<br />MEL 00 0000 RMORM o L
<br />and the share to my son Frank A., is made larver than to any other child, sole'ybecause he is
<br />my only son and as such I have a lauda'.;le desire, to have him ably if qua'ifir and equip
<br />hir3!seli mentally for the stru r le of life " and carry forward my family, name with honorable success':,
<br />and trust all interested will acquiesce fully wit1,1 nie and in peace and harmony abide by the
<br />1
<br />terms and conrwitior_s of t ,is my last will and testament. Witness my hand and signature hereunto
<br />- i
<br />affixed this 22nd, day of February A.D. 1892 at larshallto�gn:, Iowa.
<br />Schuyler S . V'artman .
<br />The above and foregoing acl:nowled2ed, declared, uttered and published by the said Schuyler S.
<br />Wartman in our presence as his last =.,i11 and testae °.ent, an:z by him in our presence sig ed as such'
<br />and by us a-E his request as witnesses, signed by us in his presence and the presence of each
<br />other (said Document containin five - oages) at J':Aarshalltown, Iowa, this 22nd day of February,
<br />A.D. 1Ci;1F) .
<br />Andre;, E. Wilbur..
<br />Cassius M. Norton.
<br />ZNTitnesses .
<br />State of Iowa,
<br />Kossuth Count-y , "S .
<br />I, B. F. Crose, Clerk of the District Court of Iowa, in and
<br />for Kossu"Uh County, hereby certify that on the 18 day of December, 1894, the annexed instrument
<br />of writing, rurportir_ to be the last will and testament of Schuyler S. Waxtman late of Kossuth
<br />County, deceased, .-as duly proved anci allowed, in and by said court, and adri.itted to probate as
<br />such will, and recorded according to lay,, and: it is entitled to full faith and credit as such.
<br />Given under my hand ti-,ith the seal of the said Court her-to affixed, this 18 day of Dec.
<br />1894. B.F. Crose .
<br />Clerk of the District Court.
<br />(real of the district court ,Xossuth Co.)
<br />Filed Dec. 1, 1894.
<br />B.F. Cros e, Clergy: Dist. Court.
<br />In the District Court of the 27ta to of Iowa, in any. for Kossuth Co.
<br />In vacation.
<br />In the matter of the estate of)
<br />• ) CERTIFICATE.
<br />Schuyler S. Tart man, deceased )
<br />I, W.C.De :iel, Clerk of the District Court in and for said
<br />county and state, and custodian of the records and seal thereof, do hereby certify that of the
<br />foregoing sheets nurii --lers one to five both inclusive constitute ancl are a true, correct and con: -
<br />lete transcript of the last will and testament of the above nar.1led "'chuyle-r S. Wartman, deceased,
<br />together with the certificate of the Clerk of the above named court thereto attached showing
<br />that the said last will and testament was duly admitted to probate by said court on the day and
<br />1
<br />date named in said certificate; that sheet number six constitutes and is a full, true, and com-
<br />plete transcript of a certain order' thereafter, made by said court, and filed with the Clerk ther6-
<br />of on Dec. 26, 1894; that sheet number seven constitutes and is a full, true and complete trans-
<br />.
<br />crii:t of a certain decree filed nrith the Clerk of said Court June 4th, 1896; all as the same I
<br />now remain on file and of record in my office. I further certify that I have r�lade a careful
<br />!
<br />examination of all and singular° the rapers filed, proceedings had, and record or docket entries
<br />made, in my office in the matter of said estate, and that, after such examination, I find that
<br />on the 18th, day of December 1894, letters testament rim upon the estate of said deceased were
<br />issued to 1.4aggie 7vartnian as sole executrix of said estate, wl ich said letters have not since
<br />been revoked; that no co— executor of said estate has ever been appointed; that said executrix
<br />has given due notice of her apr;ointment to creditors and others, and that due hoof of the
<br />giving of said notice is on rile; that no unpaid clainis or costs appear against said estate.
<br />In witness whereof I have herourto attached Dry si ;nature and the seal of said court' this
<br />17th clay of July, 1006. (SEAL) W.C.Dewel, clerk.
<br />