<br />The Court further finds that the last will and testament of said Henry Schimmer has been duly
<br />proven admitted and recorded in this Court, as by law provided, and construed and modified by the
<br />decree of this Court as heretofore stated.
<br />The Court further finds that the said August Schimmer, Henry Schimmer, Otto,Schimmer and
<br />Berny Schimmer have paid to the said John Schimmer the $3500 bequeathed to him under cla+se six
<br />of said will and as found to be due to him by decree of this Court, and the due receipts therefor
<br />have been filed in this Court, and that by said payments their said several tracts and parcels
<br />of land devised to,them by said will are released from the liens in favor of the said John
<br />Schimmer.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Henry Schimmer died seized of the several tracts
<br />of land heretofore described, as found in the decree construing his said last will and testament
<br />and that same passed and descended, under the provisions of said will, to his said sons named
<br />as devisees therein, subject to the payment of the various amounts due to his daughters as here-
<br />inbefore stated,and as found in the construction of said will by this Court.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Executrix has accounted for all of , the property
<br />and money coming into her hands and that there remains a balance of $1596.28 after the payment of
<br />all debts and expenses of administration; that under the said will of said deceased the said
<br />balance is due to said Christine Schimmer.
<br />It is therefore, by this Court, ordered,adjudged and decreed that the said final account
<br />of said Executrix be and .hereby is allowed and approved and she is directed to pay to herself the
<br />said balance in her hands belonging to said estate as provided by said rill; that upon the
<br />death of the said Henry Schimmer, the said property described and set forth in said will and as
<br />hereinbefore described passed and descended to said sons August Schimmer, Henry Schimmer, Otto
<br />Schimmer and Berny Schimmer, as provided therein, subject to the liens and payments to be made
<br />to his son John Schimmer and to his daughters Emma Seier, Adele Henne, and Minnie Hartwig as in
<br />said will atated,and as construed by this Court, The use of said $6,000.00,being 7 per cent
<br />per annum payable annually thereon, from the date of the-death of said testator, to be paid to
<br />the said Christine Schimmer daring her natural lifetime ,the principal sum thereof to be paid to
<br />the said daughters of the said Henry Schimmer in the proportions hereinbefore found, at the time
<br />of the death of the said Christine Schimmer. It is further ordered that all unfiled claims again-
<br />st said estate are forever barred: that said Executrix is discharged, her bond released and
<br />said estate closed.
<br />J.H. Mullin
<br />Judge.
<br />( SS
<br />HALL COUNTY ( In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska
<br />I, J.H.Mullin,County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby ce rtif* that I have compared
<br />the foregoing copy of the last Will and Testament and Decree of final settlement in the Matter
<br />of the Estate of Henry Schimmer, Deceased, with the original record thereof, mow remaining in
<br />said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof,and of the whole of such original record
<br />that said Court is a Court of Record hav:ing a Seal# which seal is hereto attached, that said Court
<br />has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian
<br />of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due Form
<br />of law. IN TESTIMONY THEREOF 'I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County
<br />Court, at Grand Island, this 9th day of September 1910,
<br />( SEAL) J.H. Mullin
<br />County Judge
<br />Filed for record Sept 9,1910 at 10 A.M.
<br />-Z� -
<br />County Clerk,
<br />i
<br />