<br />In the matter of the estate of
<br />DECREE
<br />14yrtle L.Ramsthel, deceased
<br />i
<br />This cause carne on to be heard on this 17th day of idovember, 1911, on the final report
<br />and petition of Sarah J.Ramsthel, administratrix of said estate, for the settlement and distrib-
<br />ution of said estate >;and,its assets and it appearing from the proof on file that the said Sarah
<br />J.Ramsthel, sole heir at law and only person interested therein, had waited n.,ublicatioll and
<br />notice of the filing of said report and petition, said notice is hereby dispensed with. And
<br />i
<br />Upon examination of said report the Court finds that it is , in all respects, correct and should
<br />be allowed and approved; the assets remaining in the hands of the said administratrix be distr-
<br />ibuted to said sole heir at law as in said petition prayed.
<br />The Court further finds, from the proof on filed, in this case, that legal notice as
<br />required by law and the orders of this Court, has been given to all persons having clai s against
<br />I '
<br />said estate of the time and place for filing same; that,said time has expired and that all debts!.
<br />of said estate and costs of administration have been paid and that, all other debts or claims,
<br />if any there be, are forever barred and precluded.
<br />i
<br />The Court further finds that said deceased cried ,seized of the following described real
<br />I
<br />estate situate in Hall County, Nebraska, to- :grit: An undivided one half interest in Fr ctional
<br />Ir1
<br />Lot Five (5), in Block Fourteen (14), in The Bonnie Brae Addition to Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />and Fractional Lot Five(5) in Block Three (3), in Arnold & Abbott's Addition to and island,
<br />I
<br />Nebraska, comprising one full town, lot, and that upon the death of said deceased, the sEne passed;
<br />i
<br />by operation of lair, to Sarah J.Ransthel, mother of said Myrtle L.Ramsthel. That sai Myrtle
<br />L.Ramsthel died intestate ,unmarried and without issue.
<br />The Court further finds that said administratrix still has in her possession 41,227 in cash
<br />and note for 3, 000 dated April 1st, 1910, due in five years from date, with interest a six
<br />per centum per annum, payable semi - annually, and represented by coupon notes thereto at ached,
<br />all given by Charles White, Sidney White 31 Joseph White and Rebecca Stocker and secured y a
<br />Mortgage on the Southeast quarter Section 1, Township 9, Range 9, in Hall County, Nebra ka, in
<br />favor of Chas G.Ryan and assigned to Myrtle L.Ramsthel and Laura E.Raorsthel.
<br />That the above described money and notes should be distributed by said administratr x to
<br />herself as heir at law.
<br />It is ,therefore, by the Court, adjudged, considered.and decreed that all debts of aid estai
<br />are forever barred; that the said final report be, and the same Hereby is , allowed and approved
<br />that the above described real estate passed and descended to the said Sarah J .Ramsthel, sole
<br />heir at law of 24yrtle L.Ramsthel, deceased, and that the said administratrix is hereby directed
<br />to pay to herself the remainder of money in her hands and assigns, by necessary assignments and
<br />endorsements, the above described notes and mortgage to herself, as such heir at law, and file
<br />receipts therefor in this Court; that said estate is settled; said administratrix discharged
<br />and her bond released.
<br />J.H.Mullin.
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />:ss
<br />Hall County ( In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />I, J . H,Mullin, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that I have
<br />compared the foregoing copy of the Final Decree in the matter of the estate of Myrtle L.Ramsthel
<br />deceased, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the sane is a
<br />correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said Court is a Court
<br />of Record having; a seal, ihich seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk au horized
<br />to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the
<br />Records of said Court, and that the forgoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br />