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201201147 <br /> Any appl'rcafioix of p3yinants, insuratnce procceds, or Miscollaaieous Proceeds to principnl ciue imdcr the Nofe <br /> shell not extentl or postpono tl�e dne date, or change the amoimC, oP,the Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. Pnnds fm•Eecrow ltems. Borrower shnll pny to Lender on tl�e duy Pariodic Payments nre due undc�r the <br /> Nota, unCil Cl�e Note is paid in full, a smn{the"Punds") to providC for paymant of unounts due for: (a) taxos <br /> and assessments and oShcr itcros which can akCain priority over thie Security lnstrument as a lien or <br /> encmnbrtuice on the Properly; (b) lcasolio1d paymenfs or ground rents on tho P�roperty, if a�ry; (o)pre�niums <br /> fc�r aiiy and all instuuice required 6y Lender under Sectiov 5; and(d) Mortgage InsLVe�nec pre;miwns, if vry, <br /> or any swns payable by Rorrower to Lender in lieu of the pay�neut of Mortgage Insnra�ice premiums in <br /> acCOrdenoe wiCh Chc provisinns of BecCion 10. These items zre called "Hhcrow Iteina" A} origination or aC <br /> auy tnne dming the tei7n of Lhe Loan, Lander inay require thak Comtnui�ity Associafirni Dues, Feas, wd <br /> AssessmenCe, if any, be escrowed Uy Borrower, and such dues, fccs and assessmenta shnll be an Escrow <br /> Item. Borrower shall pron�ptly furnis1l to],ender all notices of Amounts to be paid at�der fliis 3ection. <br /> Borrower shz11 pay Lender the Fm�ds for Escrow Items unless Lauder wnives Borrower's oUligation to pay <br /> tlie Fuuds for azry or all Eecrow Itema, Lender may waive Rorrower's obligakion to pey to I,ender Funds for <br /> any or all Fscrow Items at any Eime. Ang euch w�iver may ouly Ue in writing. In the event of such waiver, <br /> Borrowcr sl�all pay directly, when aud wl�ere pay�ble, the au�ounLS duc far•any Lscrow Itams Y'or wtuah <br /> paymeut nP Funde l�as Uce�1 waived Uy Lender and, if L�nder requires, shall fuenish to ]�nder receiptis <br /> evidenaing suck�p�y2nenl wilhin such tima period ns Lender inay require. Boxrower'a obligfl�ion to malw <br /> such payments uid to provide receipts shall for all pur�osc,e bo deemed to be a covenant and agceemen[ <br /> contained ii�thi� Security Instr-wneiit, as Yhapluase"covennnt and agreemoi�f" is used in Sectiou 9. If <br /> Borrower ia obligated to pay�sorow Itoms directly, pw�suaut to a waiver, and Borrower Pails to pay t71e <br /> aanowit due f'or an Escrow Item, Lender m�ty exerc7so its righte nnder Sectiion 9 and pay such amounC and <br /> Borro�ver sh<dl the�i Ue oUligated mider Section 9 to repay to Le�idrn�any such a�nount. Lander m�y revoke <br /> the waiver as to any oi� all F�crow Items a�t fury tinie by a nokce given in accordancc with Section 15 aud, <br /> upon such revooafion, Borrowcr eha11 pay to Lender all Funds, and in such amounte, tliat aro tl�on required <br /> under tliis Section 3. <br /> Lender m1y, nC 2i�y ti�ne, collcct ar�d hold Pmids in an vnouuY(A�) sufficient to permif Lender tio apply the <br /> Fmids at Ehe Yinie apecified under R�SPA, wd(U) not to exceed the inazciinum flmount n lender e�n require <br /> undeT RESPA. Lender shall estimato Yhe amount of Pimds due on thc basis of currenC datia aAid reasonable <br /> estimates of expendihires of fiiLiue L+.scrow ItcmF or otherwise in accordance with Applicable Lflw. <br /> The Funde shnll be held in mi inatiCuCion whose dcposits are insm�ed by a Yederal Agenoy, instrumenCnlity, or <br /> cntity (inclnding Lender, if Lender is nn insritution whose depoeits are so insured) or in any Fedei<�1 IIome <br /> Lozn Baulc. Lender shall apply the Fuuds to ptiy the Escrow Items np latcr tUav tho rime specified mider <br /> I2ESPA. Lencier shall n<rt al�argc Rorrower for holding aud epplying the runde, am�ually analyzinb the <br /> escrow aecount, or verifying lhe Escrow Ito��ib, unless Lender pays Borrower interesC on flTe Fmids and <br /> AppllcaUla L,aw peril�its Lender to make such a charge. iJn1ese a�7 agreeinent is made in writing or <br /> ApplicaUla T,aw requires interesC to ba paid on the Punds, Lender shall nc�t Ue reqnired to pay BorL•ower any <br /> interest or e2rniiige on thc Funds. Borrower and Lender oen egree in wri6ing, however, that interesC sliall Ue <br /> pud on the P'unds. Lender shnll give ��o Borrowe�, without cl�arge, an aimufll accounting o£th�Fmicis tts <br /> r�tiiirod by RESPA. <br /> If there is a sur�lus o£Ftwds helcl in eacrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall aocounY Yo Borrower for <br /> the excess funds ii� acoorda�ice wifli R�SPA. I'P tihere is a sllorttige oP Fmide held in esarow, as defined tuider <br /> RESPA, Lender shall noCify Borrower as reqnired by RESPA, And Borrower shall pay ln Lemder th�amotmt <br /> necessary to make up the shorcage in accordanco witl� RN'3PA, Uut in no inore flinn 12 monthly payui�nte, If <br /> tliere is a deliciency of Funds held in escrow, as deCncd undcr I2ESPA, Lender ahall notify Borrower es <br /> zn0002�s <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Femlly-Fennle 1.4aelFreddle Mae UNIPORD.q INSTRUMENT form 302b 1707 <br /> VM P� VM PB�NE)(1105 <br /> Wolters Muw er Flnanclal Servlces Pege 6 of 1� <br />