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<br /> � � EsicLrzel Qalvaa, l�asbmad and �o p� �:r. , ` ` ` >`.
<br /> ' . tSerilya Qalvaa, Hasband aad oai.fa �C `.` .. -
<br /> • � 7.
<br /> ' ' �.!
<br /> � ' Hfahafll Qalvaa -• . _-_
<br /> - . � • B�ar3,lya t�al.vaa _ ,:". •;, .���.
<br />-. . ._ ? 8�,8 E�A OBI.VHII COnBLlII.�03 . -�j• 4'<�r,.-.
<br /> ��g ��g `
<br /> - S63 E f�pi _tal Ave 563 $ Ca�itol Avo • .. � �
<br /> � araue sal8ud , YQB 68801 a�d Is3aad , NE 68801 , •`,
<br /> t�mt�e�. m�rc�rcogea Ta�+axeeia msxrt�►nagxa ":`
<br /> �.. -<'•:::�• .
<br /> . .�. • (308) 384-0316 a9-0604499 �308� 38A-0316 A�-0604a99 _• -;;�'��-••
<br /> ��s1'Ers IIaioa HamPt i�i¢d Traat Companp •` .` � ^ ~ ...�s�:,
<br /> . 2008 Ros� Wehb R�ail. �3san�A Eelead, !JB 68803 _.;: • : ' '
<br /> . .,tEr?>�t � j ot fho loart or other cr�ttaccommadation herelnaftar.s�Cffled and�tytuture advante.a or future Ob1i ons,ee ds'�ed hereln, .,t`..�..,�.,`�;.��„;.�.,�,��
<br /> ;;�.,r{' Ineonsera�tton Sati . .. •,.I�;��;''=
<br /> ,.:����f:.•.�° , whicb may�reafmr be advanced or•ir.�ad and U�e Vust herelaaR�r.�nttoned and o�her good a�s vstuabte consideration,Yf��ipt and . �.;`;;';,t,, r�;_..`:
<br /> r.�M suHiciency of w81cA ere hereEy acimowt 0ne�G�►m��hereT"ro�at��� vn r�aa V islaa coctysysa�d �r.stt T::stee,his ; �t: ;
<br /> sd ad c� �tt�acA: �tlfl��i � Rd. .`�•�'�';e�: 3�
<br /> su�essars and assfgrta in trust.tor Aai �, �
<br /> ' l3raad isiaad � 68803 {tienda��.4he • ��:.••., ,,.�-- •;
<br /> '�� beneRciary under tiU9 Oe�e�efi TrusR with po� 8 �Y • �'y
<br /> �.� ver of eale and d M af e and possesafon ail of(iraritor's pr�sertt azrCi,1,.��estate,rt�M,fltl0 and ;. .` .,,,,f .;:;.t._ i
<br /> ,:.�.���4�°.z�; �� irttarest in and to ttte real pr�riy Qesecfked In SchadWa AwAich ts attached to thts Osed ot Tcust and inext�asabad hereia n}tAis referer.�a.together ,r �.4»�`r!:;
<br /> r�. '��=:-
<br /> ; ;'yc.C'r._ . �+' wif�all pcesetn and tufure insFravsmer.��a.^r.d f6ct�ues:a11 fangible parscnat property,incfuding.wfthout�on.a11 machTne e ai n��.4�uitdtn • ,,
<br /> n►. 4 P 8 �`
<br /> � aui` • mamrfsis,and gooQs o!every r.�AUe(a;.�k�in9 haus�hatd gaods)novi or�ereafter loeated on or used in oonneerion with tha real propa.��;whether . 1�;� j ,�,
<br /> � �`�'�--_ - or nat effhced to ft�e fand;a3 priv�eges,nereditamants ant!appurten��es.Includtrtg sli devalopmen4 righta�oeta�d�the reat prnperty, -���� ---
<br /> flt "'•�,. . �
<br /> t : �.� vfietner previousty or s��arMi transferred to tne reaf property irom othor real propeny or now or hereaftar susseQtlble of transter trom this roal ''� .'.
<br /> . �•. . =
<br /> �� property to ather ree!proFo�tyt:ail teasea liconses and other agreements•ail rertts,iss�.^es�nd profrta;all water,weli,ditsh,resenroit and mineral ..
<br /> '�',,`;;,J, �:.':: rlgMs and atocfc�Pe�tetnfig t�tha reat proPoAy(cumNativehl�ProPerty�:to hava end to ha'r9 U�o Prop9rt5►and thre�ighm hereby ptanted tm tha us0 ;, ,.: . .�=;
<br /> r f'� '� �' and bom3Rt of Tnes2aa,his sua�ssors ar.d��si8ne,unt11payment in tull af ell ODUgattona secured hereby. ��r�� -
<br /> )7 J./ �p pA.�. � .
