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AZ SC <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />5 <br />M9Lj ,20 PEjffi� NNOUR DD Mg. 0L; <br />42. 654 -- RLOPPB BART LETT CO., PRINTING, LITNOGRAPHI ,VG,6TAT10111EflY;OMANF <br />termination of her estate and interest therein, to the said above named brothers and sisters of <br />said decedent in equal shares. <br />It is therefore by the court adj4dged, decreed and considered that the said money and notes in t <br />hands of the said administratrix pass to the said Mary S.Wells, widow and the said administratrix <br />is hereby directed and ordered tD pay, endorse, transfer and deliver same to her; that all of the <br />above described real estate did, upon the death of the said George G.Wells descend and pass by <br />;operation of law to the said Mary S.Wells, widow for and during her natural lifetime to be held by <br />,her for her sole use, possession and benefit, together with her homestead interest in the south - <br />west quarter of said section 17, as by law provided, and after her death the remainder of said <br />real estate does pass, in fee, in equal shares to the said Raymond.A.Wells, Charles Wells, Edward <br />r <br />;Wells, Della Alter, Francis Weaver, Elisa Fisher and Agnes La Fever. <br />said report and account of the said Mary S.Wells, AdministratriX <br />on filing a receipt from herself as heir for said balance in her! <br />hands the said estate will be closed and she be discharged from said trust. I <br />It is further considered that t <br />are in all things approved and <br />State of Nebraska, ) <br />)ss. <br />Hall County. ) IN <br />Certificate. <br />THE COUNTY COURT OF SAID COUNTY. <br />J.H.�millin _ � <br />C ounty Judge <br />I <br />I, J.H.11ullin, Judge of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the annexed <br />instrument is a complete and correct copy of the Final Decree of said court in the settlement of <br />the estate of George G.Wells, deceased, as the same appears of record in my office. <br />In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the County Court of said County, <br />at Grand Island, Nebraska, this 23rd day of May, 1904. <br />(SEAL) J.H.Mullin <br />County Judge <br />Filed for record on the 21st da of May 1912 at 11 o'clock A.M. <br />Register of pbeds <br />- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o -o -o -o o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o -o -o- o- o- o- o- o- o -o:ao? <br />WILL AND DEGREE . '4 \, <br />In the name of God, Amen <br />I, Fr k X.Hantz of the City of Grand Island, in the County of Hall, <br />and State of Nebraska, considering the uncertainity of this mortal life, and being of sound mind <br />and memory, blessed be God forte same, do make and publish this my last will and testament, in <br />manner and form following, that is to say: <br />First,, I direct that my funeral charges, Expenses of my last sickness, the expensesof admin- <br />istering my estate and all my de is be paid out of my personal property. If that be insuffic- <br />ient I authorize my executor, <br />necessary for that purpose. <br />Second d' I give and bequeath <br />which I now own and which I here <br />use and benefit. <br />Thir I desire that if my <br />arty above mentioned, being all <br />after the payment of the debts <br />First I give and bequeath <br />reaf ter named, to sell so , much of my real estate as may be <br />i <br />my beloved wife, Mary Hantz all of the balance of my property <br />ter acquire and that is owned by me at my death, for her sole <br />wife, Mary Hantz should die before my death, that the prop- - <br />property above owned by me at my death shall be distributed <br />charges above named, as follows, to -grit: <br />o Harry Pursell of Mason City, in the County of Custer and <br />State of Nebraska, ( an adopted s n of my beloved daughter Katherine Pursell, Deceased, and her <br />husband, William Pursell ) the s of 110.00. <br />Second , I give and bequeath to my son Joseph L.Hantz, ( in case of the death of my beloved <br />wife before my decease,) all of the balance of my property owned by me at my death. In case my <br />son Joseph L.Hantz shall die in my lifetime, leaving issue or descendants, I direct that his <br />