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<br />- lave compared t .e foregoing copy of the Final Decree in the matter of the estate of Hiram !, %Jones j
<br />deceased, Faith the original record thereof , now remaining in said Court, that the sane is a
<br />1
<br />F�,
<br />.correct transcript thereof, and of tile, whole of such on -,inal record; that said Court is a Court
<br />`of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized
<br />to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am +,re lea .1 c��stec?ian of said seal and of the
<br />ecorc�s of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br />IN TESTI14ONY WHEREOF) I have hereunto set my hand and affixed t,-:e seal of the
<br />County Court at Grand Island, this t,,renty- eighth day of Novenber 1911.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />J.Ft.Mullin.
<br />County Judge.
<br />Filed for record January 15.1912 at 11, o l clock A.I.I.
<br />Register o. Feeds
<br />- o- o- o- o o- o- o -o -o --
<br />Decree,_Will and Cettificatc: -Z--..
<br />D E C EE E O F P R 0 DA T E O F W I I, L.
<br />i
<br />ss.
<br />In the matter of proving the last will and Testament of
<br />PETER EOEH, late of said County, deceased.
<br />At a session of the County Court held in and for said County at the County Court Room at Kearney,;
<br />I
<br />on Tuesday, the 10th day of November, 1903, at 1 o'clock P.1% in the year of Our Lord One
<br />Thousand Nine Hundred and Three. Present, F.11.Hallowell, County Judge.
<br />This day having been assigned by an order of said Court for the hearing of the petition of Maria !
<br />Boeh, as widow of said,deceased, praying among other things for the probate and allowance of the
<br />written instrument hereto filed in said Court purporting to be the last will and Testament of
<br />said deceased. !
<br />Now comes Maria Boeh, the said petitioner and Juergen Knuth, one of the subscribing witnesses to
<br />said instrument, and no one appearing to object or to contest this proceeding, and it further
<br />I
<br />appearing to the Court from proofs on file that due and legal notice of the pendency of this
<br />proceeding has been given to all persons interested in said estate by publication in the SHELTON
<br />CLIPPER, a legal weekly newspaper published in said County, in pursuance of an order of this
<br />i
<br />:Court made on the 20th day of October, 1903.
<br />whereupon said Juergen Knuth, one of the subscribing witnesses to said instrument appeaxed in �
<br />Court and made oath that he saw the said Peter Boeh, at the City of Grand Island, in Hall County,
<br />Neb. sign, seal and heard him publish and declare the said instrument to be his last will and Test
<br />ament, and that said Juergen Knuth, and Emma Knuth, subscribing witnesses at the same time
<br />i
<br />attested the same, and subscribed their names as witnesses thereto in the presence of each other,
<br />and the said testator, and at his request, that he was then according to the discernment of said
<br />Juergen Knuth, of sound mind and under no restraint whatever, And that said Juergen Knuth, said
<br />subscribing witness has no interest whatever in the probate and allowance of said last Will and
<br />Testament.
<br />And it further appearing that said Peter Boeh last dwelt and had his residence in and was an
<br />inhabitant of said Buffalo County and there died. And the evidence touching the premises being
<br />i
<br />maturely considered, it satisfactorily appears to the Court that said instrument is duly proved,
<br />and ought to be allowed as the last will and Testament of said deceased.
<br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by this Court, that said instrument be approved,
<br />allowed and established and have full force and effect as the last Will and Testament of said
<br />'deceased; and that the same be recorded as required by law.
<br />'AND IT IS FURTIJER ORDERED, That the execution of said will be committed, and the administration
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