<br />17
<br />YEL Mo MOREE RMUND ma, L
<br />this First day of December, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Eleven.
<br />Mrs. Alice Schwartz
<br />Witnesses:
<br />Paul Anderson.
<br />Peter Ebbesoh ...
<br />------------- 0--- - - - - -- --
<br />State of Nebraska ( i
<br />:ss
<br />Howard County. ( ape, the undersigned, Paul Anderson and Peter Ebbe:svn., both of St.
<br />Paul, Howard County, Nebraska, that the foregoing last will and testament of 'Mrs. Alice Schwartz
<br />was written at the dictation of the said testatrix, that the same was plainly read to her, that
<br />she declared in our hearing that the same was her last will and testament, and signed it in our
<br />presence. We further certify that the said testatrix was" at the time of sound mind and memory �
<br />and in full possession of all her mental faculties, We further certify that we are not related
<br />to the said testatrix, nor are we interested in her estate, neither as creditors nor otherwise,
<br />simply at her request signing as attesting witnesses.
<br />Witness our hands hereto set at St.Paul, Nebraska, this 1st Say of December A.D.1911.
<br />Paul Anderson of St.Pa -i1, Howard Co.Nebraska.
<br />Peter Ebbeson of St.Pavl, Howard County, Nebraska;
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />•ss
<br />Howard County. ( Now on this 8th day of June, 1912, the within last will and testament
<br />of Alice Schwartz, was duly grove,n before me, I .D.Smith County Judge, for said oounty according
<br />i
<br />i
<br />to law as the last will and testament of the real and personal estate of said deceased; and the
<br />same was duly admitted to probate and duly recorded in the office of said Court.
<br />Witness my hand and the seal of said Court, hereto affixed, the day and year above written.
<br />(SEAL) M.D.Smith,
<br />Co. Judge.
<br />--------- - - - - -- --6- ------ - - - - --
<br />In the Matter of the estate of
<br />( Final Order.
<br />Alice Schwartz, d�eeased.
<br />On this 14" day of Jane -.ary, 1913, this cause came on for hearing on the final report and
<br />account of the Executrix of the will and estate of said deceased, and it appearing to the court
<br />i
<br />that all of the heirs, devisees, legatees and other persons interested in said estate have waived
<br />I
<br />in writing the giving of notice of the hearing of "the final account and report of the executrix i
<br />by publication or otherwise, which waiver is on file in this cause, and on the request stated
<br />in said waiver and as provided and required by law, I have examined said account and report and
<br />i
<br />find the said account correct and said report full and final, and the same should be approved
<br />and allowed.
<br />I further find that all claims against said estate have been paid that have been
<br />presented and allowed, and that any cltim mot presented has been barred; that the expense of
<br />administering said estate have been paid largely by the surviving widower of deceased, and that
<br />he the said Henry Schwartz waives reimbursement for any such payment.
<br />I further find there is no property belonging to said estate except that bequeathed and
<br />devised in the will of said deceased; that the legacies and bequests-. specified in the will of
<br />K
<br />deceased have been paid and turned over by the executrix to the respective devisees and lega-
<br />tees; that the sum of 4",'2000.00 re,.aains in the hands of the executrix as trustee for the use of
<br />Henry Schwartz, and said executrix is ordered to preserve, invest and protect the same, paying
<br />over to the said Henry Schwartz the interest thereon derived from such investment so long as he
<br />the said Henry Schwartz, shall live. The final account and report of said executrix is hereby
<br />allowed and approved, and said executrix is hereby decreed to have performed her dh "ties accord-
<br />ing to law and to the full extent required to this date, but not fully and finally discharged
<br />from her�t //sust, holding only for the purpose of further carrying out the provisions and requir
<br />A
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