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�� � lt:. . �f)• �_ �jf."�"r'�.4 . '§�Iriv�-'�yd•:a.r+C1}'+n�mn r :.. . _. ... <br /> s:��.f123HGB/.{�'��.•G:.:�•ax'NZUS�.frrsAGA:iw'HI+�i:W«w=.... ._ .�;:_.-=. . , <br /> _�i_ _. _ "-. . ."__ '_" <br /> 9��» 110Q8� <br /> 7(X7f3THTiR WITfi all�hc improvcmrn�s now on c�ra�itcr crcc�ul on tl�c property.nnA nll cascmcros,appuncn;mces, <br /> and tixNres now or herafier a pnn of�ho propeny. All rcpincements nnd additions shall nlso lw covercd by�61s Secudty <br />� Instmnxnl. All Of�iW foztguing�s ref.rr•d�o in this Sccud�y insimmcm ns iht"fYopeny." �-- <br /> BORRQW4R COVGNANTS�hnt Oorrowcr is lawfully sciseA of thc cs�a�c hemby canvcycd and hns ihc dSM to grarl <br /> and tonvcy tho I'ropeny and ihat thc Propeny is ancncumbercd,cxccpt for cneumbrnnccs af rccnrA. pormwcr warrams and <br /> wlll deCend generaliy�ha�iile to the Propeny ngninsl nll clnimx nnd Aemands,cu6jccl tozny encnmUnnces of record. . <br /> Tf119 SGCURITY INS7RUMCNT combinex unifom� eovenams for na�tonnl uxe nnd nmi•uniPomi co��enants wlih <br /> Iimlicd varlaqons 6y Jndsdictlon lo mnFtliutc n unifarm sccuri�y instmmcm covcrfng rcal propcnY• <br /> UNIPORMCOVANAN7'S. RottowcrnnAl.cndcrcovcnnntnndngrwasfulluw,: _. <br /> pflnci p�al o�nd inurespi o�n lio deb�c id nccd�y�I1c Note anA nny prepayment anA In e�cl nrges duc nnderili�o Noteen due�ha <br /> 2. Flmds for'Ikzaend Insnrance. SudJai w applicnble law or io a wditen waivcr Ny 4endcr,[3ortower shall pay to _ <br /> Lender on tUc day momidy paymcros nrc duo under�he Notc,until thc No�c Is paid in full,n sum("Nndi q Por.(a)yenrly <br /> taxes nnd essesxmems whtch mny anatn pdori�y over tl�is Secudty Insuumem as a Iicn on the Propeny;(b)yearly leasehold <br /> paymems or ground rcms on the Ropeny, If nny; (c) yeady hamrd or propeny Insurnnce prcmiums; (d) yearly (load <br /> Insura�e pmmlums, if any: (c) ycady mongagc insurancc prcmiums. If eny;and (0 nny sums pay,blo by Rorcoxnr to <br /> LenCer,in zccordance with the pcovistons of para6raph 8,in Iieu of�hepayment of mottgaSe insumnco premiums. 'fP.ese <br /> items u.called'Escrow irems." 4ender may,m nny�ima collect and hoid f'vnds in aa amount nm�o oxceed the muimwn <br /> a�wunt a lender Por a fedcmlly mla:ect mongage loan may rcquirc (or Qortower�s escrow account under th�;federal Rezl <br /> Gstate Senlement Procedures Act ot 1974 as anunded from time lo tlme, 12 U.S.C.3 2601 d s�q.P'RL•SPT").unfess another � <br /> Iaw that applies w�he Punds sels n Icsser amount. If so.Lender may,a�any�ime,coilect and hold!•Lnds in:ut ama:nt not�o <br /> exce.<�elx ksser amount. Lender may cstinnte thc amoum ot f�nds Aue on the bvcis of curtent dua ,nd rcasonab:e _ <br /> q3�Hnates a.cpendilurcs of fmure 8s=row Items et ah�nrise in xmrdance with appticable lavi. <br /> 7'he�cr.ds shall Ix held in an insti�upon �ahose d.posits ue insurtd by a lecknt agency.instmmcntali�y,or entiry <br /> (including Lender,if I.ender fs such zn institation}or in nny Federal Home Lwa Bank. Lender snx!t n;�iy cix Eem6 ra�y <br /> �he L.aarow I�ems. Lender may not ch�rge Ourto��rr for holding and applying �he PonJs,am::�alig aaalTzing�he escrow <br /> accoum,e� vedtying Ihe Cscrow Items,unless Lcir,kr pays �ortower intens� on ihe Funds and ap�ia+bk la�c pereaiu <br /> l.ender N R�ake such a charge. No�ce�er,Lender may require Dortox�er lo pay a ono-time chuge lor an inJependrnt rr+1- <br /> estate taz RFoning service used by Lender in eonnec�ion�vi�h this loan,unless applicable Imv provida o�henvise. Unlecc:r.� <br /> agrcemenl is madc or applicnble law requires in[crost to he paid,I.cnder shall no�be rcquired to pay OoROwer any inceres�m <br /> eamings on the I�nds. Dottower and Lender may agrec in wri�ing,howevcr,�hat tntehst shall bc paid on�he Ponds. l.cnder <br /> . shall give to➢ottowe�,��-iihout charge,an annual accoundng of�he I'vnds,showing cmdits and debi�s to the Nnds and�he <br /> � purpose for wfiich eacA Arbil to Ihe Funds was made. 