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MEL MO MERNEE RMORM Va. L <br />428,54- KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.j PRI NTI NG, LITH OG RAPH I MG. STATIONERY:OMAHl: <br />is. A 1.If eot f 15 P ?, t AT.:�:`r n <br />R, ng„ r��,ht (8} �" � c � �e 6th r .... , in Clay Coun�,�, ��,�askw. <br />The Fast Half of the So- : :th Test vu:rter, anu the North Iffest "tarter of the South zest ',,),.zaxter, <br />and Lod No 6 and the S.P.-L;: of the -0.!est I and the ;hest Nine (9) acres of Lot No. TTao (2) and <br />Lot No Three (3) ,all of Sect ion. Thirty Four in T o nship Nine (9) TJorth, of Range Twelve (lw ) <br />Jest of the <br />6th <br />P._1% in Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />Lots <br />One <br />(1),T o (2), <br />Three (3) and Four(4) of Section One (1),Lot* One(1) of "Section TT117o <br />(2), The T3orth ?lest , ua.rter of Section Twelve (12) and the North Past ;quarter of Section. Thir- <br />teen (13),all in To-m-Tshir Eiuht; (o) North, of Range Thirteen (13) TVest of the 6th P. "I. in Kear- <br />ney County, NebrasTa. <br />Fourth,- That a reriod of six month has been allowed all creditors in f =rhich to file their <br />claims, and due notice of sane rU'- Jished for four successive weeks during said reriod, in the <br />Shelton Clipper, a �7eek2y ne�-rsrarer, puciishell and,enarally circulated in said County of F.uffalo <br />that said period of time has fully eiapsed, and all claims fileJL and allowed, the legacies provided <br />by the terms of said 7,ill, all taxes and assessr:,ents. as also all costs and expenses of adminis- <br />tcring said estate, ?iave been fully rain an-i _ 1.scharged b--,;, sail Executrix, and that all o -her <br />l.:irlts, if any 'r a, outstanding aLai::st �uii Estate, are no:r any forever barred. <br />Fifth,_ That the Final account of said Executrix is just and correct anti should be allo,,,m —' as <br />an ''oVed and ulloi.razl as it d I._. that tliare 13 noT:r in the n v <br />.p_ , tT hands of said Executrix and available <br />. or ist i•� ution p =ursuant to the terms of said Will , the sup: of "18.876.92. <br />It is Thorefore ad judgeu and d .crlc:e i by the Court, that th_, final acco-:_ nt of 3: zi i <br />F .ccUtri e and hA �_._. i hereby ar roared an allowed as filed, at of he u ve -nurse ;a <br />2"— lea, th t t O r:1Ount <br />of lo. ?u. 9 as t =:e re slate of the ersonal estate s Ail testator and fount available for <br />:.istril-cation, the .,ai,11LTilliam Dernhard, Albert ' .D_ rnh�:r i, Fr�..nklin Bernhard, T:Trs.Lisetta Forney, <br />T +`rs. Emma ';'.`altar, Mrs. cr�r Hansen) as chiiCren o-, sai,,' Testator, ��riUL t''!8 rE:Sldu� °Lr�J le�cztCBS In <br />said "'ill named, each taka an ;A h;i ve one-sixth of said amount , to -,�2t : the sure of It 3146. 15. <br />and the said 1,jxecut ^i:; is ::crab;- ordered to pay said sum of $3146.15. to each of said re:,ic uary <br />legatees as their i stri Lti -a sha res of t}ie resid', e of the personalty of said estate, anc3 ,-2o- <br />duce them• �rrittem racer -ts therefor to this Court; that the sai i 7illiam Bernhard Albert T:.. <br />FernhaZd, Franklin rr� �a�a, ;rs. Lisetta Forney, ',rs.Enna Walter ?, rs.Mary Hansen, as the xesi- <br />;uary legatees � fora aici, etch t:_ke and have , in fe".,, pursuant to t c ter_r::s o said 7111, an <br />n divide Z one -si tli in4 ,re t in and to the above.- doscriued real estate, to 'Lave and to hold <br />tulle same unto the- :oelves their h irs, an"' assigns forever. <br />In 'Titness 17hercof, I hereunto set r:,r hand and affix the Seal of said County Court, . <br />this �l is 6th uay Gf June <br />(CFAs) ...iallowell, County Judge. <br />Certificate to Copies <br />State of TJebraska <br />(ss IT, C0j'17.�Y COi_TPT. <br />County o- Buy falo <br />o1.e Judge of the Co, -nty Co,zrt, >vit fin and for said County, and as such <br />Judge, by la =.7, the sole c "st6jian of the 'meal and al t � ' , , r <br />1 he records, �ooxs, s kners anti 4,ocuments <br />of or appertlaininE to said Court, Rio hereby certify the forer;oing and to which this certificate <br />is attached tc :.,a 5-7uFo co-ies of tulle Decree of Pro':_ate, '"rill, Certificate of Fro -:.te and Final <br />"lecree as entcrel o rocord in the mutter of t' : "Jill z end Estate of Jacob Pernhard, late of said <br />County, Dece,- scd, the <br />of , <br />Me isNtrue, full an:]_ correct transcript <br />^I ry T iT r <br />I > � ,; ;C) T', I i_er eunto set my <br />now an ear a on <br />*hereof. <br />v n. <br />the recor_is of sa -1— Court, and that the <br />the Seal of said County Court, at <br />Kearney in said (~Ol�'_�ty, this 15tr1 Luf Of June <br />r .,. Hallo-,ve11. CountyJuage. ( "rAII ) <br />Filed for rotor";. July2'th 1j1G at :1.p.,.% <br />�ounty71erk �__ <br />4 <br />a <br />1 <br />F-,i <br />1 <br />I <br />1 <br />