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298 <br />MEL NO MEMM RMORM V0. L <br />42654 -KLOPP k BARTLETT CO., PRINTING. LIT"O G RAPH I.V G,STATI ONERY; O MA WQ <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRAS iA. <br />In the matter of the estate of ( <br />FINAL DECREE. <br />Hiram N.Jones, deceased. <br />Now on this 25th day of November, A.D.1911, this cause came on for hearing upon the <br />petition of Miranda I .Jones, widow of said Hiram 1:1.Jones) deceased, to dispense with administr- <br />a -ion of the estate of. the said Hiram M.Jones, deceased, to fix and establish the heirs at law <br />of said deceased and to award the estate of said deceased to his heirs at la.,, and, it appearing <br />to the Court, from the ;goofs now on file, +-hat due notice has been given to all persons intere& <br />sted in said estate of the time and place set for the hearing upon said petition as required by <br />law and by the order of this Court heretofore made and entered herein, and the Court having <br />heard the testimony offered in support of said petition, finds: <br />First. That said petition of the said Miranda R.Jones, is duly verified as required. by law, <br />and is in due form of law. <br />Second. That Niue notice has been given to all persons interested in said estate of the time <br />and place set for the hearing upon said -netition in the manner required by law and as required <br />�y the order of the Court, ieretofore entered herein. <br />Third. That the said Hiram ;,,.Jones, departed this life, intestate, on the 7th day of October <br />A.D.1911, at his rioI. ".8 in mood River -4 County, ie -rask% and that immediately preceding his <br />death he was a resident and inhabitant of Hall County,. Nebraska,; that at the time of his death <br />the said Hiram i,i.Jones was seized and possessed ?_s the owner in fee simple of the following <br />described real estate situated in Hall County, Nebraska to-wit:- <br />Lot Number Six (6) , in Flock Niz- .O.)er Nineteen (19), in the original town of good River. <br />That at tine time of the death of the said Hiram i .Jones, said premises was the homestead of the <br />said Hiram 1TI.Jones, deceased, and his :rife, Miranda ^..Tones, the petitioner herein, and that the <br />same is now the homestead of the said 14iranda R.Jones, the widow of the said Hiram ?,I.Jorbs, dec- <br />eased; that said prenises eras, at the time of the death of the said Hiram ,',i.Jor_es, and now is <br />of the value of Mine Hur_dred Dollars and no more; that said real estate above described is who- <br />11y exempt from execution, attachllent or other mense 'process and is not liable for the payment <br />of the debts of said deceased; that the said Hiram i- i.Jones at the time of his deat h was not <br />seized or possessed as owner or other;sri,e of any estate, :either real or personal, except as above <br />described. <br />Fourth. That the <br />sole and only i:eirs <br />4ebraska, of la,vf-_Tl <br />ire j-raska, a daugi t e <br />said rural~: !;.Jones , deceased, <br />at law, the following nal�ed p <br />age, q-r ac e C . Pa cker, formerly <br />r of said deceased, and Claude <br />left surviving him as his heirs at law and his <br />=roons: Miranda PL.Jones, ,xidow of Wood River <br />Trace C.Jones, of lr ,rful age, of Wood r Ivor, <br />R.Jones, of lawful age, of Laramie, Wyomin;,. a <br />son of said deceased. <br />Fifth. That the e)%,;enses attending the last sickness and tiie funeral of the said Triir=' .,'.Jones <br />deceased, have been fully paid, <br />It is, therefore, ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that regular aCa inistration <br />of the eStc' B Of ii % Cft.1= i _ram JM..Te es, Ctece sed, be and the same here.! y is i3is- penned with. <br />It is furtrier orCierFn(i ,c? judged an(l decreed by the Court that, l pon the death of the cold <br />ui\.0 I, Q-1- 3T izr bet Si:c ( >), in R1ochlTumber Nineteen (19) of the ori� inal town of <br />;mood aver , Nebraska, did pass and descend, by absolute titre to the said ,.iiranda R.Jonee, <br />trace C.Packer and Claude_D.Jones, share and snare alike, subject ,however, to the homestead <br />estate therein of the said ::iiranda R.Jones. <br />J.H.Mullin, County Judge. <br />"t ate of Ne ,rarka <br />:ss <br />'Dull County ( In the Count* Court of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />I. J.H.1•dullin, County Judge of mall County, Neraska, do hereby certify that I <br />1 <br />1 <br />u <br />