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450 <br />MEL IMM MORM REDOND Mo. L' <br />42654- -KLOPP & BARTLETT CO., PR I NTING, LITH OG RAPHI.V G,STATIO NERY ; OMAha _ <br />In the County Court of 'Fall County, Yebraska. <br />In the matter of thy:, estate <br />of ( F I''AL DECREE. <br />Peter Diekmann, Deceased. <br />Dow on this urd play of {";ay, 1 °13, this cause came on for hearing uron the final report <br />of 4,illiam Lohr:.ann, Administrator of the estate of Peter Diekmann, deceased, and it appearing <br />to the court, from the -roof now on file t at all persons interested in the estate of said <br />deceased have been notified as required by law =d the order of Court dated Argil, 19) 1 913 <br />and t';-.ere being no bbiection or protest on file, where upon the court proceeded to exar^ine <br />said final report. After a full e.xam.inat-ion t_- reof the Court finds that said report is <br />correct in all res?Dects and ought to be approved and allowed; that the executor has accounted <br />for all of the estate Q -rich came to his possession andr there remains nothing in his 'rands <br />f'or distribution; notice -as given to all creditors cf the said Peter Diekniann_, .;creased, <br />of the time allowed and place appointed for filing claims against the estate of said deceased, <br />as -required by law and the order of court; that the time limited for ,resenting clair::s has <br />fully expired; that all claims filed and allowed have been raid and satisfied, that all <br />claims outstanding a;ai.nst said estate and net so presented within tine time allowed, if any <br />such there be, are therefore forever barred and excluded. <br />It is (therefore Ordered, Ad .aged and Decreed that the retort of Villiam Lohmann, admin- <br />istx•ator, be and the same hereby is a-prproved and allowed as and for his final account, and it <br />I'd furl .e-r Ordered and Considered that all persons are forever barred from filing or setting <br />up any claims against the estate of Peter Diel<rianr� deceased, and that said estate is fully <br />settled and closed. <br />The Court finds that the said Peter Diet:mann departed this life on the <br />14th day of August, lU2:1 leaving a last will and te.:tatient which instruriient was duly allowed <br />and admitted to rxo' ate in this Court on the 7th day of September, 1 1_'12, are entered of record. <br />It is found by t'.e "aunt that the said Peter Diekmann was at the time of his death the <br />owner in fee of the following described real estate situate in the County of Hall and Rate of <br />T'ebraska, to -tnrit : <br />ot Tiro (u) in Flock Ten (lU) in Don_-ie >rae Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, and Lot Ten (10) in Block Forty-five (45) in Russel A"fieeler's Addi',,ion to the. <br />City of 'li:and Island, and the Court finds that under the terms and provisions of the last will <br />and testament of the said Peter D- iekmann all of said real estate did pass and descend at his <br />death to Aargarethe Diekrnann, his widow, for her use and benefit during tier natural life, <br />vritl. power to sell any or ail of saiu real estate, and that at her death the remainder thereof <br />passes and descends ac fellows: <br />One - eighth cart thereof to each of his children now living, <br />pert. Gly, rg�;rether ;`err ie :;cline, ary Lohrrlann, arty 1�ie'rr::ann, Amalia Hamann, : Tieriry Die..mann, <br />ohn Dierxiar_n and "innie Wv alter; <br />One - sixteenth part thereof to Anna Witt., 1,Aargaretha Witt <br />and Frank Fitt, children of Lena Witt, a deceased daughter, in equal shares; <br />One - sixteenth part thereof to Edward Krehmke, ?ettie Krehrrke and Arthur Krehmke, chil- <br />dren of a deceased daughter, Anna Xre7�.mke, in equal shares. <br />The Court finds t' the executor has paid all of expenses of the last sickness of <br />the deceased the funeral expenses and the costs of administration. <br />J.I1.i1ullin <br />County Judge. <br />