AZSG 437
<br />In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />V
<br />In the 1.1atter of the Estate
<br />of ( Final Decree.
<br />Patrick J.Francis, decoased.
<br />i
<br />Now on this 18th day of June, 1913 this cause came on to be heard upon the report of Mary j
<br />Francis, Administratrix of the estate of Patrick J.Franeis, deceased, and it appearing to the
<br />court that due notice has been given, that the said Mary Francis is the mother of said deceased
<br />y
<br />and his sole heir, and that she enters her voluntary arrearance, waives further notice and asks
<br />that her report be allowed, no one appearing to object , the court proceeds to examine said
<br />i
<br />report. After a full examination thereof the court finds that said report is correct and
<br />ought to be allowed; that the said administratrix has accounted for all of the estate which
<br />came to her possession; that she has received from all sources the sum of A,1297.04 and has paid
<br />out the sum of $49.05 and that there remains in her hands the sum of $1248.99 belonging to said
<br />estate; that notice has been given to creditors by publication and by posting, as required by
<br />law and the order of court, of the time allowed and place appointed for filing claims against
<br />said estate; that the time limited for filing claims has fully expired; that no claims of any
<br />nature were filed against said estate; that all claims outstanding against the said Patrick J.
<br />i
<br />Francis, deceased, if any such there be, are therefore barred and excluded.
<br />i
<br />It is therefore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the report of Mary Francis, Administra-
<br />trix, be and the same hereby is approved and allowed as and for her final account and she is
<br />discharged of her trust.
<br />It is further considered and adjudged that all persons are forever
<br />barred from filing or setting up any claims or demands against the estate of Patrick J.Francis j
<br />deceased, and that said estate is fully settled and closed.
<br />-The Court finds: that the said � -
<br />Patrick J.Francis was at the time of his death the owner of the following described real estate
<br />situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to -wit:
<br />The North one -half of the North west Quarter of Section Twelve (12), in Township Ten (10)
<br />in Range Twelve (12), and The South east Quarter of the South west Quarter (S.E.4 of S.W. -D
<br />of Section Two (2), in Township Ten (10), in Range Twelve (12), and it is found by the Court
<br />that the said Patrick J.Francis departed this life intestate on the 10th day of June, 1912, and
<br />that he left no issue surviving him; that Mary Francis is the mother of the said deceased and
<br />is his sole survivin_ parent, and that under the law of descent of the State of Nebras #a , all
<br />of the abov® described real estate did pass and descend at the death of the said Patrick J.
<br />Francis, intestate, to the said Mary Francis, in fee, and that she takes the personal property.
<br />It is therefore considered and adjudged by the court that the North J of the N.W-L of
<br />Section 12, of Township 10, of Range 12, and The South east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
<br />of Section 2, in Township 10, in Range 12, all in Hall County, Nebraska, did pass and descend
<br />at the death of Patrick J.Francis to Mary Francis, in absolute title.
<br />J.H.Mullin
<br />County Judge.
<br />State of Nebraska (
<br />:ss
<br />County of Hall ( I. J.H.Mullin, sole presiding Judge and Ex- Officio Clerk of the County
<br />Court in and for said County, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of The
<br />Final Decree in the matter of the estate of Patrick J.Francis, Deceased, with the original
<br />record thereof now remaining in said Court, that the same is a corre ^t, transcript thereof, and
<br />of the whole of such original record, and I further .certify that the foregoing attestation is
<br />in due form of law.
<br />In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the
<br />County Court, this 18 day of June 1913.
<br />(SEAL( J.H.Mullin
<br />Judge and Ex- Officio Clerk of the County Court.
<br />