i I lkzs�
<br />YLL AM 0M-N00 RMOR DD Mo. L,
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the sealrf the County Court of
<br />said County, at Grand Island, Nebraska, this 15th day of April, 1909.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />J. 11. Mullin.
<br />County Judg e.
<br />Filed for record the 15th day of April, 1909 at 4-50 P.M.
<br />County Clerk.
<br />L
<br />fl#z` _774f.9--ff #H 1+1 f-f-iff,
<br />Knowing well the uncertainty of life therefore: I, Maurice P. Sims, a resident of Addames
<br />County, Nebraski. do make publick and declare this to he my last will and testament: to -wit:
<br />First- That after my death all of my just debts medical and funeral expences shall be
<br />paid according the laws.of the State.
<br />Second - I give and bequeath to my son Elmer Sims, all of my undivided half interst in
<br />farme on widh he resides the same being the west half of section one (1) in tovmship eight (8)
<br />North of arng County of Adams and State of Nebraski-
<br />,,e ten (10) west of the sixth P. 14. in the Coun
<br />Fourth On account of cirtin transaction_ wareby my son George getes my farme at Lavm Ridge',
<br />'Illinois, the homestead, he at the same tiiue getes nearly all of his shaire of my estate with
<br />he has alreadey obtain- -
<br />Fifth Its my will that my farme in Hall County, Nebraski- being the North -vast quarter of
<br />section numtry thirty-five in tovmship number (9) North of Range ten, West of the six— princip-1,6
<br />i
<br />11edrien contairy 160 acres; is to be solde and turn— into cash as well as all of my persnel'-
<br />property and to be devided as follows- To my ti,,,o daughters Emlie Woodruff of Shiloah, New Jersey;':
<br />and Fannie Perkns of Peoria, Ill, to have thirty-five (3500) Hundred Dollers a peice and the
<br />balance to be devided equiley beteene.My four children Hier, Emlie, Fannie and George-
<br />I heaToy nominate and anoint my son Elinor Sims as sole Executer, without scuri"Ly of this
<br />my last will— testiment,- In :A,,it-ness whareof I set my hand and seal this eight_ of SeptemIt.
<br />1906-
<br />The foregoing inptruiriqn-L as sign by the said 1,11aurice P. Sims in our presance and�the)
<br />IV-'- A111
<br />�J
<br />presance of each other. Sidney Appling.
<br />Henry C. DyKeiaan.
<br />The State of Nebraska,
<br />)ss
<br />Adams County At a session of the County Court, held in and for said County., at
<br />the County Court Room, :h Hastings, on this 14th, day of December A. D. 1907.
<br />Present, Harry S. Dungan,
<br />Judge of the County Court.
<br />In the matter of the estate of
<br />1
<br />1-liaurice P. Sims, deceased.
<br />1, Harry S. Dungan, Judge of the County Court, in and for said Count7 !
<br />do hereby certify that on this 14th day of December, 1907, the instrument 'n g urportin to be the
<br />C>
<br />last will and testament of the said 'I'laurice P. Sins, deceased, iA,rhich was filed in this Court,
<br />on the 23rd day of November, A. D. 1907, and being the instrument to which this is annexed, was
<br />duly proved, approved, probated and allov,&d, as the last will and testament of the said Maurice
<br />P. Sims, deceased, in and for the State of Nbbraska; and was ordered to be recorded in the
<br />records of the County Court aforesaid.
<br />In Witness Vnereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of said Court to be
<br />affixed at Has-tings, this 14th day of December A. D. 1907. Harry S. Dungan,
<br />(SEAL) Judge of the County Court.
<br />