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<br />for all of the estate of said deceased which came into their possession and have distributed
<br />i
<br />same in accordance with the terms of the will and ^there remains nothing in their hands for
<br />i
<br />distribution. All of which is shown by receipts and vouchers filed in this office.
<br />J .H.Mullin
<br />County Judge.
<br />State of Nebraska (
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<br />Hall County. ( In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />I, J.H.Mullin, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that I have compared
<br />the foregoing copy of the Last Will and Testament and Final Decree in the matter of the estate
<br />of Henry Sievers, Deceased, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that
<br />the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said
<br />Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has
<br />no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian
<br />of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due
<br />form of law.
<br />In Testimony W'rAereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of
<br />the County Court, at Grand Island, this 29th day of May, 1913.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />J.H.Mullin
<br />County Judge.
<br />Filed for record June 10, 1913 at 11.30 o'clock A.M.
<br />er ot, llee
<br />Final Decree.}
<br />In The County Court of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />In the matter of the Estate of
<br />James M. Dunkel , Deceased
<br />Now on this 14th day of June, 1913, this cause came on to be heard upon the final
<br />report of Matilda W.Dunkel, Administratr.ix of the estate of James M.Dunkel) deceased, and it
<br />appearing to the court that notice has been given to all persons interested, as required ,by
<br />law and the order of court dated June 4, 1913, and there being no objection or protest on file
<br />the court proceeded to examine said report, and after a full examination thereof the court
<br />finds that said report is correct in all respects and ought to be approved as and for the final
<br />account of said administratrix; that the administratrix has accounted for all of said estate
<br />which came into her hands and that there remains nothing in her possession for distribution;
<br />that due notice was given to all creditors of the time allowed and place apy?ointed for filing
<br />claims against said estate, in the manner provided by law; that the time limited for filing
<br />claims against said estate has fully expired; that all claims filed and allowed against said
<br />estate have been fully settled and paid, and that all claims outstanding against the estate
<br />of James M.Dunkel, deceased, and not filed in this office within the time allowed for filing
<br />are therefore forever barred and excluded.
<br />It' is th;;refore ordered, adjudged and decreed that
<br />the report of Matilda W.Dunkel, Administratrix, be and the same hereby is approved and allowed
<br />as and for her final account and she is discharged of her trust.
<br />It is further :considered by the court that all persons are forever barred from filing or
<br />setting up any claims or demands against the estate of James R.Dunkel, deceasedy and that said
<br />estate is fully settled and closed.
<br />The Court finds that the said James V . Dunkel departed this
<br />life, intestate, on the 10th day of January, 1912, and that he left surviving him as his heirs
<br />at law, and his only heirs at law, the following named persons:
<br />Matilda W.Dunkel, his widow, and James Monroe Dunkel, his son, and Anna Matilda Dunkel, his
<br />daughter, and Sadie Wauneta Dunkel, his daughter, and a posthumous child Ruth Elizabeth Dunkel,
<br />