
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />:ss
<br />Hall County. ( In the County Court of Fall County, Nebraska.
<br />I, J.H.T;lullin, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that I have con-
<br />pared the foregoing cony of the Final Decree in the matter of the estate of TAarie E.Wilson,
<br />deceased, with the original record thereof , now remaining in said Court, that the same is a
<br />correct t ransoript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said Court is a
<br />Court of lecorcl having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk
<br />authorized to sign certify -aces in his own name, and that I am: the legal custodian of said
<br />Seal and of the Fecords of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br />I1' TESTI,i Y WH'EREGF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the
<br />(S EAL) 'ounty Court, at Grand Island, this l'th day of August 1913.
<br />filed for record August 16, 1915 at 4.30 o'clock P.T ;.
<br />f
<br />J.H.Mullim
<br />County Judge.
<br />(n_
<br />Register of Deeds
<br />Final Decree.,,
<br />In the matter of the estate of (
<br />Laura Alice Filson Tuell, de ^eased(
<br />Now on this 30th day of July, A.D.1913, this cause came on for hearing upon the final
<br />report of Bertha K.leinrlauf, administratrix of the estate of Laura Alice Wilson Tuell,
<br />deceased,
<br />and the Court finds, from the r)roofs on file, that due and legal notice has been given to all
<br />persons of the filing of said report and the time and place fixed for hearing thereon as pro-
<br />vided by law and as required by the order of the Court heretofore entered herein, and the
<br />Court being fully advised in the premises, finds that said report is correct in all things and
<br />that the same ought to be allowed as and for the final report of the said Bertha Kleinkauf,
<br />administratrix as aforesaid.
<br />The Court .further finds that due and legal notice has been given
<br />Of the time and place fixed for filing claims against said estate; that the time so fixed has
<br />fully expired and that all claims against said estate not filed and presented, if any such there
<br />be, are fully barred and excluded.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Laura Alice Filson
<br />Tuell died, intestate, in the month of Jur_e, 1908, and that she left surviving her as her heirs
<br />at law and sole and only heirs at law, Winfield Scott Tuell, her surviving husband; Grace
<br />Tuell, a daughter, and Neva !,arrisor� a daughter.
<br />The Court further finds that all debts against
<br />~aid estate, the funeral eVpenses and costs of administration have been fully paid.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Laura Alice Wilson Tuell died the owner, or apy)earing
<br />of record to be the owner,of an undivided interest in Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in Tilson's
<br />Subdivision of a part of Se ^tion Three (3), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Mine (9), Vest,
<br />in ?Mall County, Nebraska, and the Court further finds that any interest the said Laura Alice
<br />Wilson Tuell had in and to said -remises did, upon her death, pass and descend by operation
<br />of law, to the said Winfield Scott Tuell, Grace V.Tuell and Neva Earrisor� share and share alike.
<br />WHEREFCRL, it is ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the report of the said
<br />Eertha lleinrcauf, administratrix of the estate of the said Laura Alice l'ilson Tuell, deoeased,
<br />be and the same hereby is allowed and approved as and for the final report of said administra-
<br />trix; that said administratrix is hereby discharged and said estate finally closed.
<br />It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that all persons having claims against sa�i��d�, /estate
<br />not - resented and alloyed, if any such there be, are forever barred and excluded and all�nersons
<br />n�
<br />are forever enjoined from presenting or setting up an,• claims against said estate.
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