<br />IYAL QUO 000 00 NEROMM Val] 0
<br />barred and excluded.
<br />It is therefore considered by the court that all ner >ons are forever barred from filing or
<br />setting ur) an , claims or (.1eri: ands against the estate of 'Ch ,.rles T.Wetzel, deceased, and that said
<br />estate is fully closed and settled.
<br />The Court finds t]-at the said Cr.arles ('x.We+zel left surviving him as his heirs at law, and
<br />his only heirs at lair) the following named persons:
<br />Anna Wetzel, his xrido�v, Ctto Wetzel, Charles Wetzel and Arthur Wetzel, his sons, and Anna
<br />et';Zel, his i. au�;hter.
<br />It is round by ti-.e " Jourt t.at the said Charles G.Wetzel was at the time of his death the
<br />owner of the following described real estate situate in the County of Hall and State of Tlebraska,
<br />to -dit: The Jest 12-.1- ,_cres of the Fast 23 acres of the South -Fast CIuarter of the South -east
<br />quarter (Sc41 of s,7:1;) of "ection Eleven, (11), in Townshi;-) Eleven (11), in Range T1ine (9), as
<br />descri ed in the deed recl,rded in Book 4 ' , ?gage 5906, of the Deed Records of Hall County, and
<br />Elock « in ^ciiirar er's Aic ition to the City of Grand Island, and tr at un: er the law of descent
<br />Of the State of T1ebras1:a, all of said real estate did ,pass and descend at his death in the Manner
<br />following: To Anna getzel, his widow, one -third 1-}art thereof in fee; To Otto Wetzel, Charles
<br />Wetzel , Arthur Wetzel and Anna Wetzel, his children, the remaining two- thirds hart thereof in
<br />eoual s -.ares su oject to the homestead -ights of the widow therein.
<br />It is tiierefore considered 11,T t .e Court that the West acres of the East 23 -.cres of the
<br />S" of t1ie 4r4 of . ection 11, in Township 11, Range 9, as above described, and Block 24 in Schimmer's
<br />Addition to ilrand Island, in Hall County 1lebraska, did rjass and descend at., the death of Charles
<br />a.Wetzel, intestate, to the au,ove named heirs in tale r.anner following: To Anna Wetzel, his ;ridow
<br />1/3 part thereof; to ("Otto Wetzel, Charles Wetzel, Arthur Wetzel and Anna Wetzel, his children
<br />tl;e -rei:ainder as ten tints in co= orb subject to the homestead rig }.t of tre widow.
<br />J. 11. 1,1ullir; County Judge;.
<br />State of Tlebraska
<br />:ss
<br />Hall County. ( In the County Coiixt of Hall County, ' e"Draska.
<br />I, . ;.1i.i- iul_in, Count= Judge of Hall County, ?1p1.raska, do hereby certify that I have
<br />corrr,)ared t -.e fore ping co -�y of the Final Decree in t .e ratter of the estate of Charles s.,detzel,
<br />deceased, the original record t _e-reof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a
<br />correct transcript t1i,e-feof, and of the whole of such original record; that said Court is a Court'
<br />of Record having a seal, 1h.ich seal is .ereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized
<br />to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am- t'-,,-,e legal custodian of Paid "eal and of the
<br />cords of said Court, and tl.at the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br />In Testimony id- Hereof I have -hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,
<br />at Grand Island, this 23rd da.r of A -aril 191E .
<br />(SEAL) J. H. Mullin
<br />County Judge.
<br />Filed for record April 24 191 .2 at 9 o'clock A.1,1.
<br />Zegis ter of Deeds
<br />1
<br />1
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