<br /> '�!t f:1�Ys,,h::,• •r:' Morac�r,!n tuMer aonaideratton.�r daca,Por Qrantor end ararKnPe helre.represe�aUves,s�.Lro�ssose.and as�gns.hareby e�ressty .. ;. �'E; ��
<br /> : ��t,?�:,.;5� :' x r a rt a n t o z a c-r,+a n L a n d a g r e o w f tl�L e n d a:�T c u a t e a a n d t h o l r s u c a e s s a i s a s�d e s s i g n e a 9 f oit o w� •%: , .�•..�.:.-_
<br /> '� 1�+.r�... : 1. OSUL3:�T7�N9. fiis Oeed o1 Tntat shatl secu�e the paymoM end porfortnance of ail presant and tut,rr.�a i�.�'"abCSdrtass,liabilities,obiigatlons and �'�t ���, ti_:?-�e-'
<br /> s `{�r3``�r' � ' oovenantsot Borroweror G'rantor(cumula8vety'CDIigmlarr��to Lendor pursuantto: :�
<br /> t�t�Jl7'r� . y � �=:
<br /> •c< a this Ooed of Tn�st mis�tottowin mmisso rtc��►d other a resmaMa:
<br /> S;� r�'
<br /> {�;.�J�f RA 6tfN'i 311�IIENtOAZB � HUWBt a'``-` '�`���
<br /> �r k<
<br /> _ •:,+�.:;o��. . 8I� SnO,000.00 05/0�/9T 01/02/98 50008I3 S8 152355 ;.:;���{��, �•-
<br /> ::;:. :'�`+� � .,;�,��";�',
<br /> - , r_�.
<br /> `�''ii,•j�•'_ �,:s. I .',. . � .. -- i.
<br /> '�..�+?„�: � :�: �� .:.
<br /> ' �'�„•,u•
<br /> :i?��f�Y`.,• t. .� � QteS9rtt Of f0 Wf fl 8$f08f110(It9 W p 8f fhffi SQ8 C81 t0 8 06@C!Ct: .� 10SC L07 aams or ' �;�'�:;';. .
<br /> � ':.��i , d[tfawsapar�osesfhanthotoregoingj: ��_��n� . •
<br /> ;f �' . (o�a^y��aranty ot obligaUons ot other partles given to Lender now ar hereafter oxecuted that refere t��.is Qaed a9 Tne� �
<br /> •• •%. � (�ti.�e advancesti vfiother obligawry or optlona),to eto samo oxtent as M maCe eontemporaneousy w;�tf�e mxoxar.ion of this Deed ot Trust, • �' °
<br /> ""' `" mado crr o�ctonQod ta m on behaif at 6rantoi or Bom�ser. Qrantor agrees that B ono of the ObligaUons Is a lina o4 cmd'rt,tho lien of thia Deed ot �,_, � ��"
<br /> f`-� ��;:;�{'� Trus1 s`.�.7 ca�ttnuo anUl payment in tull of all debt dua under tho iine norivithmanding the tact that ifom timo to Ume(but betore terminatlon a! � � �: .,. .a.�.��:.
<br /> -`��i;,:+.i:�• .' �B R���b�t�cp mn b0 ouffitartding At no time shaN tAe Iten at tbla D�ed of Trust,noi includr.�su:n3 advancod to pcotece the securiry of ;_ + '�� ��
<br /> � y :and . ��";,;:.�r�::• ,�•.. .,
<br /> -`�: :� thia0oe�afTruat,oncoedS80,000.n0 �.. ;:;�r�5;5r� ,.
<br /> . }'.,�.•f..� •�� 2'.•
<br />-_�.:,;�'': '. (e)all amondmants,e:ct9nalons,renewais,madiflaaUona reptacemenm or substtd�tlona to any of the 9a:�g�ing. (� : �,�•i,<:;•„. .