'fTe Ponds ere pledged as addi�lonal securily Por all sums secumd by <br /> this Sccudry inswment. <br /> If �hr Fur.d> held by Lender es�tii�he amoums pemiitted m be held by npplicnb:c law. Lendet shall aecount io <br />- ➢ortower tor�ia excesc nmiis in amordnnc. witn ii.c i2Gd�F�u2r.:of applirable la::�. lf 1ti'x.^.eeunt e({hg[q���.F J�t M1c . <br /> Lender ei any tlme Ic rtu:s�d�ciem to pay�tie EscNS+ Uemx when due.Lender may so rtotify Oottower ln���riting,anl,ia� _ <br />- such case Oortower shall FaY to Lcndcr�he nmunnc nmssary to make up O�c deficienry�. Qorrower�xf( make up Ihe _ <br /> - deficlency in no more�h:n t���eh�c mentlity paymems,a�Lender�s sole discrciion. -.. <br />--- Upon paymem in full o(all scs�s uwrcd by�his Securiry Instrument.Lender.hali ptoaiptly refund Io�ortower any =. <br /> Nnds helJ by lander. If,under pangraph 21.Lender shall ncquirc or sell the I'ropeny, Lendzr,prior�o�he acquisi�iai er _.. <br /> sale of�he Propeny,shall apply xny Nnds held by Lender a��he time of acquisilion or salr a�a crcdil agalnsl the sums <br />-� securcdby�hisSaurilylnswment. '"- <br /> 3. Application ot Paymcnls. applicab!c law provides othernise, nll paymrnts received by Lender under - <br /> paragraphs I and 2 shall be npplfed:first.�o nny prcpayment charges due undcr the No�e,semr.d.�o nmoums payable under _ <br /> paragrep42:�hird,to interest due,fouuh,to prinapal Jue:anA lac6�o any late chargesdue under�he hota _ <br />�- 4. Chntges= Liens. Ourto�crr �hall pay�II �axes,, chnr6a, fines nnd impositions auribwable �o tfie <br /> Roperty which may nt�ain pdodry o��er�his Seeuri�y tnsuumem.nnd leasehold pTymeNa or ground rcn�s,if any. 6ortoocr - <br />` ahall pay�hese oblig.r.ions in ihe manncr provided in paragmph 1,or if not F:i:l in ihx�manner,UoROwer ehalt pay�hem on - <br />�-. dmc dlree�Iy�o ihc arsn oweA paymem. OorroN�cr shall promp0y fnmish in Lender cll no�iccs o!amonncs to be pald undtr <br /> Ihis parzgraph. (f Dorto��er makex ihese p�ymems dircc�ly, Oorton�er shall pmmptly fumisM1 m Lender rcceipis evidencing �. <br />° �he payrt:enu. ��` <br /> IIorroo�cr shall prnmptiy dischxrzr any licn�rhich has prioriry over this Security Inslrumrne imless�ortaver.(a)agrecs <br />-- In writing tu the paymem of the obliga�ion secured by�he licn in a manner nccep�able to I.ender,@)contes�s in good fai�h�M1e �:�. <br />- Ifen by,or defends ngains�enfonement o(�he Iten in,legal proceedings whicA in�he Lender�opinion opeia�e�o prcvem�M1e = <br /> enforcement of�he Ilen;or(c)secuus trom the 6older of�he lien an agrcemem sa�i�fxcmry io Lender sutn�n4ina�ing the lien - <br /> �o�his&emity Inswmem. 1f LereLr efecemiines�ha�any pan of the ic xnbjec� �n a lien which may auain prioriry = <br /> over lhi,Securily Inslrumcnl, may givc 6ortowcr n no�im idcmifying ihc licn. Bor�m�cr shall sa�is(y Ihe licn or ta4e -- <br />- one or more of ihe ac�ions set(onh abnvr within 10 days o(�he giving of noticr. _ <br /> 5. FlaTard or Properly Insurnnce. Dorto���cr shall kcep�ha improvc�r,ems nu���rxisiing or hercafter erected un�Ea <br />- Propeny insured egainst loss by fire.h:�z:udc incluAed within the iemi"exter.Je:cm'tr.+ge"anJ any olher hizards,including -; <br /> nooa:or naoa�„s,r���md, Lcr.dtr reqmrc+ uuurancc. Thi>in.unnrc ..i•af: hr meinlaineJ in Ihe amouNS and for t"c - <br />�" f�rm W:d 9.90 r r.n b i� ��. <br /> 1'�% � / MX� <br /> >1_ - 1^� i.ItSY`#NM,Sr:•rl�\P•.9ar /r_�� ,p. . > •..t.: . ._ b:l�.tT� •Tf.'?._, . . �.[...:.�_' .."G.—' . �r.:1��� <br /> " ' _ :.i; , _ . . <br /> _ _ '�._'t"._ _ _ . . . - <br /> _ d(, " <br /> 1_ _ <br /> : � �� (44(. ' ' <br /> .1. -g� ... . _ <br /> ::;==i',- . . . . _ <br /> �:;.:': .;�,- . . <br />.f:i� =i 'K� - � - -- - <br />:�„ _ . ,. .,. - - - " - � , . - . _. <br /> - t-` _ _ ' tyr _ <br />.,. �.r 1 :�. ._,.o.. <br /> �. , . <br /> ) •� + <br /> _ f3 i � _ ' ' ( . - _ <br /> ; . .. .. ' , .?,.rsu� < t�`:•_., . , . _ _ . _ . . � `.. _.L,:'�� � �.. .. 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