<br />Second I further find that at the time of her death, tie said .Te ±tie Ong was the owner
<br />of the following described real estate, to- y Vit:- The Southwest quarter of Section twenty
<br />one in To',-fnshi; three, 'North, Rarge five, -ist in Piuckolls Coiznty, ;aebraska; the undivided one
<br />:calf interest in and to lots seven and eight in block Fourteen in the original to <,srn of Edgar,
<br />'e s: rast.a; the undivided one half interest in and to lot one and two in block taent�r four and
<br />lots six and seven in Mock twenty nine , in Packer & Rar-r's addition to the City ' of zrar_d Island
<br />TNeuraska; ti.e undivided one half interest in and to a tract of land descriloecT as follows to-rit:
<br />Col m(=ancing at a i)oint eighty feet South of the T+orthwast corner of Flock "A ", South addition to
<br />e town of Edgar, TTe Uraska, running thence east on a line eighty feet South of the 1111orth line
<br />of said -ulock "A_ ", to the :Past line tr °.e re of, running thence South fifty feet, running thence
<br />4est to the east line thereon, running thence South fifty feet, running t _.-ence hest to the :Jest
<br />line of said block to a >>oint ore hundred thirty feet south of the : orthavest corner of said block
<br />"A", running t ".ence 'North fifty feet to the place of beginning, to all of which above described
<br />real estate t1-10 said T.,V.(,ng husband of -,,,he said TTettie Ong, deceased, has conveyed his life
<br />interest -o l:lary J.Rroar� riots -_er of said deceased.
<br />The Court furt her finds that said dec ^axed vas ti.e oaarier of tie "outhwest Lixarter of
<br />action Two in toyrn:,hli � four, T'orth of Range six, West in 1Nuckolls County , Nel.)raska , shish said
<br />Teiary J,.Rrown, huffier of said TTettie (ng deceased, i_:ade a deed conveying her reversionary interest
<br />in to the title to said last described real estate to .7.71.0,ng, the surviving husband of said
<br />-ceased, in consicloration of a deed f-rori ':r.e said J.W.Cng to said 'glary .T.Rro�rn, con,!eying all
<br />h is interest and life estate in and to all the ren ainder of the real estate of which said
<br />1-ettia Ong died seized.
<br />Third I further find that on or about the 5th datr of ,March, 1 10 �, the said Tiary J.Rrown
<br />ras y t -iis C';Xirt duly appointed �i r_ inistratrix of tie state of the said Nettie Jng deceased,
<br />and took ul -ion herself the burden and duties t7ieraof; That dale notice to creditors to file
<br />their clai:is rr ainst said estate has been given as re:-luired by law and the order of this court;
<br />that tl.e time l iiiited for filing such claims has fully e sired and that all claims and demands
<br />against said estate, including tie fl neral ex senses and the expenses of administertinl; her estate
<br />lave l:;een fully --,aid and the rersonalp-rol erty distributed as provided by la-;r, and that the acco»nt
<br />of said administratrix is correct in all resj)ects and ought to l e allowed as her final account.
<br />r *J RE PUFF, riv r•
<br />IT I� Thr Rr F(:r E Cv :SIPS, FD, AT?.TT?, �rP n, ANr DECREED by the Court, that the estate of said
<br />Nettie Qrg deceased is fully settled, that all claims and teinands against said estate have been
<br />fully paid or are forever Tarred and that the account of the said i1ary .T.Rrown, adrninistratri.x
<br />ue and the same is hereby allovled as her final account, and slie is hereby discharged front said
<br />trust and her letters of adiiinistration are canceled and annulled.
<br />IT It` FURTHER DE107,77D,by the Court, that the �outhvest nrr?ster of Section T'-;o, in Tanin•ship
<br />four, T �.rth -f arge six, in TTucko_ls County, Nebraska., be and is hereby* assigned to J.;�.Cng,
<br />:surviving husband of said TTettie (:_g, deceased, in full of his life estate in and to all of the
<br />real estate of Shish the said TTettie Cng died seized and all of the residue and remainder of the
<br />real estate iiIreinbefore described is hereby assigned to "lary J.Brown, iother of said deceased.
<br />r =IjIFTT un(Ter ray hand and official seal this ,first dad* of
<br />(SEAL)
<br />State of Te't ;raska (
<br />: ss.
<br />County of Clay ( In the Co
<br />I. L. B. S', finer, C,)unty .Tudge
<br />compared the foregoing copy of Firal
<br />,vit" the original record tiw:eof, noa
<br />August, 1908.
<br />anty Court
<br />of Clay C
<br />Decree in
<br />remaining
<br />Ti.0 . Palmier,
<br />County Judge.
<br />of County, Nebraska.
<br />,)unty, l'ebraska, do hereby certify that I have
<br />the S=matter of the estate of Nettie Ong, deceased,
<br />in said court; that the same ism - carrBot
<br />