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ALJC, <br />YU <br />AMB <br />D <br />RMORM <br />Va. L- <br />42654-KLOPP 6 BARTLETT CO., PRINTING, LITHOGRAPH I,NG, STATI ONERY; OMAHA <br />Gay Cox. <br />R. R. Hortn. tr <br />instrument was her lest will and testament, and we, at her request, sign our names hereto in per <br />1 <br />n <br />1 <br />1 <br />Jude, in and for said County, do hereby* certify that on the 19 day of 1711ovember, A.D. 1905, <br />the instrument purnorting to be the last will and testament of Agnes pray j'3illar, deceased, was <br />filed fog° -f,robate in this Court. That on the 30 day of Novemlcier A.D. 1905, said instrument to <br />which this is attached was duly proved, probated, and allowed, as the last will and testament of <br />the said Ames Cray. li1illar, deceased, and the same ordered to be recorded in the records of <br />the Court aforesaid. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said <br />County Court, this 30 day of 11ovember, AD. 1005. <br />(SEAL} J.;I.?��,u11in, CoJudg ©. "" <br />The Court finds that the said Agnes Dray illar ..Taff at the time of her death the owner of an <br />undivided one -third interest in all of fractional 'clock ?;o. 17 in Charles Uasmer's Addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, , asraor's Third Ad- ".'Lition to Grand Island and lZas ner's Annex to First <br />Addition; also fractional block no. 10 in Woodbine Ad6_iticn to the City of Grand Island, and <br />fractional block no. 18, in violrell's Addis; ion to Grp >.nd Island, all in Hall County, Nebraska, asi <br />11 <br />i <br />,u,rveyed, platted and recarded, and that under the terms acid provisions of said last will and <br />testaent all of said real ests1e dad pass anu descend at the death of the testatrix, to Agie <br />,glary Davidson 2; illy r to have and to hold to her and her heirs and assigns forever. <br />J .H ..:,ullin, County Judge. <br />UNITED STATES OF A::ERICA. <br />State of Nebraska ) <br />)SS <br />County of hall ) <br />In the County Court of saki County. <br />I, J.FT. 11u11ir., Jude of the Count-:T court of said County, do here'r�T certify that the ar_r.exed; <br />instrument is a complete and correct copy of the Final Decree issued b;r said Court in the Natter !; <br />of the estate of Agnes Cray 7.illar, deceased, as the same is filed and recorded in my office. <br />In 7.1itness 71hereof, , I have hereunto set ir:y han(.l and affixed the seal of the County Court <br />of said County, at Grand Island, .,e'� pas :a, this 17th day of June, 1909. <br />J.H..r,ullin, <br />(SEAL) County Jud -e, <br />�i <br />Filed for record the 17th day of June, 1909 at 2 -30 PI. <br />County Clerk. <br />presence and in the presence <br />of each other as attesting witnesses. <br />Gay Cox. <br />R. R. Hortn. tr <br />And to this instrument . <br />is attached <br />the following certificate of Probate: <br />"" State of Nebraska ) <br />Hall County. ) <br />At <br />a session of the County Court held at the <br />County Court Room in <br />Grand Island, in said <br />County, <br />on the 30 day of No•: onil;rer A.T. 1909, present <br />J.H.1.1ullin, County <br />Judo -e.. In the matter <br />of the <br />estate of Agnes Gray i<illar, deceased. I, <br />J.LL. 1u11in, Courtty <br />1 <br />n <br />1 <br />1 <br />Jude, in and for said County, do hereby* certify that on the 19 day of 1711ovember, A.D. 1905, <br />the instrument purnorting to be the last will and testament of Agnes pray j'3illar, deceased, was <br />filed fog° -f,robate in this Court. That on the 30 day of Novemlcier A.D. 1905, said instrument to <br />which this is attached was duly proved, probated, and allowed, as the last will and testament of <br />the said Ames Cray. li1illar, deceased, and the same ordered to be recorded in the records of <br />the Court aforesaid. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said <br />County Court, this 30 day of 11ovember, AD. 1005. <br />(SEAL} J.;I.?��,u11in, CoJudg ©. "" <br />The Court finds that the said Agnes Dray illar ..Taff at the time of her death the owner of an <br />undivided one -third interest in all of fractional 'clock ?;o. 17 in Charles Uasmer's Addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, , asraor's Third Ad- ".'Lition to Grand Island and lZas ner's Annex to First <br />Addition; also fractional block no. 10 in Woodbine Ad6_iticn to the City of Grand Island, and <br />fractional block no. 18, in violrell's Addis; ion to Grp >.nd Island, all in Hall County, Nebraska, asi <br />11 <br />i <br />,u,rveyed, platted and recarded, and that under the terms acid provisions of said last will and <br />testaent all of said real ests1e dad pass anu descend at the death of the testatrix, to Agie <br />,glary Davidson 2; illy r to have and to hold to her and her heirs and assigns forever. <br />J .H ..:,ullin, County Judge. <br />UNITED STATES OF A::ERICA. <br />State of Nebraska ) <br />)SS <br />County of hall ) <br />In the County Court of saki County. <br />I, J.FT. 11u11ir., Jude of the Count-:T court of said County, do here'r�T certify that the ar_r.exed; <br />instrument is a complete and correct copy of the Final Decree issued b;r said Court in the Natter !; <br />of the estate of Agnes Cray 7.illar, deceased, as the same is filed and recorded in my office. <br />In 7.1itness 71hereof, , I have hereunto set ir:y han(.l and affixed the seal of the County Court <br />of said County, at Grand Island, .,e'� pas :a, this 17th day of June, 1909. <br />J.H..r,ullin, <br />(SEAL) County Jud -e, <br />�i <br />Filed for record the 17th day of June, 1909 at 2 -30 PI. <br />County Clerk. <br />