<br />to all persons interested in said estate, pursuant to order duly made herein, by publication
<br />for three successive weeks prier hereto, in THE KEARNEY DEMOCRAT, a weekly newspaper, published
<br />and generally circulated in the said County of Buffalo,
<br />And it further appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, from all the evidence adduced
<br />that the said Mary A.Wink died intestate, seized and possessed of real estate situated in our
<br />said County of Buffalo, which is wholly exempt from execution, attachment or other mesne process
<br />and not liable for the payment of any debts of said decedent, and that more than two years have
<br />elapsed since the death of said decedent, and that no letters of administration have been issued
<br />in said Estate in the State of Nebraska, nor application made therefor, IT IS THEREFORE BY THE
<br />COURT ORDERED, that the regular administration of said Estate be, and the same is hereby dis-
<br />pensed with, and that a Decree of Heirship be entered herein.
<br />And now, no one appearing to in any manner object to this proceeding, on due consideration
<br />of all the evidence adduced, the Court finds the allegations of said petition to be true and that
<br />a Decree of Heirship should now be made.
<br />The Court further finds and adjudges from the evidence as follows : - First: - That the
<br />said friary A.Wink departed this life, intestate, on the 11th day of June, 1909, and was then a
<br />resident of Buffalo County, State of Nebraska.
<br />Second :- That the said Mary A.Wink, deceased, left surviving her, Peter Wink, her husband,
<br />Frank Mink and John Mink, her sons, and Clara Wink, her daughter, all now of full legal age, as
<br />her sole heirs at law and next of kin.
<br />Third :- That the said Mary A -link died seized and possessed of the following described real
<br />estate to -wit:- The South half (8.1) of the North -east quarter (N.E.�) of Section Six (6)
<br />in Township Nine (9) North, of Range Twelve (12) West , in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, and the South East quarter (S.E.�) of Section Fourteen (14)
<br />Township Ten (10) Range Fifteen (151 West in Buffalo County, Nebraska.
<br />that the same is wholly exerapt from execution, attachment or other mesne process, and not liable
<br />for the payment of any debts of the said decedent.
<br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court, that the said named Peter Wink,
<br />as the surviving husband of said decedent, have and take an undivided One -third (1/3) interest in
<br />and to the above described real estate, and that the said named Frank Wink and John Pink,. sons,
<br />and Clara Mink, daughter, as the surviving children of said decedent, each take and have and
<br />i
<br />undivided Two - ninths (2/9) interest in and to the above described real estate, in fee simple
<br />title to each of said named heirs.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Seal of said Court, this 24th
<br />day of February , A.D.1912.
<br />State of Nebraska (
<br />Buffalo County f ss
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Certificate to Copies.
<br />F.M.Hallowell
<br />_ County Judge.
<br />I, F.M.Hallowell, Sole Judge of the County Court, within and for said County, and
<br />as such Judge by Law, the sole custodian of the seal and all the records, books, papers and doc-
<br />wnents of or appertaining to said Court, do hereby certify the foregoing and to which this certi-
<br />ficate is annexed to be true copy of the Order and Decree of Heirship as made and entered of
<br />record in said County Court, in the matter of the estate of Mary A.Wink, deceased, late of said
<br />County and State. as the same remains and now appear upon the records of said Court, and that the
<br />same is a true, full and correct transcript thereof.
<br />In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said County Court at
<br />Kearney in said County, this 24th day of February A.D.1912.
<br />F.M.Hallowell
<br />(SEAL) County Judge.
<br />Filed for record February 27, 1912 at 11 o'clock A.M.
<br />egister of DqAds
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