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MEL UP HORM HEROMM Va. <br />42654- -KLOPP 4 SARTLETT C O... PRINTING. LITHOGRAPHING, STATIONERY: O W HE3 - <br />It is therefore Ordered a,id I,ecree i by the Court, that saki written instrwnent be, and hereby is <br />ac•prove I., allowed, admitted to probate an,A established , and is to have full force and effect as <br />the last ;;ill an11 testarlent of said deceased, and that the same be filed and recorded as required <br />by law. That the execution of sail: will be committed and the administration of sail estate <br />be ;ranted to Rosina T'erniiaru, o- elton in said County, the executrix in saik ;will n4rrned, and <br />that upon fiiling a Loo,.I an.I sufficient bond in the canal sum of Five Hundred ( '`$00.00)Dollars <br />con litioned according to law, and lip on taking the : <br />oath reluirec b a^u <br />y I, betters Testamentary <br />issue o it of and under th seal of this Court. <br />It is further ordered bY thy Court that the pro,or certificate of probate, Duly signed by <br />the County Judge, and authenticated by the seal of this office, b attached to sail last will <br />and testar:ent, ;rhich wail la3t Trill and testa:i.ent, testimony of subscribing witnesses, and cer- <br />tificate of probate are as follows, to- -grit: <br /> my last Will and Testaar_ent. <br />Realizin;; the uncertainties of life and being in xoo�i bodily health and of sound mind, I will <br />and devise as f ollo,,!rs : <br />1st. After all of ray ar,rroved .,iebt9 are rain:_,- To my be TFrife , Rosina Bernhard, our house <br />in <br />-;rhich <br />no -r live and o1:-in, or <br />in any <br />other <br />houselin <br />-rhich Tire <br />may <br />live and <br />o�m at tT,.e time of <br />my <br />death, <br />and all fi.Trniture and <br />anpurtenr�tnces <br />thereto. <br />. Also <br />the <br />ar,ount of <br />Thirty Tho7.7sanu <br />dollars (''30,000. 00/100) in re«1 or personal pror.crty s she may choose, in lieu of her aoTwry <br />rights. <br />2d. I :will aan.. to r.; don, C1 arle- Bernhard ( ,Tti -h ­,,horn I have not corresronded for sev- <br />enteen years on account of behavior Unnatural from son to his rarents an::i on acco,.1nt of which <br />finncial losses) '- e sur , of Five T' o -wand _collars, 3000. CC /100. xre have, sustained lar e <br />3d. I will and _devise to my son , Jaco_) A.Bernhar._i, -ho about seven years a -o roved to South <br />Dakota -,-here his --rife ._lie .' in chil.Lber., leaving a girl chile, as we hear,: b,T letter from her <br />:sister then living in Colorado, and adortGd by said sister, no one having heard from said Jacob <br />A.Bernharu since that time only by rumor that he also die: >hortly after, now in that case( my <br />intention being to will an, -! devi�,e to hirA the sure of five thousand collars) this sum of five <br />thousands dollars is to be invl: 3ted in L ooc inte=rest raying securities or loaned out 'by three <br />trustees,namely, my sons 1,Tilliam Bernhard, Albert A.iernhard and Franklin Bernhara,to be paid <br />to saie:i chill') :;rit:1 accrued interest, less a commission not to exceed fifty dollars to each of <br />the three trustees, ,,hen ohe is eighteen years old or ;within a reasona' le time thereafter, b t <br />in case of ;her death before she reaches that age, the sum of One 11undred dollars per year is to <br />be paid by the said trustees to the party or parties she made her home with during her life, and <br />the rest of the irvestrnent is to revert to my estate. <br />4th I will and devise the residue of my estate both pF;r,onal and real to my other children in <br />e,_L %al parts, namely, to Yrs. T:isetta Forney, I "rs. Emma ''alter, P,Irs. Bury Hansen, Tr?illiam. Bernhard <br />Albert 1I. Bernhard and: Franklin Bernhard. <br />In the settlement of pry estate no account shall be w=ade of any gifts of money or other valuab_ <br />les previous to the aatc of this m r 7,41-1; I hereby appoint my ;wife as Adminif >t-ratrix without bond. <br />Date, this F 3r,1 day of January, 1908. <br />Jacob Bernhard. Leal <br />( 7itnesses) <br />This irstrur,;ent was oil the day of the date thereof, signed, published and declared <br />oy the ;aid t stator, -) Jacob-Fr-hard, to be his last mill and Testament, in the presence of us <br />:rho L't ills re:ille -,t have �3u':iscribed our nap=es thereto as "ritnesse s, in his presence and in the <br />presence of each other. <br />Clarence A. Robinson. <br />F,r :win H. "picer. <br />Endorsed: <br />File Oct 21 1 09. F. '.I alloTvell, ,County Judge <br />1 <br />1 <br />fl <br />