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201201147 <br /> 23. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all eums seci�red by this SeouriCy H�strument, f.ender eha11 reguast <br /> Trustco tn rnconvcy tho Prope��ty and sha11 surrander til�is Security Insh�ument and all noles ovidcmcing dcbt <br /> secured by this Seourity Instnunent to 1'rustcc. `I'�ustoa shall reconvey the Piroperry without warrnnLg[o fhe <br /> person or persons legally entitled to it. Such person or persous shall pay any recordation cosYs. Lander m�y <br /> charge auch person or peraons a fee for reconveying the Proper�y, UuC uvly if the fee is paid to a thu•d party <br /> (yuch as Uie TrasYee) for servioes rendereci and the clierging of the fee is pennitYod uuder Applicable Law. <br /> 2a. 5ubstitu4e Trustiee. Lendei, nt its option, may fiom time W truio rcmov�Trustee aaid apt�oint a suocessor <br /> trustee to any Trustea�appointed hereundar by an insE�umenC xeoorded in tl�e counry in wlvch tliis Security <br /> Tnatrwn��t is recorded. Witliout conveywca�of Yha Property, the succesear 6i'usCee shall succced to all tho <br /> title, power uid diriies oonfcrred upon 'Crustee herein a�id by Applicable La�ua. <br /> 25. Request foY NotiCes. Borrower reques[s lhat copies of Che nofice uPdeCaLilt and sale Ue sent to Borrower's <br /> address which is the Property AdcLess. <br /> zaooae�a <br /> NFRRASKA-9ingle Famlly-Fannle MaelFreddle Mac UNIFORM IN9TRUM EN7 Porm 8026 1/01 <br /> VM I'� VM P6(NE)(1106) <br /> Wollefs Kluwer Finenaful Scrvieas Poge l6 of V <br />