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<br /> _�:j ' ' _' '' -u.:= t -� y( �".
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<br /> ' ��'S�h ,��<<�>�r��SfY1yw� M�y'K'�li�'�V�\v� rl_l ____ ) j f
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<br /> TVOIiYHlilt 1V17lS�ll ihe Iny+rovtn�tms now or Ixru(tot eratcd on tho properly,wxt all easemcros,sppune+unas,snd . .
<br /> fixiura trow an c�rca0tt o ptrt of tM propcny. All rtpixc�mnts nnd adAi�ions shal� aim hc cnvertd by this Stcurity �
<br /> � inucumm.!.All ottlto Porc�.altlg(s rcferrod to In ihis Stcuriiy Insuunxnt ns dio'Pro}xny."
<br /> $CfRROWER COVANANTS thet Borrox•er is lawfulty selsed ot tlm esiam 6ercby mnveycd ud has iho r(ghf to gruU ud
<br /> oonxry tla Propeny ud tlui4 Wo Prolxny is muncumlxrcd,exr.c{,i for enambnnccs of rtsnrd.Horrower warrants aM wlll
<br /> defaW geoenlly the tfile to tho Propeny agninst nil daims and demar.Ax,suLJa�to ony eceumbrancu of record.
<br /> TIIfS SCCURtTY 1NSTRUhtIiNT mmbincs unifomi mvrn�nts for naUonal uu a�d non•unifomi mvcnants wiih Ilmilsd
<br /> vAri�Hous by Judsdlalon to mns�il�rto n uniform scuidry imtrmnent covedng rcai propeny.
<br /> UNIPOR6S COVBNANTS.Oorco�scr a�d Lcndar covenant�r.d ngrcc u tolb�vs:
<br /> 1, pa��»eM pt Ainctppi ami Inlet�est� 1'rqrymmt r�nd Iste Ch�rges. Iiorrower shall promp�ly pay when duo �Be,
<br /> pdncipal of and Imertst on the dcbt evidenad by tl�a Note and any prcpaynxm and late chargcs duc undcr the Note.
<br /> 2. I+untk for'Y'axes 7�nd I�urtmte� SubJec�to appiicable imv or to a wri¢en watvr,r hy I.ender. IIOifOIYCf SII:III Pay{0
<br /> Lendcr on thoday monthly paynxnts nroAue uncicr ihc NMe,unlll�he Nae is paid in full,a sum('Fua�isry for.W)ycady tues
<br /> and uxssnKliis which nuy altaln prlori�y over thls Securiry Instrunxr.c as a liea o¢eEee Propeny;@)yeatiy IeasehoW paym�+tu
<br /> ce p/cui�ruus on�he i'ro�crty,if:+ny;(c)ywrly hmard or propeny i¢vlraece prcnuums:fd?Ycariy Rced insurance gcem3ums,
<br /> [f any:(e)y�euty awrtgago insuranco prcmiums, If any:and(�any wms psyable by 8orrou�ar w Lem3er, in accordaxxw�vith
<br /> tM:provisions of puagteph 8. In Iia�of�dr.paymer.t of nwng�ge iasurar.ce prcmiunu.TRes.itenu az�caitea!'fscrovr irems.'
<br /> I.ender niay, at xny tlme,mllecl anQ hotd Fueits in an amount rut to exn�d �h: nuxirteum aniount a terxi:r for a faMrally
<br /> rclatnl nwng�ge loan may rcqaire for Berrower s acrox account un�+er the fedtnl Real Estare SetHeuxm Pttuuturcs Ac�of
<br /> 1974 as amended(ront 8nx to time, 12 U.S.0 Sxrion 260t rt seq.('RFSPA"),unless artotAer la�r tMM applic:m t6c funds
<br /> seis a lesser anwunt. If m, Lcndcr m�y, a�any time, collu�and hoid Punds in an nnx+unt nm tn cscad the hc�er amoum.
<br /> I.eide�may alinute the arnouni of Fumis d�4 an the basis of cuRent data and rcasonablc es�ima:es of oxp;ndfmres of fu�urs .
<br /> Cscrow Itcnu or ahcrwisa In attmdance wi�h:n,plicablc law.
<br /> The �uMs shall be heid In an inctitutian whose depos0s are insnnd by a frderal agency, ins�mmentality, or enti�y
<br /> (including Lcndcr,if I.cnder is mch an tnsliw�ioN or in any Pcdcrel Nome Loan 6ank.l.ender sh:Jl apply�hc Funds to pay�he �
<br /> F.scrow ftcnu.Lender may not ohuge Dortarer for holding and applying�he�unds, annueliy analyxing�he cserov�account,or
<br />- vedtying the Escrow I�ems,uNess Lender pays F3orrower interest on�he Funds and applicabie law pemiits I.enAcr to n�ake such
<br /> a charge. Ilowever, Lender nuy rcquire I3orrower to pay a one-tlnx cl�z�e for an indepzndem real esiate�az rcponing urvia
<br />�. uud 6y f.ender im m�nection �vith this i�rs, unlcss applicable law pmvides othen�ise. Unless an agrcenxnt ia made or
<br />- appticable law rcqu(res intercsl to be paiA, Lender shall no1 be rcqufrod ro pay Rarower any inures�nr avntngs on Ihe�nnds. -
<br /> i Bortower and Lcndcr may agrx in wri�ing,howcver,that interest shall be patd on the Funds. l.endcr shall give m Dorcowcr.
<br /> without charge, an annual accomning of the�unds, showing crcdi�s and debits�o ihc�unds�M the pmpose for which cach
<br />� dcbit to inc PunJs wu mada Tnc Funda arr pizdgcd m nddiiiunal xsvrity iui a1i iu���i iitiiiai by ik6�u�iiy L-sGv�TRst.
<br /> If the FunJs held by Lender ezeced Oie amounts pemiiued�o be held by applicable law. Lender shall account�o I3ortower
<br /> � for�he exttss�unds in acmrcianee wi�h the raryirements of applicabie Iaw. If ihe amount of�he funds held by Lender at any
<br />_ �ime{s not su(ficlem�o pay�kc G.crow I�enu when due,lendcr may m naify 6orto�vcr In writing,and,in such c,�se 6orrowcr -
<br /> s9�a11 qay to Le�der tho en�oum necessary to make up 7Ue 4:iciency. Borcox�er shall nuke up the defidency in no more Ihan --
<br /> - tweh�e montidy yaynxnts,af 1.enAci s mic discretion.
<br />- Upon paymcm in (ull of all sunu secund by�hi.Shuriry Inswmen4 Lender shall prompdy rcPond to ftorrowxr any _
<br />-- PurAs held by Ltnder.If,under pamgtaph 2l,ixnder shall acquim or sell the Propeny,Lendar,prior to ihe acqulsi�lon or sale -
<br /> ot tCr Property, shall appiy:m}Funds helG by l.ender at the timu of acquisi�ion or sale as a credit agalnst�he sunu secured by =�
<br /> ! �hisSccuri�y Ins�mmcm. --
<br /> - 3.Applleatlon of Pnymen6.Unlas enli.abte law provides othernise.all payments reccived by Lender under paragraphs -
<br /> , 1 and 2 shall be xppilM:firs4 to any prepngm.nt charges duc unJCr ihe 5ae: secanJ,to amoumc payable under paragraph 2: -
<br /> third,to imeresl dee:founh,to prindpzl due:anJ Iu4 to any Ime char�v_:.WC under the Nute. ��
<br /> 4.Charges;Ltci�s. Ik+rrov:zr shall pay all taxcs, asatssmcros,charges, fines and iaipositions auributable�o�he Property
<br /> whlch may auain priori�y o1�ec�his Secudty Inswment, xn:l Ir.tsehuld pTymems nr grwnd rems,if any. Uorro�rer shall pay �-
<br /> these obligaiions In the mannei provided in puag�aph 2,nr ii nm paid in�hxt manncr,fbrtower shall pay thcm on ttmc directly .
<br />. ro the person o�Ui paymem. florrowcr shall promp�ly fumish in Lender.i!1 no�itts uf aimun�s to Fr paid under�his paragraph. _
<br />. If[lorcower mxlr,ihese paymer.is dircaly, Dnrrmv.r chall prnmp�ly furni:h�o Lcnder receipt+e���:n:ing the payments. -
<br /> Ilorrower sAall prompily discharge any lien�ehich hcc priori�y o}.r�his Securite L:>trument unlrss Qovox�cr.(a)agrces in
<br /> �,riting m�he paymem of�he obliga�ion securcd by�he lian in a manner aacpta6l.w L.nder. �bl mntests in gond faith Ihe lien _
<br />. by, or defenJx against rnforccment o(�he lien in. Icgal prxenlingx ahlih in �hr Ladcrb npir.ion operalc to prevenl thc -
<br /> Cn(orcemcnl uf cik lien;or(c)secures fran Ite halder af Ihc licn an acrcrmcnl sxlisLnlon lo LrnJ.r suboNineling IhC lien to -
<br />._ IIl(5 SMUfII)' It�4nrtIM11�. I(Lc11JH dCl¢fntlnCS�hai any pan of ihr Prupr.q is wbjca m a lirn uM1i:h may auain priorily ovcr
<br /> this Securily Insirmn.nl.I.ender may gire 6ivro�ccr a nrni.c iJemifrins �F:.licn.Rorrmcer �.ha71 xm.fy thc lien ar�ake one or --
<br /> more of the nctinm xt(onh ahose wi�hin 10 dayti n(Ihc gicinE nf nntice.
<br /> Form 3020 9190
<br />- Ppe]o�b �.
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