<br />�tioaa U0 HEINEN NEWHO Ma, o..
<br />'of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation.is in due form of law.
<br />IN TLSTIMUNY UHLF -10F I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of
<br />the County Court, at Grand Island, thin 12 day of August 1913.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />7
<br />I
<br />.. H.
<br />County Judge.
<br />Filed for record August 12, 1913 at 3.45 o'clock P.M. _
<br />�?eg is ter of Deeds -- - "
<br />Final Decree.N
<br />In the matter of the estate of
<br />Marie L.Wilcon, deceased.
<br />ATow on this 30th day of July, A.D.1913, this cause came on for hearing upon the final
<br />report of Bertha s:leinkauf, administratrix of the estate of 1darie ..Wilson, deceased, and the
<br />Court finds, from the proofs on file, that due and legal� notice has been given to all persons
<br />of the filing of said report and the time and place fixed for hearing thereon as provided by law
<br />and as required by the order of the Court heretofore entered herein, and the Court being fully_;,
<br />advised in the rremises, finds that said report is correct in all things and that the same
<br />ought to be allowed as and for the final report of the said Bertha Kleink.auf, ^.- Ijnin-_'stratrix as
<br />aforesaid.
<br />The Court further finds that due and legal notice has been given of the time and
<br />place fixed for filing claims against said estate; that the time so fixed has fully expired and
<br />that all claims against said estate not filed and presented, if any such there be, are fully
<br />barred and excluded.
<br />The Court further finds that the sai i..arie E.Wilson died, intestate,.
<br />and left surviving her as her heirs at laver and her sole it at law 11auriee S.Wilson and Carl
<br />I.1_�ao "Nilson, sons of said deceased; that in the petition for administration filed herein the name:
<br />of Annie Florence Wilson Bower, Laura Alic ell and Eugene Marren 7'ilson were named with the
<br />said 14 aurice S.Vilson and Carl Elmo Wilson as heirs at law of the said 1,1arie E.Wilson, deceased,
<br />i
<br />but the Court finds that the said Annie Florence Wilson Bowen, Laura Alice Filson Tuell and
<br />Eugene Zarren 4" ilson were step_- children to the said Marie E.Wilson, deceased. and were, there-
<br />.
<br />fore, not heirs at law of the said 11arie L.Wilsor� deceased.
<br />The Court further finds that the
<br />said 1,1arie E.Wilson died seized as the owner in fee simple of the following described real estate i
<br />situated in the County of rLall and State of Yebraska, towit:
<br />Twenty acres in
<br />the Southeast quarter of the Southvtest quarter of Section Three (3), in Town-
<br />ship Eleven (11) Korth,
<br />Range Nine (�',) "hest, and more rarticularly described as follows:
<br />Bounded on the East
<br />by the center line of said �I;ect ion; on t1ie South by the South line of said
<br />Eection ;cln the Vest
<br />.
<br />by the Last line of the right of way of the Omaha & Republican Valley Rail-
<br />road and extending North as far as necessary to include said twenty acres.
<br />It is, therefore,
<br />orderec adjudged and decreed by the Court that the report of the said Bertha Kleinkauf, as ad-
<br />ininistratrix of the
<br />estate of the said ,.',arie E.Wilson, deceased, be and the :game 1�ereby is app-
<br />roved as and for the
<br />I
<br />final report of said administratiix; said administratiix is discharged and
<br />said estate closed,
<br />and all ?persons are forever barred and excluded from precept ing any claims
<br />against said estate.
<br />It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that, upon the death of the
<br />i
<br />said lvlarie E.Wilsor�
<br />the preLU66s hereinbefore described did pass and descend by absolute title
<br />to Ylaurice ��.Wilson
<br />and Carl Elmo Filson, share and snare alike.
<br />J.H.Mullin
<br />JUDGE.
<br />