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2 <br />YEL UP NERNEE REDON DD Moo o V, <br />42654- -KLOPP a SARTLETT CO.. POINTING, 117H OGRA PHI ,VG. STATIONERY: OKC.hA <br />one prong uroker. off ) and a double r %ite lynn on a point between the forks of said run, r. <br />64 ,/4 E. 2C8 poles to a chestnut and 6 chestnut oaks, on a north hillside about r) or 8 Folee <br />from a drain ". ^ 64 E. 1E.0 holes to a set stone witnessed by 2 chestnut oaks and a chestnut, <br />leaving the old line, and running through the tract of nine hundred acres (000), T..58 1.442 <br />Poles to a set stone, nritnessed by 3 -,,,hite oak saplings, on the old line, and vrith the same, <br />S. 35 1/ J. 150 poles to the beginning. This tract being one -half of a tract of Nine <br />hundred (Goo) acres ovi ed jointly by nugh Dever on the one part and Dennis R. and George F,Peirer <br />on the other part. <br />J.H.T.iullin <br />Judge of the County Court. <br />State of I1ebraska <br />: ss <br />County of Ha11 ( I, i .H.A:iullin, tole presiding Judge and Ex- Cffico clerk of the County <br />Court in and for said County, do hereby certify that I have compared tale foregoing copy of the <br />Final Decree in the rata er of the estate of Hugh Dever, deceased, with the original record the- <br />reof now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the <br />whole of such original record, and I fa rther certify that the foregoing attestation is in due <br />fora of lave. <br />In testir,ony iii.ereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County <br />Court, this 10 day of April 191(:4 <br />J . H .1v1u1 i in <br />(SEAL) Judge and Ex- Officio Clerk of the County Court. <br />State of '?e'oraska <br />:ss <br />County of Hall ( I, J.FT.Fiullir� sole presiding Judge of the County Court of Hall County <br />Te rasr.a, do hereby certify that J.H.I.,ULLIN whose genuine signature is affixed to the foregoing <br />certificate is, under t ,e lairs of the State of T;ei_:rask% by virtue of his office as Judge of <br />said Court, ilso the Clerk of said Court, and was such Clerk at the time of making and subscrib- <br />ing ti.e sane,; that his attestation is in due form of law and by the prover officer, and ti,at the <br />ti:ereto affixed is tiie seal of the said County Court, and I furtier certify that said Court <br />is a court of record, having exclusive original is in the settlement of estates. <br />Witness r:iy hand and official :seal this 10 clay of April 191'. <br />(SE_1L) J.H.Mullin <br />Judge of the County Court. <br />Filed for Record Ar)yil 10, 1912 at 4.20 o'clock P.711. <br />egiste-r of Deeds <br />- 0 - 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- C3- 0- 0 -0 -0 -c - 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 1, i- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- n- 0 - 0- 0- 0 -0 -0 -0 0-0-0-0-0-0 - <br />DISTRICT '21('71,T EL"ITT.NTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. <br />JUDGES: Official Reporters <br />James R.nanna, Greeley O.A.Abbott.Jr Grand Island <br />J anie s 11. Paul, St Paul fi . J , Paul, St Paul <br />In he District Court ofriu11 County, T;e'r aska. <br />Henderson Appleate, <br />VS. ( Case Ito. 30-57. Decree. <br />Angie E . Applegate . <br />T1c ?�v on this 12th .Tay of Aril A.D.1912 care the plaintiff in person and accompanied <br />by Bayard 11.Paine, his attorney, a nd the defendant still failing to answer, demur or otherwise <br />plead to the plaintiff's eetition �rras thrice solemnly called in open court, and came not but <br />-a'a default, and it appearing to the Court, that the said defendant had entered her voluntary <br />appearance herein ,aaiving the issuance and service of summons and -raivinj time to plead i- ereir; <br />it is ord -:`red that- '_��er default be enured herein and that the facts stated in the plaintiff's <br />;-Petition be taken as true as n.gainst her. <br />This cause corning on furt i,ar to be heard ?ipon the pleadings and the evidence, the Court, upon <br />consideration of sw-�e finds ti.ut the Plaintiff at the time of riling his petition had been a <br />resilient of the : tate of Nebraska for more than ten years immediately preceding the same and was <br />