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MELD MD MIRM- RM50RD ft. L <br />42654- -KLOPP 6 BARTLETT CO.. PRINTING, LITHOGRAPH I NG.STATIONERY i OMAHQ <br />events of said will as therein provided. <br />Iw1.D.Smith, <br />County Judge. <br />State of Nebraska <br />:ss <br />Howard County. ( I. yT.D.Smith, County Judge for said County, hereby certify that the <br />foregoing three rages contain and are true copies of the last will and testament of •ors . Alie e <br />Schwartz, deceased together with the certificate of probate thereon endorsed and the final order <br />of said court approving the final report and making distribution of the estate, as provided in <br />the will of said deceased All of which appears from the. will and certificate thereof on file <br />and of record in the probate department of said Court. <br />Witness my hand and the seal of said court affixed this 13th day ofviarch 1913. <br />(SLAL) M'.D.Smith <br />County Judge. <br />Filed for record 'March, 18, 1913 at 9 o'clock A.I� . <br />egister o <br />FIi�TA1J L %L'lJl <br />IN T-LL "UT 1TT�' C(� T,T Gr tTALL C(.T_�?7Y, 1TERRAS'KA. <br />In the iaatter of the "state of <br />FIPTAL DECIELL <br />Richard 14iernoth, Deceased. <br />Now on this Seth day of ',`arch 1913, this cause carne on for hearing upon <br />the final report of Fred .'ie:noth, administrator of the estate of Richard Yiemoth, deceased, <br />and it satisfactorily appearing to the 7ourt, from the proof now on file, that all- persons <br />inter :steel in the Estate of said deceased have been dicey notified by publication, as required <br />by law and the order of Court dated 3,iarch 14, 1913, and there being no objection or protest <br />on file the Court 1 roc eeded to examine said report. <br />After a f>>11 hearing the court finds that the administrator has accounted for all of the <br />estate d-hieh came in. to his hands; has raid the funeral ex-en <br />of adrinistration ar.d has distributed the remainder among the <br />- ierioth, deceased; <br />that his report is correct in all respects <br />allowed. <br />It is therefore by the Court ordered, adjudged and <br />1Tiewioth, administrator be and the same hereby is ap-roved and <br />accoLmt. <br />;es, all debts allowed, the costs <br />legal heirs of the said Richard <br />and ought to be approved and <br />decreed that the report of Fred <br />allowed as and for his final <br />The Court finds that due notice was given to all creditors of the said Richard <br />that the tune so allowed for filing claims has fully expired; that no <br />1? cif the time limited and place appointed for filing claims against his estate; <br />A <br />claims of any nature were filed against said estate, and that all claims outstanding against <br />the said Richard Tiemoth „deceased, and not so presented for allowance, if any such there be <br />are therefore forever barred and excluded. <br />It is therefore consider eel, and adjudged by thC.. Court that all persons are forever barred <br />from: filing or setting up any claims or demands against the estate <:f Richard 1?iernoth,dece;ased <br />and said estate is fully settled and closed. <br />The Court finds that the said Richard Niemoth <br />departed this life on the 18th day :.f December, 1911, that he died intestate and that he left <br />surviving him as his heirs at law and -his only heirs at law the following named persons: <br />E1.4 1Tiemoth, his widow, and Villiam TTiernoth and Lc- -lu Yier;oth his children. <br />Tree Court finds that the said Richard 1 ?ieri °_oth was at the time of his death the owner of <br />the following described real estate situate in the Courty of Hall and c'tate of Yubraska, to -wit <br />The guest half of the North Last `Iuarter and the North half of the North Best Quarter of <br />S ction 13, in Township 12, in i ange 9, and that under the law of desert of the E_'tate of T'ab- <br />raska, said real :state did nasc and descend at his death in the manner following: <br />1 <br />1 <br />