<br />John C.Power. I hereby appoint them Trustees of and for said property and fund, and I hereby
<br />expressly authorize ':hem to sell and convey any atd all of ray said real estate ( except my home-
<br />stead, nhich shall remain under the control of my .,rife free from any intorferance by said Trustees
<br />during her life) at such time and upon such terms as in their judgment will best promote the object
<br />to which said property is dedicated, and best accomplish the purposes for which it is bequeathed
<br />Said Trustees shall annually make a written exhibit of all their transactions in the management
<br />of this estate to two of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the two Bishops shall
<br />sign their approval of said exhibit, or said Trustees shall not be allowed any futther management
<br />of my estate and shall at once transfer any portion of my estate then under their control to the
<br />Missionary Society of the lethodist Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.
<br />Fifth. I desire and direct that my Executor shall as soon as it is can legally be done,
<br />make a final settlement of mgr estate, and doliver to said Trustees the assetts remaining in their
<br />hands and said Trustees shall ta.e hold of and manage t-e Estate hereby bequeathed to them for the
<br />purposes above mentioned free from all accountablity to the Probate or Circuit Courts if the Courts
<br />have any jurisdiction in the settlement of the Estates of decedants, in the States where my property
<br />is situated.
<br />SIXTH. In case of the death of either Trustee above mentioned I desire and hereby direct
<br />that by this appointment that George Sweeney of Burlington, Iowa, shall act as Trustee in the mana-
<br />gement of this estate as v.,ritten above.
<br />SEVENTH. I herby nominate and appoint George Loomis of Clifton Springs, N.Y., J.C.Power Esq
<br />of Burlington,'Iowa, and Marren 1A.Fletcher of Georgetown, Colorado as the Executors of this my
<br />last Will & Testament.
<br />In Testi:ony -Fhereof I hereunto subscribe my name this the 23rd day of June ,1877.
<br />David N.Smith
<br />Signed in our presence by David. N.Si ith, and by him in our presence acknowledged to be his
<br />last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof ire at his request and in his presence and in the
<br />presence of each other, hereby subscribe our names as witnesses. Done at Burlington, Iowa, on
<br />this the 23rd day of June A.P.1877.
<br />R.T.Root
<br />Alvendo mason
<br />This instrument is ,mitten in duplicate & one copy is to be deposited with Rev. Geo Loomis
<br />D.P. the other copy is filed with my private papers.
<br />State of Iowa
<br />Des Moines County
<br />I, T.G.Foster, clerk of the Circuit Court within and for said County, and
<br />State hereby certify that on the 17th day of September A.D.1879, the foregoing last Tip 1 and Test -
<br />ar:ent of David N. Smith, deceased, was duly proven before, and allowed by said Court, and that the
<br />same has been recorded.
<br />Witness my hand with the seal of said Court affixed. Done at Burlington this 17th day of
<br />Septeri,ber, A.D. 1879.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />T.G.Foster
<br />Clerk Circuit Court.
<br />State of Iowa
<br />ss.
<br />Des 14oines County I, C.P.DeHass, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Statc of Iowa, in and
<br />for�said Courty, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Last will and Testament
<br />of D. IT. Smit.r, deceased, together with Clerk`s Certificate of Probate as fully as the same remains
<br />of record and on file in my off-ice.
<br />'fitness my hand and the Seal of the said Court hereto affixed, at my office in Burlington,
<br />in said County on this 3rd day of April, 1884.
<br />S�e DCJ C.P.DeHass, Clerk.
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