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YJ!ll' O DBREE ROOM V0., L <br />42654--KLOPP & aARTLFTT CO.. PRINTING, LITHOGRAPH I MG, STATIONERY; OIV'AF'A <br />FINAL DEORLi..' I E T H h - QTJIT U y C 0,T7 RT OF HA LL OTTITT Y, NLRASKA. <br />In the matter of the estate of <br />FINAL DECRih. <br />Johann Lorenzen, Deceased. <br />Yow on this 19th day of February, 1213 this cause came on for hearing upcm the final re- <br />port of nudolf '%'Raher, Administrator of the estate of Johann Lorenzen, deceased, and it satis- <br />ia--torily appearing to the Court from the proof now on file that all rersons inter --ested in the <br />estate of said deceased have knowledge of the filing of said report and that they have waived <br />further notice and asked that the report be allowed, and it fl.,rther appearing to the court <br />aiter a full examination '..Laereof, that said report is correct in all respects and ought to be <br />approved and allowed, that the said administrator has accounted for all of the personal prop- <br />erty coming intc, his hands and that there remains nothing in his possession for distribution <br />it is Ore) Crderad that the report of Rudolf '3.Reher, administrator of the estate of <br />Johann Lorenzen, deceasedl be and the same bereby is approved and allowed as and for his final <br />account.. <br />It is found by the court that due and legal notice was given to all creditors of <br />the said Johann Lorenzen, deceased, of the time limited and place appointuad for presenting <br />claims against his estate; that the time so allowed for filing claims has fully expired; that <br />all claims filed and allowed against said estate have been fully settled, paid and satisfied; <br />that all Cltims outstanding against th,_ estate of Johann Lorenzen, deceased and,not filed for <br />allowance within the time limited, if any such there be, are therefore forever barred and exclu- <br />dad. <br />It is t1-lerafore considered and adjudged by the Court that all persons are forever bar - <br />red irom filing or setting up any claims or demands against the estate of Johann Lorenzen, de- <br />ceased., and that said estate id fully settled and closed. <br />The Court finds that Johann Lorenzen <br />departed this lif e on the 10th day of April,, 10112, and that he was at the time of his death a <br />resident of Hall County, Nebraska; that he died intestate and that he left surviving him the <br />following named persons as his heirs at law and his only heirs at law: <br />Julia Cornelius, 1.1ary Reher and Kiesa Detlefsen, his daughters, and -'i'eorge Lorenzer� Jr., <br />his son. <br />The Court finds that the said Johann Lorenzen was at the time 'of his death the owner <br />of the following described real estate situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska) to- <br />wit: The North half of the North West quart er of IS, ect- ion 14 in Township 10, in Rang, a 10, and <br />that under the provisions of the law of descent of the State of Yebraska, said real estate did <br />U er, <br />pass and descend at his death to the said Julia I'ary Pan Lliese Detlefsen and <br />.1oorge Lorenzen, Jr., share and share alike, to have and to hold to them and their heirs and <br />assigns forever. <br />It is therefore -considered by the court that the IQ of the of Section <br />14 in Township 10, in Range 10 in Hall County, 7tbraska, did descend at the death of the said <br />Co) <br />Johanr. Lorenzen, intestate, to Julia Cornelius, T.Iaxy -Reher, Lliese Detlefsen and Ileorge Lorenzen <br />Jr., in fee, an undivided one fourth hart thereof to each. <br />J.H.1.1ullin <br />14 <br />cunty Judge. <br />State of Nebraska <br />:ss <br />Hall County. <br />I In the County Court of Hall County, �'elk-.)'raska. <br />J.H.11.ullin, County Judbg 1J Nebraska do hereby certify that I have <br />,a of Hall County, <br />compared the foregoing copy of he final Decree in the matter of thc_ estate of Johann Lorenzen <br />deceased, with th- original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a <br />correct transcript thereof, and of +Ihtz:; whole of such original record; that said Court is a Court <br />of Fecord having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clark authorized <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />.1 <br />