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MEL Ma PORM NEWHO va" L <br />426.54 - -KLO PP6 BARTLETT CO.. PRINTING, LITH OGRAPH LNG, STATIO NERY; 0 MAH2 - ... .. <br />son, Onno Hinrichs, and a grand daughter, Te :ia Goldenstein, a daughter of a deceased daughter ! <br />III. <br />That said Weert Hinrichs, died seized and in possession of the following (described real estate, <br />to -wit: the N.E. Quarter of Sec. # 19, Township 6 , Range 8, crest of the 6" P.M. Clay Co. Nebr. <br />she South half of the S.E.Quarter, Sec, 18 Township 6,Range 8, west of the sixth P. 4.Clay Co, <br />lots 4, and 5,in block 1, First Addition to Glenville, Nebr., lot 15, in block 6,GlenvillV?, <br />L1ebr, and lot 9 in block 2, of Burg-:�rl s addition to the village of Doni :an, Hall Co,Nebraska, <br />IV. <br />That .iiae notice .as been given to th' creditors to file their claims against said estate, <br />as re juired oy :: aw; that all claims have aeon paid; that all expenses, including the expense of <br />his last sickness, his funeral expenses. and the costs of ad,-ini.,,tering his estate, have all <br />breen r .id, ana that th re remains now in the hands of the ad .inistrai,,or, in cash, the sum of <br />"5873.16; also one promissory note, for 53000, and interest thereon at 6% , from 4ay 1" 11910, <br />signed by one Simr, son, and secured by °ortgage on real estate. <br />V. <br />The Court further finds that the rterort of said administrator o filed, is correct and ought <br />to be allowed as his final report, <br />IT IS 7H1 R r OP. ORDERED , ADJTJD IF ArID DECK ED BY T IL; COT? T : <br />That the account of Jacob ti.Hinrichs, "administrator, be an-a' the same is hereby in all <br />thing:-, approved, <br />2" Said administrator is hereby authorized and Urected to - -dstribute the rbrsonal property in <br />his hands, to -,grit, the sun of 6,5873.16, as follows: To each of the children above named, heirs <br />of said ti'deert Hinrichs, deceased, to each , an undivided one sixth thereof, to - at,the sum of <br />"978.86,; that uron his filing receirts and.vouchers therefor, in this c-ourt, the said adminis- <br />trator, Jacob H.Hinrichs, r °rill be discharged as such administrator, and his letters of adminis <br />tratkvn canceled and annulled. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the promissory note,secured <br />oy mortg�.ge, be and the sa::e is ho.reby assignea to each',of :,said heirs, at law, to each an i,ndiv <br />ided one sixth. <br />IT IS FI. RT T�,1-1, <br />I ADJ'1l)GED AND bFCREED, that the real estate above describ -ed <br />b and the same is hereby assign ". -o said children to ,vit, Ehe Bruns, Heye Iinrichs, Jacob H. <br />Hinrichs, John ?';.Hinrichs, Onno Hinrichs, and Tena Goldenstein, to each an undivided one sixth <br />^hare, to be theirs in fee absolutely. <br />Given under my hand and official seal this 25 " day of June, A.D. 1910. <br />C,C'Cz Z I, B. Stiner Co;inty Judge, <br />State of Nebraska( <br />( s <br />Couni,;,J of Clay I) L, B. Stiner, Judge of the County Court in and for Clay County, <br />Nebraska, do hereby certify that the 1.lrithin and fore oing i:� a true, correct, and compare,,_,'L copy <br />of the original Final Decree, issued in the matter of the estate of Weert Hinrichs,deceased, <br />as the same appears on file and of` record in thiJ office. <br />In witness ;-.hereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal. this 25" day of <br />June, 1910. <br />(SEAL) I. P. Stiner, <br />County Judge. <br />Filed for record July 13 1:;10 at 9. A.141. <br />L- - _- w- -- -_ -- <br />County Clerk - <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />