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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />YEL Up HERNE ROOM ft. L <br />42654 -KLO AP69ARYLETT GO., PRINTING, LITH OGRAPHI.V G,STATIONERY;OMAHA <br />State of Nebraska <br />ss <br />County of Buffalo ( In the matter of the estate of Jacob Bernhard, deceased, <br />I, F.';`.Hallowell, County Judge in and for said County, Flo hereby certify that on this 219th day <br />of Noveriber,A.P,. 11909, the fore"oin instrument jlur� ortin� to be the la t dill and Testament of j <br />l <br />the said Jacob Bernhard, ;deceased, which. was :iopositeu in this Court on the 211 play of October • I <br />i <br />A.D. 190: %, t�ra; ,.duly proven, probate,, and alloyed, as the last Fill and Testa: ent of the said <br />Jacob Bernhard, ueceased,ana tli- same was ordered to Lc filed and recorded in ,,.... Records ofAsaid <br />C ourt . <br />Court, <br />In 'Fitness ?'.!hereof, I have hereunto set my rung an affixed the Seal of the said <br />this 29th day of idove.iber, A.�:. 1909. <br />( S E A T. ) <br />11tate of Nebraska <br />(ss <br />County of Buffalo <br />F. H a 110 .ve 11. <br />F I N A 13 D E C R E E <br />IN COT TY CO?? RT. <br />County Judge. <br />At a session of V-he County Court, held in and --for said County, at the County Court <br />Room therein, on the Gth day of June A.D. 1910. <br />Present, F . 1,1. iiaLlo -: ell, County Judie. <br />In the matter of the Will and Estate of Jacob Bernhard, Deceased. <br />BE IT REIIEI.'BPRED, That on this Gth day of June 1910, said matter came on to be heard before the <br />Court upon the petition of Rosina Bernhard, as E ,ecutrix of said Will and Estate, praying for <br />the settlement and allo�rance of her final account filed therewith, for decree of heirship and <br />distribution, and discharge from her said trust; and it now appearing that notice of this hearing <br />has been published, pursuant to order July ::jade herein, for three successive .reeks prior hereto <br />in th-- Shelton Clipper, a ,,reekl \r ne,:vs-Oapor� published any t;eneraly circulat:-d in said County. <br />An-1 now, no one appearing to ob,',ect to or to ,contest the sane , said Natter is submitted to <br />tho Court upon said petition, final account and the evilence adduce:, on due consideration ;hereof <br />the Court finks the allegations of said petitio -n to -be true and that the -,L-ayer thereof should <br />I <br />be granted. <br />The Court furtlier finds an-; adjudges fro r. the evidence, as follo-vs: <br />First,- That the said Jacob Bernhard derartea this life , testate, on the 12th day of October <br />j <br />1909, and Y,vus then A , esi:tent of our said County of Buffalo; that he left a last Till ;end Testar.°,a� <br />r <br />ent which has been hereto -ore duly proved anu ctdmittad to probbate in this said Court. � <br />I <br />Second ,- That the Baia Jaco Bernhard left surviving; hirr, as his sole legatees and heirs -at- <br />la.jr, Rosina Bornhar�}, his :rilo-v, z,n::t Charles Bernh:.�rd, Jacob A.Bernhard, William Bernhard,Albert <br />;.Bernhard, Franklin Bernhard, his. sons, ilrs.Lisotta Forney, .:rs. r mma Falter, rs. Mar r Hansen, <br />his dau;hters, °ash of full legal age. i <br />the said Jacob Bernhard died ° of certain ncr ona 1 rr r� -or y shown �„ ibL Third That osspr,. z a <br />thle Inventory herein and .:vuly accounted for by said Executrix in accordance with the,, sai t ''ill I <br />i <br />an,.L seize., anti rossessed of the follc:-ing descri"ced -cal estate, to- -:vit: The South "pest - Luarter <br />(fraction,:_1) and the 7"est ITU of the South East Quarter of Section Six (6) in To-vnohip "lf?;ht (6) <br />,,, o•th, of Range Twvolve (12) �_ ast o:. Gth r . -'`. , A Iam , C ourrty, .a„ o aska. The Sough '�a. f o� Lot j <br />Seven (7) in Block ix (6), and Tax Lot 'lo. Forty (40) r:ora pizrticularly described as folloWs: <br />I <br />Con .,lencirg L t a point ter. feet Niue Float of taie 'north 7,Test corner of lot n­.r,,bcr Scven (7) in Flock <br />nur:T= Six (6) in the Village of Shelton Nebraska, running, thence *7cot One Hunderl (100) feet, <br />i <br />thence South One Hundred and T. ^enty (12,C) feet, thence Fast One Hundred (100)feet, thence North � <br />One Hundred and T-.venty (1210) feet, to the place of beginning,being in Section One (1) in Toivn Nine! <br />i <br />(9) North , of Range Thirteen (13) an.1 all it the Villago of Shelton, Buf.falc Co,, nty, Nebraska, <br />The 17est Half of the So ,,_lth 'R_,3t )uarter or Section Thirty (30) in To- unship 1-i;ht (o) North, of <br />