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6 4 <br />$ C <br />00 HIRE ROOM 00 0G. <br />42614 -KLOPP 6 BARTLETT GO., PRINTING, LITHOGRAPH I NG,STATIONERN: OMAHA <br />State of Nebraska ( - <br />:ss <br />Hall County ( In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />I, J.H.Mullin, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that I have compared <br />the foregoing copy of The Final Decree in the matter of the estate of Rudolph Stenger, decea sed_ <br />with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct trans- <br />cript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said Court is a Court of Record <br />having; a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign <br />certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian of said seal and of the Records <br />of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY 'NHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed <br />(SEAL) ';he seal of the County Court, at Grand Island , this Sixteenth <br />day of May 1912. <br />J.H.Mullin <br />County Judge <br />Filed for record May 16 , 1912 at 9 o t clock A.M. <br />Register 6f7/Deeds <br />- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O -O -O-O - 0- 0- 0- 0 -0 -0- <br />FINAL DECREE :- . <br />IN COUNTY COURT, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />In The Matter of the Estate of George G.Wells, Deceased. <br />Final Decree. <br />Now on this 14 day of May, 1904 this cause came on for hearing upon the petition and final report <br />of Mary S.Wells, Administratrix of said estate for a- final settlement thereof, and it appearing from <br />the proof on file that due and legal notice of said petition and report had been given as required <br />by the orders of this court and no objections having been made to same and said report upon exami- <br />nation having been found to be in all things correct the court, being duly advised, finds that <br />said report should be approved, the said petition granted and said estate closed. The court further <br />finds that due and legal notice has been given as required by law to the creditors of said estate' <br />to file their claims against same and that all claims filed and debts of said estate have been fully <br />paid, including the expenses and charges of administration; that the saiij administratrox has <br />accounted for all money an4roperty that came into her hands and that she has in her possession a <br />balance in cash and notes belonging to said estate in.the sum of $1121.45. as shown by said report; <br />that said cash and notes do by virtue of law descend and pass to the said Mary S.Wells as the <br />widow and sole- heir -at -law of the said George G.Wells so far as said is concerned, <br />and that she is entitled to a distribution and payment to her of the same. <br />The court loth further find that the said George G.Wells died seized of the south -west quarter and the <br />south -east quarter of the North -west quarter of section No. 17 in Township No. 11 Range 10, West; <br />that he died intestate and without any living issue nor did he leave surviving him any descendant <br />or issue of any deceased child or children; that the said south -west quarter of said Section 17, <br />was, at the date of his death, the homestead of himself and his said wife (now his widow) Mary S. <br />Wells, and the same is still her homestead; that in addition to his said widow Mary S.Wells, the <br />said decedent left surviving him as.his next of kin and only heirs at law the following named persons <br />Raymond A.Wells, his brother, of Kansas City, Missouri, Charles Wells, his brother of Chicago, <br />Illinois; Edward Wells, his brother of Chicago, Illinois; Della Alter, his sister, of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska; Francis Weaver, his sister of Saint Joseph, Missouri; E1isa Fisher, his sister of Portsmouth, <br />,E <br />Ohio and Agnes LaFever, his sister of Portsmouth, Ohio. <br />The court Both further find that all of the above described real estate did, upon the death of the <br />said George G.Wells, descend and pass by operation of law, first, to his said widow, Mary S.Wells' <br />for her sole use, possession and benefit during her natural lifetime including her homestead rights <br />in the said north -west quarter of Section 17, as by law provided, and after her death and the <br />A <br />