<br /> � As usod In this ParBgaaa+7o�.the terma Qrentor and Borrower ahutl Inctude and atso mean arry tirantor or Bosrower it moro than one. �"� �''_''� '��? ��,,"�'� �
<br /> >'' � 2 REPAESENPA110t&S►Y�ARRANTIESAkVDCaYEN�4[15TD�Qrantarropresents,wansnteandcovenantetoLerMarUfat �
<br /> `� � ' (a) Qrartor has fee simpto markembio titie to tho Praporty and ahatl mairMain tho Rroperty trea at ail itons,seoudty Intoream,oncum�tanees and � `••� � `��" . •
<br /> ��.;
<br /> �;,. . ctaima except tor this Oeed of Trust and those desefibed in Schodulo B,wt0ch la etffiehed to thls 08ad af Truat and incorporated herein by � �
<br /> _ �` ceteconoe,whiah Qrantar agres9 w pay and psrtorm in atlmoty mannor, ,
<br />� (b) Qrantor is in complianco in e11 respects��Afh ail epplicebfe fedoral,smto and iocat laws and rsguia�ona,induding,vdtt�out IlmitaUon,those
<br /> retating to'Ftasardous Mffiedals,'as deflned Aoretn,and other omAronmental mattera(tha'Environmenm! Lawe�,end noither tho teQe�al . ' . •
<br /> � gavemmertf nor tAO sta�whsre th0 Proporty ls lacatod oor any other govemmer�il or quasl govemmenfal ernity Nae fited a lien on tl�o Proport�l, • � •
<br /> nar ero thore any govammer�t,judictaj or adminlatraUve a�tlons vAth respact to emlronmerna!mattere pending,or to tho bost of the QrFUrtor e ,
<br />-� " knowtaQgo,threateaad,vfitoh imratve Ute P►aperly. [Yelther Granmr nor.totho host ot Qranior's knowtedge,amr other party hes used.generated, �
<br /> �s..,, retaased.dts�hargad,etored,or di d o!any Haurdous MateBats as dottnoA horetn,In connecdon wtth tho Rraperty ar trans�orted any .. �� . '
<br /> -<<�� Ffa�rdoua Matedffis to ot irom the�orty (iraMar ahatt not commit or permfl 8uch actione to be faken In tfie tuture. fho torm Wamrdaus •
<br />"' �r�. . Matodats'shall mcanerry subsmnce,material,or�vasta vAflch is or baoamos rogutaind by a�ty goveertmor�ui authofltyr Induding,but nat tlmkod . •
<br /> ����`���`. to:p)pgtroteum;(ily triahie or nantriabie asbestos: QII)poiychtoflnated Otp�cr�yI�Qv)tnoso suDSt�t.�cos,mamtlais cr v�astes designated as a • . . --
<br /> 'hezardous substaneo'pu►svartt to Sacdon 811 of tha C(oan Watar Act or list�td pursuant to SacBon 347 of tho Cfean Wator Aet or eny , .
<br /> ;;;,_„� � amondmmna or repfa�mer�to theso smtuma;(v)thoso subsmnas,mato�lnls ar wastes defined es e`harerdous waste'pursuent to Soctton
<br /> •�.�•;,,:• t004 ot tho R2saurco ConsorvaHon and Recavory Aet or ar►y amendments or repiaamente to that s�tute:and(vl)tAosO subatano0s,mateAals or � . , ,
<br /> ,-�;,:_;., . � wastes deflned as a'hazardous subsmnce'pursuar►t to SooNon 101 of tho Comprohensive Envlranrta�r�i Rssponsa,Compensatian and Uabiiityr �
<br /> ��?�i�• AcL or arty emendmenb or replacemonts to that stae�to or any othor similar smte or faderei ctazum.cute,regutatlon or ordinanee now ar h0reffiter .
<br /> ;�,::.
<br /> :�•�+�;'... � in aHoct. Qrantor shall not tease ot pormit the subtaaso of tho Prcpercf to a tonsr►t or subtBnaM whess operaUons may resuR In cor�minaUon o1 � . .
<br /> •. Lt10 FropeRy vrJth Ftazatdaus Mffierials or toxlo subatances; ;. ;,.
<br /> --�+ ' • (o) A}!t�npiicaDta 1�anA regulatlona,indudirtg.wi�hout Itmimtlon.the AmeY�cans�ritlf OisabiliHes Hct.42 U.S.C.Sectlon 12101 et suq.(nnd till t ..,':__..._„�_:,_�,. .
<br /> � ''�R regNaUon9 promutgatad thoraundor)and all zonirtg c�A bullding tawe and regufatan9 rolatlng to the PropeRy by viAue of eny teda►al,sffite or �
<br /> � ' � muntclpaf authority v!M jurtsdictlon over the Propmr�,presenUy are and shalt be observed end comptied wltl�in ali matsdai cospo�is,and ell
<br /> �,�.�,`.,,�. �tghte.licenses,permits.and corUflcates o}occupancy pnNuding but not Iimtted to:oning varlartees.special exceptiona tor noncoMorming usos, ' � �
<br /> r e ansm vfii are material the uss and oceu an of the Pro e . resen are and � �
<br /> ,� .. � end flnal inspectlon apptovals�.vfiether tomporary o p rm , ch to p cy p Ay�� 1/�'"
<br /> �����"-� sl�all be obtalned,preserved and,whore necessary,renewed; � � ' . . � •
<br />_ •�j � LPNE517�FamUUWnTeNndag�o0.lne.In(9/Bo7(�I937a789 Pege 1 of3 _A��� � � ..... ,..._.. ..
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> '� �� �¢7� .
<br />