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+ ns�:.Y.i.:c:iafl`,rG.t�`��. ,{�::sb�'G:�i:idNIY�W�YWiXi{x... .._.�_���.T.__°---.:... .... <br />-��� . . 92� �.Oit�o <br /> 17.Tr�nsfor of flre Proprdy or a Tknetki�t inlm�at in Horronra If all or any p9n of tiw Proqeny or ony it�torul!o it <br /> Is sold or trensfcrrtd(or it a Beneticiul intercse In Borrox�:r is xolA or trnsfcrrod t�nd Oorm��xr is not a roturul{xrcnn aitllpul <br /> 'l:cndcr's prior wducn conscn�, I,c�der maY. at I�s op�lon, ra ulrc Immntlato pnynxm In full o(nll snnls xtut 6y il�ls <br /> Smid�y inummcnt.Howcvcr,Ihis oMlon shall ia�ba ucrcluJ�y Lc�dcr if cxcrclso is pmhibitccl6y f�deml lnw ns af thc dxlo <br /> �� -�' atthlsSxud�y Inst�unxm. ---- <br /> � If Lender ezercises�his opilon,4endcr sl�all sb�e Ikttroacr nollcc nf ncttlention.7'he nalco shail pmvide a pednd of not <br /> Icu thm :�0 days from tho datc the iwlicc is dclirand ar nulltd wi�hin w19d� Anrro�cer mau pay nll iums stcurccl by this <br />..- - Securi�y Insttunxnt.lf Rnttoxer fails to pay thesa sunu pdor to thu exp;mUnn nt this perird,l.ender mny invnka any rcmalles <br /> permlttM by�hls Secudiy Ins�tunxm wlihout funhcr nmlto or dcmanJ nn Rnrm�rcr. <br /> !B. RorroNer's Xtght io Rdiat�le. If tforro��cr mcets cenain w:idiiions. Itnrmxxr SI131I IIiYC tI1C fI$Ill t0 I1�YC <br /> --� cnfurttmcnl of thls S�.�tvd�y lnslmnum dismnNnnaf a�nny Umc pdor�o ihe cadlcr of: (a)5 days (or euch o�hcr pcdnd �is _ <br /> applicable Inw mry spttity tor rcinit�temem) beforo 4�Ie ot�Le Pro�rty pursuam �o nny {axcr of Ulo mmained in ihis <br /> SanBty Instmmem:or @)eNry of a JudgMent cotorcing this Secudty nstrunxm.T1�ou mndi�lonc aro thn Ilorrower.(o)pays <br /> -= Lender.Il sums whlch t6en would tw due wa3er this Secudty Insirunxnt ,nd the Note as if no nceeleration had occutted; (l�) <br /> curcs nny default of any o�her wrecuus or ag�c�ens:w:<cl paYs all expe:ises incumd in enforeing this Secudiy Ins�mmeM, <br /> incinding, but nnl Ilmttal to, n�avoeuble uror[x)'s' fe��s;arnf(d)ta5:es wch action as Le+eder m;ry rtasonably rttrylte lo assuro <br /> -- �ha�Ihc Ilen of t1�is Sccudiy lnumnxr.t.LemSer s d3hu in tt.a Propeny and Borro���er s abliz�xeon ro pa�tl�o sums savrcd by <br /> - <br />