<br />AZSG
<br />In the Matter of the Estate of )
<br />DE C BEE. j
<br />George Meisner, )
<br />deceasedt. )
<br />This cause coming on to be heard before the Court this 31st day of March,1910, the timet o
<br />;which a cobtinuance herein was gr-nted, on the 28th day of ?41arch,1910, upon the petition of M.G.
<br />T7ee - and H. J. Robbins,as administrators of said ostate for a "inal a.ccol nting, listribution of as-
<br />sets, not heretofore distributed and decree of heirship.
<br />The administrators being present in person and accompanied by their counsel, Marren Pratt;
<br />Nellie F.Meisner, by her counsel, E.C.Calkins; Nora Crumley and Dora Hill, accompaniel by their
<br />coun:,el, F.W.Ashton; Cora Kimbrough and Lulu 'White, by their counsel, F.111.Ashton, and the Court
<br />finds:_
<br />1. That dice and legal notice has been ?iven of this hearing by riibl-ication made in
<br />the SHELTON CLIPPER, a newspaper of general circu ation in said County, as required by lair and
<br />the order of this Court made and entered herein on the 7th day of March,1910; and that both of
<br />the a.-.inl,trators and all the heirs are before the Court represented by their respective counsel
<br />2. That the said George Meisner, deceased, diet ::seized and possessed of the fol? owing)
<br />deecfibed lands situated in Buffalo and Hall Counties in the State of Nebraska:_
<br />The Sol_ith Half (S-I* of the South East quarter (S.E. ) of Section Eleven (11) Section
<br />Fourteen (14) North Half (N` -) Section Fifteen (15) North East nlarter ( N.F.') Section T:,,enty-
<br />t:wo (22) , West Half (1'.r.1) Section Twenty -three (23), Section Twenty -five (25), North Fast avarta
<br />(N.E.J -) of Twenty-six (26) the ?lest Half (Iff.-) of the .north 17est 'quarter (N.W.-I-) of Section
<br />I
<br />Twenty -seven (27), the North East Quarter (N.F. 1,) of Section T-Tenty- eight (26) the South East
<br />narter (S.> ) of Section Thirty -five (35) Section Thirty -six (36) ,excert that cart thereof
<br />bounded and described as rollo ;ws: (1) Commencing at the half section corner on the south Line
<br />of saiJ.. Section, thence west on south line of ,aid section 1.4.35 chains; thence north 3`' :a.egrees,
<br />anA 5 minutes -nest 1.41 chains; thence east on a line parallel *with the south Line of/,air sec -
<br />tion 15.210 chains, intersectioning,center line of sail section running north and south; thence
<br />south on said center line 1.36 chains to place of beginning, containing 2 acres. (2) Commencing
<br />at a point in the center of county road on south line of said section Thirty -six, thence west
<br />373.2 feet to the south .,rest corner of the south east - juarter of the south ,Test quarter of said
<br />i
<br />section Thirty -six; thence north 596.05 feet to a roint in the center of said county road ;
<br />thence south 30 degrees and 35 minutes east to glace of beginning, containing 2.5) acres. (3)
<br />I
<br />}
<br />Commencing at a point 89.7 feet north of south east corner of south east quarter of the south
<br />^est quarter of ,ai;l section Thirty -six; thence north 204.2 feet; thence wrest 1133.2 feet to an
<br />iron pipe in the center of the public highway; thence south 32 degrees and 18 minutes east along
<br />i
<br />the center of said public road 241.8 feet to a casting; thence east 1035 feet to place of beginn
<br />ing, all of .:hich lands are sitvated in To•timship Ten (10) north of Range numbered Thirteen (13)
<br />17est the � r n, ,_ �
<br />est of she "th P.M. Lots numbered One (1) and Two (N) and the North ",Test (N. 4) Quarter
<br />OIL the North West Quarter (N.1'l.j -) of Section T-venty -sour (24) Township Nine (9) Range Thirteen
<br />(13) '¢feat of the 6th P.M. Tax hots numbered Nine (9), Nineteen (19), Tenter -t•.wo (.'1')2) Twenty- I `
<br />three (23), Twenty -seven (27), and T ?enty -eight (28) and the North ')Jest 1 arter (N.W. -) of the j
<br />North West quarter (N.'!'. -1 ), and Sixty -seven (67) acres in the North East Quarter (TJ.F. ?) of
<br />i
<br />Section One (1) Township Nine (9) Range Thirteen (13) Test of the Cth P.M., together -with the
<br />lots lescr.ibed in section 4.T,ot One (1) Block Six (6),South Thirteen (13) feet of lots T'Mo (2)
<br />i
<br />and Three (3) P7 ock Six ((3); North Thirty -seven (37) feet of Lot Three (3) and lots Four (4)
<br />and Five (5) in Flock Six. (6); North Half (N.1) of Lot Seven (7) Block Six (6). Lot Fourteen
<br />(14) Flock Five (5), '"Test Half (7.') of TIot One (1) and Lot T• o (2) Flock Three (3). An undividecl,
<br />i
<br />One Half O of the 17est Nindity- three (93) feet of the Stith Four feet (4) of Lot T,,.welve ;12)., I
<br />